A generational divide, seen in newer lawmakers’ impatience with bipartisanship and for colleagues who don’t understand new media, has emerged as one of the deepest rifts within the party.
My impression is that contrary to the headline, this isn't a young vs old thing, but a follows-the-news vs doesn't-follow-news thing
I'm in my 40s. When people call me young I know they're not just old, they feel lost in the modern world.
Also yes, I am fuming. (And no, while I'll still vote for a Democrat to get rid of the fascists if ever given another opportunity, I would never again call myself a Democrat.)
I was seeing posts weeks ago about "how do you expect the Democrats to do anything if you don't vote them into power" , and I see this and get mad thinking, this is why people aren't voting for you, this is why so many voters are mad at you, you have the power to do something, anything and your reply is "I'm sorry I called the GOP bastards" when the GOP has no problem calling you literal baby eaters.
Shockingly enough, there's things called "primaries" where you can show the fuck up and get these fossils out for people who actually act in the best interest of their citizenry.
This assumes the party allows a primary challenger to any arbitrary seat. Usually they don't for safe seats. Or at risk seats. Or any seats where the currently elected member is making them money.
Part of me is hoping that Schumer is the designated fall guy for this bit of political theater. Another part is wondering who that theater would benefit.
Sometimes I wish I never learned critical thinking.