Did trump himself price these? The 3 pack is more expensive than 3 singles.
19 0 Replycygnus
If MAGAs could do math they would be very upset.
16 0 ReplyP00ptart That's the special, bigger package, with extra package! That one REALLY shows how much you love trump!
15 0 ReplyHikingVet That is on brand.
2 0 Reply
Mutterwitz The single 1.7 oz bar costs 3.99 and a pack of 3 costs 12.99?
MAGA pricing I guess...
Also wondering why they called the big one Mega Bar instead of MAGA Bar
11 0 ReplyHobbes_Dent Most Americans would let the president fuck their partners.
Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
10 1 ReplyRejZoR Would be super ironic if it was made in Canada using cocoa from South America...
8 0 ReplyIamsqueegee What store is this displayed in!
7 0 ReplyP00ptart I would put these facing out against a window. Maybe lose the AC for an hour or so.
5 0 Replycourageousstep I bet it’s that shit chocolate that tastes like chemicals and is dyed brown. The same stuff you find in cheap, premade Easter baskets.
4 0 Replybouncing_blob Mmmm hydrogenated palm oil
2 0 Reply
Steal one just so you can throw it away
3 0 ReplyThatuserguy The real crime here is not calling the big bar the "Maga Bar". Like come on, stupidity of this aside, the joke was right fucking there.
3 0 ReplyFluffy_Ruffs 4 bucks for a single chocolate bar? What a rip off for what is likely run of the mill trash chocolate. There couldn't possibly be a better spokesperson on the wrapper.
2 0 ReplyA_norny_mousse
I struggle to imagine that somebody would put one of those on the coffee table when they're entertaining guests.
2 0 ReplyTreczoks When their welfare check no longer comes, his fans will no longer be able to afford such stuff.
1 0 Replybouncing_blob Did that one on the right gain sentience and yeet itself off the top shelf?
1 0 Reply