These motherfuckers, sitting there with their useless signs while the orange man rants and raves and belittles them. It’s goddamn embarrassing and disillusioning. They should’ve stood up with representative Al Green and walked out in solidarity when he was ushered out by the sergeant at arms. removed. removed all around.
Congress was in session, that day March 4th it took no less than 80 actions, and Republicans can only afford to lose one person's vote if every Democrat votes nay.
People leaving is the same as giving Republicans to pass whatever they want.
In uncertain times people cling to rules even more. To contrast the insanity of the world with a something familiar. To just "do your job" even when your entire institution has been subverted and twisted. It was like that in Germany, too.
The democrats didn't do anything wrong! Who could have known doing nothing to help your constituents and also facilitating genocide is unpopular?
If only there was some historical precedent to tell us whether trying to be the "moderate, reasonable, competent republicans" will get republicans to vote for you or if it just lowers turnout.
I have a criticism of the DNC platform. What’s your Party Approved way for me to submit the complaint to you, Your Righteousness? Or is all criticism WongThink™?
We did the right thing by abstaining. We sent a message to the Democrats. We cost them the win, and they took genocide off the party platform. In fact, Kamala Harris is starting a movement to impeach Donald Trump. We did it!
After the past seven weeks you can't be serious. Nazi USA sending people to concentration camps, making being trans illegal, freezing all foreign aid, putting an unelected billionaire in charge of dismantling government programs so billionaires can get even more tax breaks, and sending the economy into a huge recession, while supporting the complete genocide of Palestine and leaving Ukraine to Russia == tepid support for Israel's genocide and none of the rest of those things.
Those are the same regardless. Do you hear yourself?
You all get that there are still a lot of elected Democrats right? I know the Democratic party has operated for the last 20 years as if the presidency is the literal only thing they need to bother to run for, but there are actual elected officials that we expect to Serve the People. Which I know is a shocker to you liberals because anything that's not serving solely the interest of the bankers is probably upsetting to you.