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Placebonickname Gotta be one of the biggest/fastest drops in a company’s stock value since Cutthroat Island opened in theaters.
39 0 ReplyEndymion_Mallorn
Which is really upsetting, because that was a good movie and the SNES game was great.
13 0 ReplyPlacebonickname Movie was fun, it just didn’t do well as far as sales go and it was expensive - so it’s considered a “box office bomb”.
7 0 ReplyMelodiousFunk
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4 0 ReplyEndymion_Mallorn
I was recently reminded of it because of the vid, but the game always was, and is, fun.
3 0 Reply
Hey fuck you Geena Davis is a treasure and I love Cutthroat Island and I just want my childhood back!
2 0 ReplyPlacebonickname Yeah, I like Gina Davis and I like the movie but the truth is that money never made back what it cost to film it, sorry!
2 0 Reply
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