Azathoth For the curious that is very much Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins.
44 0 ReplyHeyThisIsntTheYMCA
And he deserves the comparison
5 0 Reply
OldManBOMBIN Even worse, that's Billy Corgan holy shit. He looks like a raisin that's been soaking in bleach for a month.
29 0 Replywatson387
I saw them a couple years ago. They still put on a good show, but Billy Corgan was always a douche.
16 0 Replyjabathekek
Caillou was also a douche... strange...
8 0 ReplyOldManBOMBIN Nooo, surely not.
6 1 Replyjackeryjoo Huge, huge douche
2 0 Reply
Taleya Time marches, get over it
10 0 ReplyOldManBOMBIN Time is fascist and I hate fascists. Are you sympathizing with fascism? HMM??
3 0 Reply
gon [he]
Bill Burr?!
14 0 Replyarotrios
Despite all my rage I still cannot act my age.
9 0 ReplyBmeBenji So glad he beat the cancer!
4 0 Replypsmgx Nah man that's Elmer Rudd when he's not hunting rabbits
4 0 ReplyMycatiskai One Punch Man
4 0 ReplyMeldrik
He looks a bit like the guy who is the voice of Agent 47 from the Hitman games.
3 0 ReplyJohnDClay I liked him better when he still had his testicle beard.
3 0 ReplyAggravationstation Billy Corgan is proof that the world is indeed a vampire.
2 0 ReplyCaptnNMorgan Each day I grow some more, I'm Cai-----llou
2 0 ReplyKombatWombat Guess growing up was kinda tough after all
2 0 Replythe_crotch 1 0 Reply