There was was some news about big deal on LNG between Canada and EU, because US used to be a big supplier and I don't think that will be the last none. Things are afoot,
It's not just the standards. It's also that we use central planning for these sectors which allows for small farms distributer around the country to survive along with the communities around them. If we let the free market deal with it, it'll all get reformed into large factory farms with the surplus value extracted away from the local communities and into large capital owners. Then our rural farming communities get plunged into poverty.
As far as I understand it, that system is also why our eggs still cost normal amounts. (If a farm has to cull their birds because of avian flu, it's not millions of chickens.)
Export tax on eggs to the US please! Let them figure out why there aren't any eggs in the store instead of making prices rise in Canada/Mexico & Europe
He's just stupid. Maybe his ego requires him to stay in the spotlight, and with Elon getting a lot of media attention, he feels he has to do absurd shit just to get attention. Like a toddler throwing a fit when their parents are talking to other adults.
He's actively trying to sabotage the country, probably as part of a quid pro quo with Putin for helping him win the election.
It's cognitive decline. He has no idea what's going on anymore. Maybe he even thinks he's doing something that benefits someone here. Who fucking knows
Whatever the situation, it's increasingly dangerous to have him as president, and the damage he's dealing is going to outlast his presidency.
Plenty of STDs that add to such decline as well. I love that the christian right’s ideal president is also the most likely to be harboring the largest collection of sexually transmitted diseases of any former president (where he had competition, his competitors were likely much smarter in choice of partners, protection, and obviously discretion).
I think it is a mix of narcissism and related impulsivity, grifters in his circle influencing him so they and he himself can speculate on a recession and market manipulation from his policies, ideologically indoctrinated people that drank their own cool-aid about libertarianism and finally, indeed, him also declining after he was never all that bright to begin with.
Totally ineffective measure by Trump on Canada. Canada's supply management system is already intended to stop Canadian dairy farmers from overproducing, focused solely to meet our own needs. So farmers and processors are already limited on the US export front. 250%, a bajillion %, is not going to make much difference for this specifically. It just means we close our small export market to them.
Trump is doing this to acquire more property for his own business.
Trump said he wants invade and annex Canada and make it cease as a sovereign nation
Trump said he wants to invade and annex Greenland, stealing it away from Denmark
Trump said he wants to invade and annex Gaza
All this tarriff horseshit is to create uncertainty and weaken these territories he want to take over for his own businesses. He does not give a fuck about America, only himself.
US milk isnt wanted up here because yours allows stuff in it that ours does not.
• Canada doesnt allow a synthetic hormone that increases milk production. Its not tied to human effects, but is documented as affecting the health of the cows.
• Canada enforces a lower cell count than US milk, which again, reflects a healthier cow
“The market is having trouble digesting the multidimensional chess that Trump and his team are playing,” said Michael Block, market strategist at Third Seven Capital. “This multidimensional chess game is not going well for the grand master.
LOL, you aren't playing 3D chess when you flip a chessboard.
“Canada has been ripping us off for years on lumber and on dairy products,” Trump said in an Oval Office address Friday, citing Canada’s roughly 250% tariff on US dairy exports to the country. Trump said America would match those tariffs dollar-for-dollar.