Because if you propose that, no one is actually going to do it.
Doing something is always more impactful than shooting for everything and ending up doing nothing. This is a great example of a smartly thought out mass movement; it has a specific goal, and a clearly defined set of terms. Remember, you can always expand or extend. It's far better to get a small thing moving than try to build a big thing that you never finish.
I'm definitely with you on that in spirit. I would starve if I actually practiced that across the board. I figure if we start from the top down, maybe we can get the co-ops to come back. Our neighborhood co-op grocery closed down not too long ago, and all that's left are national chains.
Looks like the Federalist Society is connected, too. It's like the Who's Who of Homogeny, Exclusion, and Inequity. Somebody give me an L-word so we can call them what they are.
I'm not doing the whole "Everyone I don't agree with is a Nazi." I mean, very specifically, this is the strategy used by unaccountable, ultrawealthy people to wield their power recklessly for an extremist movement that they're going to lose control of. It just happens to be the best-known, contemporary archetypal, right-wing-flavor of the revolutionary bait-and-switch.
Neither could their capitulation to Trumps bigoted rhetoric.
I got a lot of flak and eye rolls from my liberal friends a few years ago when I, as a queer woman, would criticize their Rainbow Capitalism. But Target is not an ally, they never were. They are simply a corporation that got some easy publicity in liberal spaces by showing the bare minimum decency.
That's why it's our responsibility as consumers to align their shareholder interests to doing the right fucking thing. Boycotts and other consumer action are part of their calculations on what the shareholder interests are, so a large population of informed consumers who vote their conscience with their wallet will provide pressure to do the right thing.
Target is under more pressure than companies like Walmart, John Deere or Tractor Supply, because Target went further in its DEI efforts, and it has a more progressive base of customers than those competitors.
This is wild move for a company on its arse anyway.
Nah Amazon is cheaper and a better experience. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of reasons not to shop at Amazon, but price and shopping experience are above Target.
Unsarcastically but sadly, yes. It's the same items, with the same supply chain and the same issues. But it's at a lower cost to me. Frankly, as things get tight, we'll all need to make decisions between our ideals and our bank accounts. I assume that most of us will lean toward preserving the bank account and reckon with our ideals later.
My wife lives at Target. She's already found other places to get the essentials.
40 days.
Fill a target online shopping cart with every day items, stuff you would buy every week or every month, and abandon it. Nothing big or expensive, standard shit.
My partner and I had our first children (twins) about a year ago. They're great.
Before then, I rarely if ever went to this type of store. We don't have a local Target but we have K-Mart which I think is comparable in Australia.
Honestly I think we've done pretty well at buying most of what we need second hand, and then selling it on once it's no longer required. We also get toys from a local toy library which is amazing.
That said, I've sadly become a semi-regular K-Mart shopper because I require some of the cheap plastic junk they sell. A good example is shoes, I can buy a pair of shoes for the kids for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.
The thing is, everything about the store is repulsive. It's basically a plastic shop. They sell plastic. Even the clothing and shoes is polyester and nylon and plasticised rubber. Also, since we're here, if I'm really honest about it I would have to assume that the person who made my kids shoes is probably being exploited. That sucks.
Anyhow, I don't really have a point, just having a whinge and acknowledging that target / kmart is definitely the worst part of having a child.
Similar here. We used to be great at avoiding the corporate stores until we had a kid. Convenience and selection wins when you're overstressed and sleep deprived.
I think we've done great at rolling back to local-only shopping this year. No Amazon, no target. Costco still gets out visits, but overall we're being much more thoughtful about who gets our money and we're spending significantly less also.
Using gift cards is OK if you're boycotting a place, right? I mean, Target already has the money and you'd just be helping them out if you didn't buy anything with them.
I'm a school bus driver and I always get a lot of tips (Christmas and end of year) in the form of Target gift cards. BTW yes, I agree that tipping school bus drivers is fucking weird. We already get paid and it's not like we're going to drive the kids into a tree if we don't get tipped.
Although target already has the money once a gift card has been purchased, they will not recognise the money as revenue until you use the card.
Suppose my lawn mowing guy charges $50 each time he mows my lawn, and he comes 12 times a year. In January I just transfer him $600 because I don't want to muck around with smaller payments all the time.
When he calculates his "revenue" for January, should he include the whole $600? It would be more accurate to set aside the $550 he hadn't really earned yet, and recognise that once he actually does the work.
There's more geaky accounting stuff I could say, but in summary if you want to send a message to Target management, refrain from using gift cards during the boycott.
They don't get to record it as revenue, but they do get to sit on the cash, earning interest etc on it. Companies loooove gift cards. It's free money.
For a company health perspective, it's better to use it so they're at least put the cost-of-goods. Best option would be to sell the gift cards to someone who was going to shop there anyways.
In my old community the bus driver was part of our community, we knew her and she was amazing. She knew the kids, she welcomed them by name every morning and she made sure they got to school safe AND ok.
The last bit is the most important part. She deserved a “tip” but in reality as someone who was part of my extended “raise my kid family” she “earned” her card and Starbucks gift card (mostly cuz she drank 7-11 coffee and I liked razzing her)
Our current bus driver is a contractor who couldn’t give a fuck about anything except when he has to be at the stop and when he is allowed to leave, exactly where the “nah you’re too far away from the bus stop fuck you’d kid” line is.”
That's my thought as well. A one day boycott like the "no shopping day" does literally nothing, but 40 days can reform habits. To the extent practicable, I'm doing all my shopping at Costco now. I generally eat a lot of the same things, so bulk quantities aren't that big of a deal to manage.
Yes, just don't shop at Target.
It's strange that people forget that businesses like Target getting rid of DEI also gets rid of many disability act initiatives. There should be more outrage than just a boycott.
I had heard about the boycott, but didn't realize this was the reason. Target's on the other side of town from me so I don't shop there anyway, but yeah definitely not going there at all now. Fuck them.
Sorry, money they're actually willing to spend at a store.
Billionaires can't buy anything at stores, after all "IT's NOt LIQuID". 😜
PS: I know that they can buy shit at stores with their lifetime loans while keeping their assets 100% intact, but what billionaire is going to shop regularly at Target?
Every time I've gone into a target in the last 5 years, they legit looked like they were closing down. Idk why people are boycotting them in particular when Walmart and Amazon are way worse.
Every Target I go to is nicer than Walmart and has a more curated feel of products. I agree on the last part but it's because Target was advertising itself as being more in touch with things such as DEI and then backtracked, where Walmart and Amazon never positioned themselves as much.
Same, I get major K-Mart in its final days vibes: lots of empty shelves, stuff in dented and torn packaging, hostile and surly employees etc. etc.
Browsing through the Target grocery section has always mystified me. Not great selection and everything costs about 50% more than the local grocery stores. I have never understood why anybody would shop there for groceries.
There was a time when Target had a middle class demo they...targeted. But that demo is too small now. They're either going to need to shrink and market to the top 10%, competing with Whole Foods, or lower their standards and compete with Amazon. Oof, gotta love monopolies. Starting to think this boycott was Bezos' idea.
you don't have to go in my wife orders in the app and they text when it's ready and bring it out to the car. usually the order is ready within a few minutes.
we are both autistic and do much of our shopping this way it's soooo much easier I dunno why anyone would go in.
I go in the store to browse. But I'm also NT so it doesn't stress me out to be in a store. My wife is ND and has to psych herself up for in-store things.
I mean besides the time that doesn't seem much different from the other 2. Walmart I'll place my grocery pickup order, select a time (usually right when I'm coming home from work so I know I won't be doing anything else) and they'll bring it out to me. Amazon obviously delivers right to my front door. Walmart means I need to order maybe 12 hours in advance and Amazon a couple days, but otherwise is there a difference?
i can tell you why - because it's easy. this is slacktivism. it changes nothing about policy. it exists exclusively to make people feel better about capitulating and doing nothing to prevent their country from becoming a fascist dictatorship
I work at the Target warehouse that supplies the northwest, should be interesting to see if this actually noticeably changes our daily product volume. Gonna hazard a guess at no probably not. I should have some idea within 24 hours thanks to just in time logistics but seasonal product could fuzz the numbers a bit.
Works for me though, I'm mostly here for the tuition benefit and I don't lose benefits eligibility unless I dip below 20/hr/week average which I can't imagine happening.
I had no idea either. But I also haven't been to target in about 6 months and I've been boycotting pretty much everywhere else since last year. I haven't even done online shopping since October and it's been kinda nice going to actual stores again. Was gonna get a Costco membership next so I don't have to use Kroger. Unfortunately, the nearest Costco to me is about an hour away. Fortunately, I like driving.
Remember there are bots even on Lemmy to push the narrative that we have no power. Billionaires aren't scared of a couple less dollars, but they are TERRIFIED of us figuring out we can organize. Let's not fight each other let's fight the oligarchy!
Because that's when I stopped shopping there. Didn't need to wait to be told and have no plans to end the boycott after 40 days or anytime. Not sure if bringing back DEI would change my mind. They played us.
I used to do nearly all my shopping there because of the policies they got rid of. Cancelled my 360 membership, getting used to buying flour 25# at a time from Costco ...
Target “embraced” the idea of rolling back DEI policies more than many companies, furthering its weird cultish “belonging to the bullseye” internal culture.
Target’s customers are more progressive than Walmart, John Deere, or Ford, so more of them actually care about what the company is doing.
Target previous embraced DEI more than other companies. Them previously doing so and then promptly shedding it seems that their corporate culture is one of quarterly gains rather than giving a shit about anybody. While that’s true for pretty much all publicly traded corporations, see point 2.
Target throwing themselves at Rainbow Capitalism is one pile of evidence that points at their movement being on the whim of the dollar as opposed to strong corporate ethics
If you truly believed this, you'd not be here. You'd come here in 40 days to poke fun, but you'd not bother with us because you know that the effect will be zero. That you're here tells me that you, or much more likely your masters because you don't have an original thought in your mind, are afraid that this will actually get momentum and affect Target's stock price and sales figures. Thanks for the vote of confidence! Let's get boycotting!
here's a question - if you had a friend who was making a mistake, would you try to encourage them to reconsider?
if you think I would poke fun at you, you have absolutely the wrong idea about my motivations. i don't want you to fail, i want you to succeed. i just know that this boycott won't achieve anything, and all of the time and energy put into it will be completely wasted.
i want people to take all of that time and energy and put it towards something that will actually achieve something meaningful. i want people to join a union and find a local activist group, and start actually making connections, building solidarity, and taking collective action that actually will accomplish something!
do you genuinely think that i'm wrong? do you truly believe in your heart that a 40 day boycott of a single big box store will help people?
we're literally watching the united states become a fascist dictatorship and you believe that this is an appropriate response?
people are suffering and dying because of us, and we're congratulating ourselves for buying stuff on amazon instead of target for 40 days? seriously?
i don't need a proofreader. i need people to wake up and actually do something, not waste everyone's time and energy with performative bullshit that achieves nothing other than making us feel like we're not doing nothing.
yes, it does literally nothing. even if nobody shopped at target ever again it would change absolutely nothing. they'd go into administration, get bought by some other corporation, and possibly rebrand. wealthy people would likely profit from short selling the stock.
target isn't the problem. the problem is the system. you can't change the system by boycotting some random business. i am begging you to do literally any other form of activism. because this aint it.