I think a clocking system shows an ingrained lack of trust. It might not be intended that way, but that's what it does for me. I have a contract that tells how many hours I work. If I show too little work for the time I'm payed, than we can have a conversation about that.
My ideal workplace is somewhere where I feel an intrinsic motivation to spend my time productively. That will most likely be because my tasks are fun or interesting or engaging or something like that, but it can also be because I have a financial interest in the things I'm doing because I'm a shareholder (like a co op) or I'm self employed.
It's not 1999 anymore, we have these little boxes now called "smartphones" that allow one to go online and offline again instantaneously and they even deliver these handy dandy messages called "notifications" whenever something happens in the online worlds you're connected to.
Like when an angry person comments on one of your posts angry that you have the audacity to try and post a lot to the Lemmy-verse to help it grow, be a part of the small niche online community we enjoy and just generally not wanting to be a lurker.
If you must know, it's a healthy mixture of OC, articles and crossposts
You have made 70 posts in the last 24 hours. SEVENTY. You slept for 8 hours (I'm guessing) and went right back to posting non-stop. The biggest gap between posts during your waking hours was 2 hours. You're averaging more than 4 posts an hour while you are awake.
Either you are unemployed or you should be unemployed since you're spending so much time on your phone at work.
I didn't even take into account the comments you leave constantly.
Do you not have friends? Family? Hobbies? Anything else to do with your day other than sit in your parents basement and spam stolen memes at an obnoxious rate?