An embarrassing number of things get me way too worked up, but right at the top of the list is saying healthcare shouldn't be accessible to all. To say that by phrasing your response with an absolute obscene level of racism is a whole new level. But I suppose we shouldn't expect anything less from the footsoldiers of fascism.
I cant afford my medication anymore and now i just deal with the withdrawl and horrible pain. If i had just chosen to be a NEET instead of working at a coal mine this wouldnt have happened to me. Im tired.
idk why they always think "basic human needs should be free" somehow means "the people providing for these needs must be compelled to do it for free." Like even under our current system right now there are doctors who accept Medicare and Medicaid. Do they think these doctors don't get paid and just see these patients for free? Were they forced into it? Dumbest shit ever.
They don't think that's what it means. They know it means publicly funded. They just don't want to pay for it because they know the rich will be fitting the bill. Don't give them that much credit, they're not as dumb as they want you to think.
I live in NH. It's fucked here. Split between rich arrogant snobs that act like they are down for equality but only make moves via Facebook profile overlays and Nazis, and conservatives that are just wrecklessly psychopaths.
It's hell for anyone that doesn't fit those two.
We have little Nazi fucks dropping banners on the highway and surrounding gay cafes and theathers calling people paedophiles.
NH is a shit hole of ignorance and nobody does anything at all about it. Both sides hate if anyone trys to point out the obvious they try to hide from.
Some trashy pro trump career criminal steals from my family and cops just laugh at me when I ask for help.
It's really fucking up my view of America as a whole...
And it's not just Nazis and dumb politics... I know too many career criminals that get ahead while good kids suffer for living with basic human decency.
Has anyone noticed the weird surge in pro-slavery sentiment? I’ve seen people, including black propel, defending slavery recently and it’s mind blowing! They claim that enslaved people learned work ethic and important life skills, that some slave owners treated the enslaved like family. These same arguments are being made about the concentration camps during the holocaust too!
Ron DeSuckMyDick in Florida signed off on legislation that changed the way slavery is talked about in Florida schools. That's where a lot of this seems to have started.
That might be the point they are (terribly) trying to make: that taxing people (i) takes away their choice/freedom and (ii) forces taxpayers to fund the 'lifestyle' of others. It's the populist version of Hayek-Nozick.
If they're ideologically consistent then they'd argue that taxation is theft. And since they seem to think that slavery is wrong purely because the individual is being deprived of pay, then they'd probably say that taxation is morally equivalent to slavery as well.
I think people would just lose motivation. I lived in ireland for 5 years and they basically had ubi and people wouldnt get jobs they would just sit in lawnchairs in parks and then buy a some food, alcohol and a new iphone out of it. Still no job, house or anything else. I think food and basic housing should be a right but if you want a proper phone, a nice car (aka stuff) you should work for it. Income should be "capped" with tax. If a ceo earns 10 or 100 times what a cashier earns its not a problem compared to todaus world where a ceo earns a million times more than a cashier. And all that tax money could go to housing, food for the poor, infrastructure, free public transport so people dont get cut off from better paying jobs, etc. I think it would be a pretty solid system if implemented right but im just a random teenager so i have no say.
Different person, but my issue with communism is that it puts too much power in the hands of government, which, thus far, has always led to some abusive power figure corrupting the whole thing for personal gain. It's a wonderful theory, I'm just not convinced humanity will ever be able to make it actually work long term.
That said, I definitely think we should be dabbling with it, and moving more and more power out of the hands of corporations. There's a balance in there somewhere.