The clearest legislative priority of the Trump administration and the Republican-led Congress is to keep taxes low for the richest households and corporations. Last week, House Republicans submitted a budget resolution that calls for $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid—the program that provides health ...
[Sorry folks. When I submitted the article I had both the URL and added an image file as thumbnail for the article. Somehow the image file replaced the article. Here's the article. Adding a link in here too].
Maybe we shouldn't fuck around with not voting or voting 3rd party in presidential elections so the dumbest among us don't get to keep calling the shots.
Except the status quo loses. We can argue all day that status quo is better than the alternative but that doesn't win elections. There is no amount of pressure or bullying or arguing that makes that a winning election strategy.
At that point, it's the fault of the status quo party for not moving off that status quo. It's the fault of party leadership for not shifting to progressive change and instead saying "steady as she goes"
Brother in Christ, how many elections do the Dems need to lose before it's their fault for running the same status quo handbook? Do you actually give a shit about trying to fix anything, place blame on the decision makers who have a choice, or so you just want to grand stand on a vague general population and rage against human nature resulting in low voter turnout that literally nobody can solve? We can be mad together that people didn't come out to vote, but ultimately we can't change that. So what the fuck do you want?
I think you misunderstand me. We likely aren't getting the chance to vote again. That's my point, that's it. I'm not trying to place blame, I'm not trying to fix anything, I'm not raging or grandstanding, I'm merely making a prediction. Which is that because Trump won the election, that's the last real election we'll have.
Well yes but that's the problem, we need to think outside the box, revolutions are seen as a thing of the past but maybe everyone could learn from the french
I believe Robespierre had lead a period of time known as the "reign of good times and normal vibes" where they all formed committees to talk out and mediate the the problems of the system they lived under.
It ultimately gave us the ideals that would go on to end monarchism in Europe. It killed the French monarchy legitimacy until it was ultimately destroyed.
Once again, only if you know nothing about the French revolution would you say that.
Did someone prevent you from voting in the primaries? Or running in the primaries if you didn't like the people running?
The candidates don't just magically appear on the ballot. What you're complaining about is "the majority of people didn't want something as progressive as I did so it was duress".
"I'm not getting my way so it's not fair" resonates about as much as "the election was stolen because my guy didn't win". Do you have the right to not vote at all? Sure. But then don't say a fucking thing when the world around you is collapsing becuase the other guy is inifnitely worse than what you were too proud or stubborn to vote for.
Progressives who refuse to vote for a moderate because "compromise is a four letter word" are as bad or worse than the tea party morons who started the republican party down the path of fascism.
Stop chastising people for not compromising their morals by voting for a party they don’t fully agree with.
Why would I not? They betrayed America by allowing a felon rapist conman who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election to become our leader, and now we're seeing the negative effects of that. They also betrayed their own support for Palestinians by allowing the worst possible scenario to unfold for Palestinians. They're fools causing real world damage. They deserve to be chastised.
Voting 3rd party is not the same thing as not voting
In a presidential election it is. I'll say it loud so it can get through the 3 inch steel plating that comprises your skull.
Do you know how I know that? Well, for starters, no 3rd party has put in the work to get A SINGLE MEMBER IN EITHER HOUSE OF CONGRESS. Oh, and also because the 3rd party candidate with the most votes in 2024 was magician Jill Stein, who magically appears right before every election, then magically disappears again afterward. And she only managed to get HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast. That makes her irrelevant, which makes the other 3rd party candidates less than irrelevant.
Voting 3rd party in a presidential election is MASSIVELY STUPID. Especially in an election with high stakes. High stakes that have now led us to watching our federal government be deconstructed in front of our very eyes.
So a big shoutout to the dipshits who didn't vote and voted 3rd party for making this fucking dipshit timeline exist.
Also the fuck won by a landslide anyways
77m to 75m isn't a landslide. And, even if it was, it isn't an excuse for the people that fucked up by not voting or voting 3rd party. Those assholes did what they did not knowing if he would win or not based on their actions.
Dude, shut the fuck up. Obviously people know that a 3rd party president will never make it to office; and that's not the fucking point. Its about voicing your opinion; and to blame trump winning on the people who voted third party when it was clearly because the Democratic party fumbled and put forth a candidate that was not elected is incredibly disingenuous. This "your either with us or against us" bullshit is part of why the Democrats lost 2024
They betrayed America by allowing a felon rapist conman who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election to become our leader, and now we’re seeing the negative effects of that.
everyone who failed to stop it, including those who voted with you, allowed it to happen. and you are allowing it to continue. step up and stop it.