The clearest legislative priority of the Trump administration and the Republican-led Congress is to keep taxes low for the richest households and corporations. Last week, House Republicans submitted a budget resolution that calls for $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid—the program that provides health ...
[Sorry folks. When I submitted the article I had both the URL and added an image file as thumbnail for the article. Somehow the image file replaced the article. Here's the article. Adding a link in here too].
I've been on medicaid for the past 10 years. This year my renewal was denied for "too much income". I asked what the cutoff was. I was told $803 per month income.
My 1 bedroom apartment that may as well be called a studio is $795 per month, and will be going up by at least $70 in July.
In 2023 I was diagnosed with cancer. Which I beat. But now you're telling me
"Oh well, you're on your own now. Your last 3 month period cost over 1 million dollars. You WERE on medicaid, so you're covered. But that runs out in 3 days. Good luck asshole!"
Drives me mad how we have not thrown down greedy medical practices in favor of universal healthcare yet 🙄 but I guess that’s too close to the socialist sun 😒
That's insane, that's less than what a full time minimum wage job would pay in a month. Heck, that's significantly less than what I am paid in ssdi every month
Yeah. Back in december I thought "I'm barely making my head above water....." and decided to take a second job. Which, I hate the job itself, but the people are pretty good people. I'm used to new workplaces where you're new to be filled with just the worst people. I'm used to toxic chaos. And if that had been the case, I'd have quit by now. But, it's an extra $100ish dollars a week after taxes. It adds up.
So when I saw I was above income level, I was like "Whooooa, maybe I should just quit my second job if it means keeping my medicaide".
Then I heard how low the threshold was, and I said "Well, actually.....the second job had nothing to do with it...."
So I guess someone who makes 12 dollars an hour is too rich for medicaid now.
This is a problem affecting me, but it's a bigger problem thats going to affect millions. I don't have money to go out and pay $400 a month for health insurance.
I'm not even making my bills now as it is. Rent's going to go up in July. Yet somehow I don't qualify for food stamps, or now even medicaide.
You think I'm alone? You think the medical industry isn't about to collapse on itself? Imagine all these people who go to the ER. And then get billed 3 million dollars. No I'm NOT exaggerating. I got a statement that said "this is not a bill". It showed my services used. In a 3 month period, I was over 1 million dollars. I've been doing this since 2023. I'm fairly sure my total is closer to 5 million dollars.
Now......imagine they try to collect that.
Most they could do is arrest me. So now you got millions of prisoners. In a 1 year period. Where are you going to put them?
So, more likely they won't arrest, but they won't get their money. Now compound this. Millions of people all rendering services, which are now emergancy services. Which cannot be denied.
And then never paid because nobody has millions of dollars lying around.
How would the medical system NOT financially collapse?
Edit: I don't always know how I come off to others. I typed this up angry. If it comes off as me being angry at you, I appologize. I'm not angry at you, or intending any direction at you.
It just doesn’t make any fucking sense: They’re acting like there will be no more elections, which, OK: That’s Trump’s dream, but they’re pissing off everyone they need to pull that off. The bureaucrats, the military, and a sizable chunk of the true believers to replace the turnover that happens in authoritarian rule are needed to hold onto power.
This administration is run by business folks, who are as a rule short sighted. Thinking beyond the next 3 months is simply not done Set up sovereign wealth fund as a mechanism to embezzle "savings" and then commence the plundering and fraud.
I’ve never been one to revel in the misery of others, but…. I am now.
I have not one ounce of sympathy for the suffering they will cause for themselves, but I do feel a tremendous weight of sadness for those that did everything they could to try and stop is from happening and still have to suffer along-side those losers.
Maybe we shouldn't fuck around with not voting or voting 3rd party in presidential elections so the dumbest among us don't get to keep calling the shots.
Did someone prevent you from voting in the primaries? Or running in the primaries if you didn't like the people running?
The candidates don't just magically appear on the ballot. What you're complaining about is "the majority of people didn't want something as progressive as I did so it was duress".
"I'm not getting my way so it's not fair" resonates about as much as "the election was stolen because my guy didn't win". Do you have the right to not vote at all? Sure. But then don't say a fucking thing when the world around you is collapsing becuase the other guy is inifnitely worse than what you were too proud or stubborn to vote for.
Progressives who refuse to vote for a moderate because "compromise is a four letter word" are as bad or worse than the tea party morons who started the republican party down the path of fascism.
Stop chastising people for not compromising their morals by voting for a party they don’t fully agree with.
Why would I not? They betrayed America by allowing a felon rapist conman who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election to become our leader, and now we're seeing the negative effects of that. They also betrayed their own support for Palestinians by allowing the worst possible scenario to unfold for Palestinians. They're fools causing real world damage. They deserve to be chastised.
Voting 3rd party is not the same thing as not voting
In a presidential election it is. I'll say it loud so it can get through the 3 inch steel plating that comprises your skull.
Do you know how I know that? Well, for starters, no 3rd party has put in the work to get A SINGLE MEMBER IN EITHER HOUSE OF CONGRESS. Oh, and also because the 3rd party candidate with the most votes in 2024 was magician Jill Stein, who magically appears right before every election, then magically disappears again afterward. And she only managed to get HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast. That makes her irrelevant, which makes the other 3rd party candidates less than irrelevant.
Voting 3rd party in a presidential election is MASSIVELY STUPID. Especially in an election with high stakes. High stakes that have now led us to watching our federal government be deconstructed in front of our very eyes.
So a big shoutout to the dipshits who didn't vote and voted 3rd party for making this fucking dipshit timeline exist.
Also the fuck won by a landslide anyways
77m to 75m isn't a landslide. And, even if it was, it isn't an excuse for the people that fucked up by not voting or voting 3rd party. Those assholes did what they did not knowing if he would win or not based on their actions.
I'm kinda wondering where these insurance or healthcare companies are at. This is literally taking billions out of their pocket as people will just go without healthcare and/or die.
I guess they're looking out for their personal tax rate instead of caring about their business or who they serve. Foolish for be to be surprised, but it just seems so short sighted.
It's a slippery, accelerative slope. Companies never would have price gouged the way they did during and after COVID 30 years ago; they didn't have the technology, data and also lack of fear of antitrust. Each new cohort gets worse in company practices and voila!
Everyone always also sees themselves on the lifeboat, not being the one who pays the piper. Just like the 70% of lottery players who think they will win.