A new poll found that 71% of Trump voters oppose Medicaid cuts, while 82% of all voters reject them. Additionally, 60% of Trump voters said cutting food and nutrition programs is unacceptable.
Medicaid has become a key issue as House Republicans push for up to $2 trillion in budget cuts to advance Trump’s legislative agenda.
Their resolution directs the House Energy and Commerce Committee to find at least $880 billion in cuts.
This raises concerns that Medicaid, which covers 70 million people—mostly low-income and children—could be targeted despite GOP leaders downplaying benefit reductions.
you knew this shit was gonna happen. so.. why the fuck did you vote for him and the rest of the maga assholes?
oh yea.. that's right.
some of "those people" are helped by these programs, and you don't care who else gets hurt--even yourself or your family, just so long as some of those nasty 'un-deserving' blacks or gays or immigrants or poors get "what's coming to them".
They didn't think their social services would be cut. They were told that undocumented people were bleeding the system dry, and there would be plenty to go around once they were removed. A blatant lie that conservative media and social-network bots repeated endlessly; instead of the truth that, in fact, social services would be cut to pay for high-income tax cuts.
This. I'd rather blame the lying billionaires than some Joe Shmoe that doesn't have the capability to defend himself against the constant barrage of propaganda.
Division is part of their plan, and they want you to be angry at Joe the sucker, not them.
We already had 4 years of this crap and knew what they were about. I absolutely blame every uneducated chuckle fuck that voted for this. They can fuck all the way off. If they are family members, they deserve excommunication. They ca enjoy jerking off to Fox News alone.
There's no way that 29% of Trump voters are rich. It's more likely that some have bought in to the rhetoric so completely that they won't ever understand the implications even if it kills them.
Oh I completely agree with you. Most of these headlines are taking tiny little bumps or 3 twitter users complaining, and blowing it up into what we all want to hear right now.
I have zero anecdotal evidence that any of the magas in my sphere have any regrets whatsoever.
I have a handful of them in a discord, and no amount of pointing out blatant corruption will get them off of uh hunter Biden's laptop. I fucking hate people.