The boomer crusade against alternative milks is one of the weirder forms of toxic masculinity and smacks of subservience to and brainwashing by the milk lobby.
Yeah, but tbh, it kinda makes sense. You can't print something on the packaging that says something that's not the case. You can't call it "oat milk", because otherwise people should rightfully assume it was milk with some oat in it.
No, that wouldn't be "rightful". It's common knowledge that soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk and scouring cream (Scheuermilch in German) don't contain cow milk. And it was never an issue when coconut milk was the only alternative milk-like product that was widely available.
Historically, milk has been used to refer to any liquid with a milky white color. This can be crushed up plants or other things. Milk of magnesia, for example. It is a very old use of the term and changing it to only refer to milk from an animal is more inacurate than letting it refer to these substances. Don't let the milk industry BS lead you to a false conclusion. Question what you're told.
Animal milk can call itself dairy if it wants to be specific. That's the word for animal milk only.
Fair enough about the German thing. I was specifically speaking about English, since it was about the US Congress trying to regulate the word. There may be a better argument for German, but it sounds like it's the same issue. From a quick search online, tierische Milch seems like the choice.
yeah, tbf, "coconut milk" (which i believe to be older name than 20 years, maybe conceived or widespread in the 1960s) is a questionable candidate. What give you can call "coconut milk" milk, but not "soy milk".
I think your sarcasm detector needs tuning, it was pretty thick especially considering all of those have been around with those names much longer than that
I mostly agree with you, but it's not great to generalise about an entire generation some negative aspect of people that applies to many people, regardless of age.