Parliamentary petition launched due to billionaire’s link to Trump, who has repeatedly threatened to conquer Canada
A Canadian parliamentary petition to revoke Elon Musk’s citizenship has gathered over 150,000 signatures.
Launched by author Qualia Reed and sponsored by MP Charlie Angus, the petition accuses Musk of undermining Canada’s sovereignty due to his ties to Trump, who has repeatedly suggested annexing Canada.
Musk is a Canadian citizen through his mother. The petition will be presented to the House of Commons, which resumes on March 24.
In like the 1940s Elon Musk's grandfather was a chiropractor in Regina, Saskatchewan and was arrested by the RCMP for being a central figure in an organization that was trying to overthrow the government and install a technocracy. I'm not kidding.
After that is when he fucked off to South Africa to partake in the Apartheid.
Let's not get too hasty there. Canada should focus on finding an extraditable offense for this Canadian citizen. I doubt the US will extradite him, but others may. It sounds like Canada could make it hard for elon to travel if they tried.
Sadly, it is. Britain did it a few years ago to some kid that joined IS. She held rights to a passport to a country that she had never been even visited and that was enough for the Home Office to yank her British one.
She didn't have the passport at that time, while musk has probably a bunch of them stashed away. What the British did was directly going against the UDHR, but musk can suck it.
Charlie Angus wrote about why he's helping to push this through, giving valid legal reasons why it should be done. Seeing as he's a current MP in Canada's parliament I'll believe him before I believe you.
Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967), was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled that citizens of the United States may not be deprived of their citizenship involuntarily.[1][2][3] The U.S. government had attempted to revoke the citizenship of Beys Afroyim, a man born in Poland, because he had cast a vote in an Israeli election after becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen. The Supreme Court decided that Afroyim's right to retain his citizenship was guaranteed by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. In so doing, the Court struck down a federal law mandating loss of U.S. citizenship for voting in a foreign election—thereby overruling one of its own precedents, Perez v. Brownell (1958), in which it had upheld loss of citizenship under similar circumstances less than a decade earlier.
EDIT: I haven't previously read up on citizenship law for Canada, so I don't know if this is missing relevant Canadian citizenship law, but a quick search suggests that Canadian law doesn't permit for executive removal of citizenship either:
7 A person who is a citizen shall not cease to be a citizen except in accordance with this Part or regulations made under paragraph 27(1)(j.1).
None of that section nor paragraph 27 looks like it provides for involuntary removal of Canadian citizenship.
That being said, there is a question of whether this is ordinary federal law or constitutional law. I don't know how one determines that.
In the US, Afroyim v. Rusk found that the US Constitution disallowed removal of citizenship. There is a high bar to modify the US Constitution -- a majority of both legislatures in a three-quarters supermajority of state legislatures need to approve of a constitutional amendment. This is considerably higher than the bar to pass ordinary federal law, which is just a simple majority in the House, Senate, and the President, or a two-thirds supermajority in both the House and Senate.
Canada's constitutional situation is complicated. Canada started out following the UK model, where Parliament can change any law it wants to as easily as any other -- there is no "higher law" like a constitution. At the time that Canada got split off from the UK at a constitutional level, some of Canadian law was decided to be part of the constitution and some not...but it was never defined exactly what law was and what wasn't, so I understand that courts have been working that out ever since. The constitution isn't simply a separate document, as in the US.
So I don't know for sure how strong this constraint is; it might be that the Canadian legislature could remove this bar as readily as they would a typical law.
EDIT2: Someone else pointed out the Shamima Begum case below, where the British executive removed someone's citizenship. I followed that and commented on it when it happened, and it is definitely possible for the executive to strip a citizen's citizenship in the UK; the law explicitly provides for it.
I was fairly concerned about this at the time it was in the news, because most other legal rights depend on citizenship. If you can remove someone's citizenship, you can remove most of their other legal rights and protections.
In the 1980s, there was another extremist who used his international media platform to spew hate and disinformation. His name was Ernst Zundel. He continually laughed at Canada's laws against hate speech. He was ultimately jailed and then deported from our country.
(FYI Charlie Angus is a Member of Parliament in Canada.)
(FYI Charlie Angus is a Minister of Parliament in Canada.)
Member of Parliament. He’s a part of the NDP opposition party. Ministers are heads of ministries, which are like departments, and ministers have traditionally been from the governing party.
Why do a lot of you do this nonsense. You're swinging for the fences and play right into the hands of the right when you put all your effort into comments like "he can be tried for treason" just swing lower and stop the dramatics. He can be tried for being a piece of shit. He can be tried for all the hormone therapy he's done. He can be tried for being a billionaire and still banging only 4s
How often do petitions actually affect change? I feel like I see petitions being mentioned a lot, but rarely do I see change as a reult. It feels like they are just another form of "thoughts and prayers". You feel like you're contributing something, but a few days go by and the collective amnesia sets in.
If anything its just another data mine for the political beliefs of potential dissidents. And before you say anything, yes, I am this much fun at parties as well
Never. The government lists 3,319 total petitions and the most popular one has 387,487 signatures which is less than 1% of the population. The petition was to call an early election. I would hope the government doesn't dissolve itself every time less than 1% of people upvote a post.
If I were the Queen of America, I would have Elon tried for treason, I'd also have ICE remove everyone from their detention centers but not close it completely, they'd now have the job of Violating the fuck out of Elon's 8th Amendment rights.
While reducing his sources of income will hurt him a little bit, unfortunately Starlink is very appealing to militaries and emergency services. Being able to access the internet is great for morale in the navy, and mission critical for plenty of emergency services. This is particularly true in Australia where we have vast unpopulated areas with very patchy phone coverage, let alone bandwidth for data services. I know some services are installing starlink as emergency backups for stations and in forward command vehicles. They'll be paying the big bucks for Starlink.
I don't get the point and effort on this whole not putting effort into making shit posts. That one AI video of Trump licking Musk's feed did more in 2 minutes then a petition with 200,000 signatures can.
I personally know the dudes an immigrant, likely has applied for citizenship in places other then south Africa. He will always be an immigrant. He will never get the stink of not belonging here off him. I do not feel this way about other immigrants.
There is no legal precedent for revoking citizenship like this. Why is this any better than Trump's push to revoke citizenship for immigrants that he doesn't like? There are better ways to handle this.
I figure that at some point you become so rich that you transcend nationality. That sounds complimentary, but I don't mean it that way.
I mean it makes you an illegal alien wherever you might set foot. Pretoria, Ontario, Silicon Valley, Washington DC, Olympus Mons; GTFO. None of that belongs to you. Not any more. Persona non grata. You've taken so much that you owe literally everyone and should not be welcome anywhere.
I dont like musk, but revoking citizenship is a slippery slope that we should not go down. It will become political very quickly where if the government doesn't like someone because they don't agree with them then they have that avenue.
Musk is terrible but this move doesn't do much against him and it only hurts the future for others.
I see your point but a government not liking someone vs a government protecting themselves against a credible threat are different things. Musk has shown that he has the ability to severely damage democratic systems, what other regular citizen has that kind of power?
Yeah but the government is known for abusing their power. They could just as easily use this against someone who becomes the leader of a civil rights organizations whose organizing people and protesting or striking for workers. They'll just claim they're dangerous and strip them of citizenship.
Why is this downvoted? This is a valid argument. Revoking citizenship because we don't like them? Seriously? Either this whole thing is a joke and I don't get it or we have some 150k nationalistic anti-democracy radicals signing this.
I see your point but it's not like they did it on purpose. Someone (multiple someones) fucked up big time with that old Nazi but the situation's not really comparable imo.
One was some old dude that was a guest, the other one is literally threatening democratic systems. Mind you, there is at least one very prominent person in our government who has openly approved of this Nazi, sure would be a shame if he got any power in the next election.
Why? Lol just because you hate Trump? He's not even living in Canada lol and that sets a dangerous precedent anyway. Pretty stupid and childish just because Trump called Canada the 51st state lmao
Here's a deal. We will take Musk if the Toronto Maple Leafs win the cup this year.
Canada can do whatever it wants with it's citizens, just like the US can deport their own citizens to Guantanamo or Salvador so they can not be protected by their constitutional rights.