Do you want to eat? Cuz those fine 'sconny farmers grow a lot of food, if we give them the support they need to do so. Just for the record, here's who showed, and who didn't even send a staff member:
"Madison-area U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Black Earth), state Sen. Jeff Smith (D-Eau Claire) and state Reps. Jodi Emerson (D-Eau Claire) and Christian Phelps (D-Eau Claire) were in attendance.
Missing in Action:
U.S. Reps. Tom Tiffany and Derrick Van Orden, state Reps. Rob Sommerfeld (R-Bloomer), Treig Pronschinske (R-Mondovi) and Clint Moses (R-Mondovi) and state Sens. Jesse James (R-Thorp) and Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) were all invited but did not attend or send a staff member. "
GOP reps "lol, no thanks, I only care to visit you in August -September every 4 years because your votes overwhelmingly prove that is literally all that is required of me"
Of course, the anti-intellectuals use a twisted version of that term, only meaning "people that know things, have expertise, went to university, etc.".
When they say elitist, they almost NEVER mean someone like fElon or Bronzo the Clown.
Go to their homes, their offices, don't let them sleep till they start actually taking care of the country's business, rather than dismantling our government.
It's interesting how these people don't see what is coming. I mean, what percentage of people are still involved in farming (and coal mining)? There are active efforts to automate both.
Instead of seeing this meteor coming for them and taking steps to work toward ways to soften that blow, they cling to people that will be doing nothing for them. You think the hard right is going to be advocating for UBI so that "useless eaters" can survive? Don't make me laugh.
I very much doubt any of these redcap politicians are going to show up anywhere in public very often. Not without a thorough vetting with loyalty tests (to donvict, not the country) for any attendees.
They can't take a stand against orange-bad or he will attack them on social media and his legion of useful idiots will harass them in real life. This is well understood by everyone in the repub party by now.