The poll suggests another 30 per cent still say they consider the U.S. an ally.
A new Leger poll reveals that 27% of Canadians now consider the U.S. an "enemy" country, while 30% still see it as an ally.
The survey follows escalating tensions, including President Trump’s tariff threats and his suggestion that Canada should become a U.S. state.
Trump remains widely unpopular in Canada, with 74% viewing him unfavorably. Political affiliation influences perceptions, with Conservatives more likely to see the U.S. as an ally.
Liberals, NDP, and Bloc Québécois supporters view the U.S. more negatively.
1.) I live in Illinois and bought a home in 2020 when the interest rate was 3.2% as a first-time homeowner. If I were to sell and look for a new home, the interest rate in Canada would be somewhere around 4%, plus the cost of living is higher compared to where I live. That's ignoring the complications that could come from obtaining a permanent work visa as a foreign citizen.
2.) I love my job as it is now and it may be difficult to find a job in the same field. Also, my wife recently found a job in her career field and for the first time wants to stay at her employer for the foreseeable future; working in public health and helping the people this horrible healthcare system is failing to care for.
3.) Family and friendship ties to the area.
4.) There's some semblance of hope if we stay. I do still want the best for everyone that I share this earth with. Even if it were financially viable for me to leave, there's millions that aren't so lucky. If I pack up and leave that's one less person voting for progressive policy and advocating for empathy in a country that has real projective power in the world.
5.) Illinois, as a blue state, is temporarily insulated from damaging policy that Trump is trying to enact. JB Pritzker has remained steadfast in his opposition to Trump and regressive political action.
I liken it to French opposition during the period of Nazi occupation. (Clearly it's not a 1:1 comparison.) The french resistance hampered Nazi wartime efforts just enough to keep Nazi logistics from being able to cross the channel and occupy Great Britain. If that were to happen, the United States wouldn't be able to set up any sort of staging area on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. Amphibious assaults would have taken place on the western coast of GB where there's cliff faces rather than the sandy beaches at Normandy. Maybe Germany is then able to allocate more troops to the eastern front in that scenario, who knows. But thankfully that's just a hypothetical and isn't something we have to ponder.
Second time I've asked this and second time I've been downvoted to hell. Seems Americans don't like their apathy challenged. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior but no one seems to like facing the reality that they may have to actually do something about it.
You're probably being down voted because of the presumption that we're not doing things. Protests, calling representatives, boycotts, mutual aid networks, etc. Some of us work directly in politics or directly in government, and do what we can in those spaces, too.
It's kind of irritating to get a finger-wagging admonition when you're exploring all options short of outright assassination. And if the suggestion is to just start shooting, well, I think it's asking more than you think for someone to choose to become a killer.
Those who are really going to do things about stuff shouldn't yap about it on social media. Loose lips sink ships.
Right now I'm in a holding pattern. There's a non-zero chance that Trump will be distracted by something shiny and we'll move on to the next fucking fever dream crisis. There's also a really, really good chance that if he does order to invade Canada, real shit will start to pop off here.
The reason you're getting downvoted is it's a problem even here in the country. It's the "Why aren't you doing anything about it?" to all of us.
In the case of me, I live 1000 miles away from the seat of power, our representatives actively are dismantling things we voted for, not national I'm talking, state level, because we're outright surrounded by the people who are actively cheering for this. (and the example of the voting against, state voted to get rid of the most strict abortion law in the country, legalizing it... and now the representatives on state level are trying to get a pregnancy registry "to try to stop preventable abortions." while the state rep at national level is trying to get a national abortion ban going. This is one of many many many things in the state by itself. Hell, I just learned the state just gained police control to the other city after they managed to vote that out.)
I didn't downvote, but I want you to read "What are you going to do about it?" out loud. Hell, you yourself said it's the apathy. But the fuck am I going to do? Show up and wave a sign at the people who already have shown they couldn't give a flying shit about our opinions? Or be there when the fight starts and be a martyr. The second option the best case scenario is getting to be like Tank Man, but honestly demographics I'd be one of the many forgotten in the Tiananmen Square Massacre. And that's what it's going to look like, because this administration you better believe is looking for an opportunity to go full martial law, and if we don't do it, their brownshirts will for them.
So the best I can fucking do is stock up, prepare, keep my head down, keep in contact with the people who are in the same boat as I am being in effectively enemy territory and use the privilege I have of looking like a standard white conservative to see how many I can keep safe when being that demographic is important.
With fucking what? You have the most powerful economy on earth, and you've used it to build the most powerful military on earth. Invading the US would be the most diasterous war the world has ever seen.
Wake the fuck up. If you guys don't fix this shit, we are all completely and utterly fucked.
I don't remember saying shit about us not handling this internally or going to war but you do you.
The idea that the USA is untouchable by global counterparts is absurd. Look at what Russia does to our elections with a couple of script kiddies. We can absolutely be targeted and displaced by outside forces, especially with the current crop of dipshits running the federal government right now.
It's sad how the US has spent so long building up an alliance with Canada, only for it to all be ruined by Trump in such a short amount of time. I was planning on travelling to California but those plans have since been scrapped as I just don't feel comfortable travelling to the US. I'm genuinely worried things may escalate further.
I have family down there that I'll never see again. There's no way in hell I'm going back down to that shithole, ever. It already felt like enemy territory even before the first Trump administration. Now it's like booking a holiday in Nazi Germany in 1939. Fuck all that.
I have relatives who moved to the states, they tend to come down once a year since they have their own business and can easily take off time whenever, whereas for me as a full-time employee it's not so simple. I've already not visited the states in quite a few years so that part isn't a loss for me at least.
I dunno if they will visit this year though, that will be interesting to see what happens with that.
The Internet Research Agency, also known as Glavset, and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino or Kremlinbots, was a Russian company which was engaged in online propaganda and influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests. It was linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin, a former Russian oligarch who was leader of the Wagner Group, and based in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The 50 Cent Party, also known as the 50 Cent Army or wumao, are Internet commentators who are paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread the propaganda of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The program was created during the early phases of the Internet's rollout to the wider public in China.
We just cancelled our trip to Disney, which is sad, but I see there are some other locations in Tokyo or Paris, so might look at going there for a middle ground.
I’m an American, and I have never felt more politically or ideologically alienated from the country that is supposedly “mine”. Seriously considering fucking off, finding somewhere else to live, and renouncing my citizenship.
I'm currently setting that in motion for myself. Taking the chance to go back to college in another country and hoping to basically getting a do over for my life
Yep. I'm a cishet white dude but even just as an atheist I've never been a "real" American in the eyes of far too many. And now the Christofascists are seizing control.
You should know that until you do renounce your citizenship, you'll have to pay taxes in the US even if you live in another country. AFAIK only 2 countries in the world still use citizenship-based taxation: USA and Eritrea.
Also, if you ever do try to renounce your citizenship, it's much more difficult than you might think. The people I know who have done it had to pay tens of thousands of dollars to complete the process, despite being up to date on their taxes and not being at all rich.
Absolutely. Trump's and the Project 2025's "America First" strategy is essentially turning US imperialism inward on its own citizens now that the former global dominance is waning.
I wonder how things will change in the next few months.
It seems to me it would be such an obvious thing for Canadian companies to change their packaging to prominently feature Canadian flags, but that takes time. Until then, it's still a bit difficult to know which products are Canadian vs. American vs. made somewhere else.
There's a small chance that Trump will back down and try to play nice with Canadians. But, I doubt it. So, I don't think Canadians are going to start changing their mind on buying US products any time soon.
I wonder if retailers will make it easy too. They generally try to stay out of politics and don't want to alienate anybody. But, if anger about the US continues, people might expect retailers to make it easier to buy Canadian and easier to avoid US products.
Given that Trump has been threatening daily to invade or otherwise annex Canada, I would agree with you there. What's the definition of an enemy country if not one that is constantly threatening to destroy you and seize what is yours?
Do we have to wait for it to actually happen before the slower Canadians catch on? Or are we dealing with that group of Canadians that worship Trump and would consider the destruction of their own country to be helpful? There's a word for people like that.
Or maybe Canadians are being nice and talking about the USA in a non-political sense, as the American people. Even then, given the relatively high approval ratings of Trump and Musk in recent polls, it's clear many of the American people are not friendly towards Canada.
I don't know what to even think anymore. Our neighbour wants to invade us but all our talent just ends up moving to the states anyway (at least in my industry) since they can make way more money. Housing is fucked, wages are fucked, and what does buy canadian even mean? from lablaws? fuck that, everything is a monopaly up here from groceries, telecoms, everything! What does it even mean to be canadian anymore? At least we've got our principals, I'm glad we're pushing back and taking a stance but I hate the direction this country is headed. Things are bad and theres no end in sight.
We've been breaking treaties for as long as we've been a country, just ask the remnants of the native peoples. We've had brief, shining periods as a force for good or scientific achievement, but mostly it's a big, racist shithole.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Take a hint Canada, do we need to tilt our hands up and stop pissing on your boots and start pissing on your face? Don't trust a group of people where more than 50% of them voted for a convicted felon and mental removed to shape their future.
Maybe the poll doesn't account for the other 73% just feeling sad about their pathetic neighbor?
Aside from the extreme financial and planning difficulties involved with emigrating, It’s exceedingly difficult for trans individuals to get a passport right now. The department of state has been destroying identity documents of anyone who is currently or has previously requested an official gender change and they are not providing any recourse or remedy to the issue.
Just a “please leave or you will be arrested” when asked what can I do to get a passport..
Have you ever considered how expensive it is to emigrate to another nation? And then there’s the acceptance part, which anyone who has gone through it can tell you, is VERY difficult.
The uncertainty surrounding it is just far too much for most people.
This is always the Libertarian shitpost response: "you're free to do what you want" because you don't recognize economic coercion. It's a perfectly OK form of limiting freedom. Fuck off.
I could tell you why I would choose to stay where I am even if I had the resources to leave. It is actually possible for some of us to put together a decent life for our families and try to brighten the lives of those around us.
…Even though our government is somewhere between evil and self-destruct, and our culture is somewhere between “fuck you got mine” and “die woman/jew/brown/LGBT+/other!”
And yeah I’m a straight white dude, how did you guess? :/
But anyway, I’ve lived in the same house for 17 years. It is a 10 minute walk to the elementary/middle school my son will attend for the next 5 years. It is a 6 minute drive to the office for the best job I’ve ever had. We are active in our community and school district, and have some wonderful friends. All my son’s grandparents are within a reasonable drive (but not too close). All my nieces and nephews are similarly close by.
It’s a small modest house that we’ve made our own. In the past 5 years we’ve done some major renovations, repairs, and remodeling. We fenced in the back yard which is great for our kid and our multiple dogs. And our tortoise. Oh yeah, we’re animal lovers. And that includes a koi pond that I built in the back yard that’s literally part of my mental health self-care.
Moving to some place that seems less insane right now would materially change my entire life, not just which government I have to live under.
It's a problem with polls, they don't give enough options and many times and the few options they give mean different to different people. If the US were an enemy I'd be too busy trying to figure out how to blow shit up in the US to have this conversation. That's what I consider the word enemy to mean. We're not there yet.
I'd classify the US as an adversary though. A country I'm opposing by non-violent means.
As member of the 27%, Im much more surprised that only 30% consider the US an ally. Trump has fucked Canadian’s public opinion so bad. Pre-election I’d expect that number to be around 80%
I don’t by default dislike Americans, but I don’t think I can trust Americans by default anymore.
He got reelected after Jan 6, after project 2025 was released publicly, after “dictator on day one”, after everything.
There are a TON of Americans I deeply respect. But the speed at which you turned your backs on us, and the lack of internal outcry speaks volumes. Over 100 years of cooperation thrown down the drain in less than a single month.
First of all, I personally did not turn my back on you. Trump and his fellow baddies did. Second, as I said in another thread, he legally cheated and probably illegally cheated as well. He knew he was going to win long before Biden showed he was old and his polls were bad. I think he even said something like, "Don't worry about the election, that's covered." or something like that.
It's probably wise not to trust us completely, especially in rural areas. I would treat us like family you lost touch with for a long time that you used to love to hang with, but you've heard some shady things about.
You have to understand, most Americans have no idea this is going on, or at least the extent. We live in an information dystopia.
Does that make us idiots? Yeah. But I think "disloyal" is the wrong word, and in fact many Americans are just overly loyal to the feeds and influencers warping their heads.
But the speed at which you turned your backs on us, and the lack of internal outcry speaks volumes.
With all due respect...
Canada's problems rank pretty low on most Americans concerns at the moment.
It's like if you're neighbor's house is burning down, and you come out to complain that the fire engine sirens woke you up from a nap and you're upset we haven't apologized yet...
Sorry and all that, but we have bigger concerns right now.
If you love us, put a stop to this. Because right now Trump is literally spouting the exact same rhetoric about Canada that Putin was spouting about Ukraine before the invasion.
How many of us get to die at the hands of American guns and bombs while you say "It's OK, we still love you, it's just our President who's an asshole"?
Okay, tell me how we're supposed to stop the most heavily guarded dude on the planet with the biggest military. He also has every education and financial record on every citizen. Go...
This isn’t a distraction, it’s a foreign government threatening us with an economic war specifically to try to annex our country and then doing the things it said it would do to try and make that happen.
The bar is “don’t hate Trump” and ya’ll’re barely hanging onto a majority in the regard only based on recent polls and you elected him with a majority. Your country is balls to wall towards the far-right and I don’t care for your worthless centrists, either.
I’m sorry you have to deal with this, but fuck the US and the vast majority of its citizens. Your “love” means fucking nothing to us.
Our populace is too stupid to vote responsibly, which means the filth will always rise to the top, which means our government will always be corrupt, which means it can't be trusted.
Distance yourself from us. Form allegiances with other countries. We cannot be trusted.
I'm sorry. I've voted at every opportunity to prevent this outcome. Many of us have. Just not enough.
US spend over 100 years building a strong alliance with North Western nations. And in one month, this alliance looks weaker than ever. It's not anymore the freedom fries joke because a smart friend told you to not do something stupid, but publicly considering invading two close ally (and restarting the good old mess in south America)
As long as the entire government apparatus proves entirely useless in the face of Puckered Asshole Lips, we absolutely are an enemy of any country with the slightest hint of decency.
Well... of course they are. We're threatening their right to exist. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily always see eye to eye with Canada and its people, but this is beyond fucked up.
States dont have a right to exist. People have a right to self determination, which can be exercised through a state with proper representation.
So the US is threatening the right to self determination of the Canadian people, although both the US and Canada have been built as European colonies on the genocide of the rightful people of the continent called North America.
Of course acknowledging the US history of oppression, slavery and genocide is something the Trump admin wants to suppress.
The whole "states right to exist" thing is thrown around by Israel as another genocidal settler colony.
Referring to Canada as the "51st State" and their prime minister as "governor" is a direct attack and invalidation of Canada, its culture, and its people's distinct identity. This isn't just about sovereignty. This is about us trying to erase them
the 30% who said they still consider the US an ally obviously don't read the news
fuck the US. if they're actually serious about this invasion bullshit, I'll kill as many of them as I possibly can. even if it's only one guy, and then my house gets blown up and my charred corpse lands in my neighbour's pool, it'll be worth it.
the 30% who said they still consider the US an ally obviously don't read the news
Or they do, and they like what they see. I'm sure there are a few Canadians who would be fine with being the 51st state.
This whole issue is because of one man who has cultivated his own cult of personality
...and I do use the term "man" very loosely
He's grown male adult that behaves like a spoiled child
Trump has done nothing to earn a cult other than making one for himself. It's built upon nothing but disinformation and they live in a world of pure distortion that pivots instantly on a whim with zero explanation given
I doubt any follower of Trump's has any specific idea where Trump is taking them because Trump has no idea either
He just wants to be king, he doesn't want to do king
It's too much work and responsibility, he's just here for his own good time
Preferably as we all suffer
It's a very Gore Vidal philosophy
"It's not enough for me to win, everyone else must fail"
Wouldn't say "enemy" exactly, but I think it's fair to say there isn't a Western democracy in the world that views the USA as a reliable ally right now. Because you're a Russian asset.
Are they a frenemy then? A rival? A sibling that's kinda strung out on drugs that you don't know what to do with but still feel kinda responsible to make sure they don't fuck up too bad?
I think it's more like a sibling that you grew up with who was taught the same moral code as you. They were living a healthy, normal life for a while but got offered a very high paying job that is at odds with those childhood morals. They decided to take it, and at first, they did just a few unethical things. Then, they realized that they could make more money by being more unethical and the people who were supposed to be chastising them were not very good at punishing people with money and were really easy to manipulate, so they leaned in to the lack of ethics.
They know what their doing is hurting people, and they don't care because they want to drive their Lamborghini to family Christmas and bring an ostentatiously expensive bottle of wine so that people can praise and fawn over them. But, if you call them on their bad behavior, they become enemies because how dare you?! Now we're the sibling who is powerful but has completely gone awry due to that same power.
I'm hoping we gave a nice family reunion someday where my country has learned the error of its ways and can once again be accepted by its lovely Canadian relatives.
I like how there's not a horde of American's definding America on Lemmy.
Even elsewhere, in more conservative forums, it seems more like trolling, not kool-aid drinking or gaslighting. There's little whaaaboutism, is what they wanted.
I don't know if Trump will ever learn what consequences are. One month in office to this day, and he's already made us an enemy to our neighbors and allies.
They have no real reason to show any kindness toward US Citizens, but I can only hope Canada takes refugees if the US domestic situation gets any worse.
I hope that my American friends who were already here for things like school can stay, and I hope that anyone trying to be a refugee from the US shitting itself can fuck off.
The US just screams and yells about how fucking great it is all the fucking time and now it’s imploding and, predictably, all people can think about is leaving. No, grab a spine from the fucking spine store and fix your bullshit. We have enough problems here without importing the laziest, most cowardly US citizens to add the list.
I mean, Canada might but given that I've of the issues is being in the crosshairs for annexation with "the largest land border" between us... how safe is it going to be?
Trump's handing Ukraine and Europe to Russia while planning his own play from their book.
It's kind of weird, but I'm not surprised. Mexico is exotic and just has a lot more historically going on IIRC.
Canada's history goes something like: The French start trading furs with the natives, the colonial British show up, the British take New France from Napoleon the French, they decide to shotgun-marry the two into a new country after the US civil war, and then the country slowly transitions from being in a geopolitics-free bubble run by the British to one run by the Americans (with a period of worrying about the two fighting each other).
So, the big picture isn't exactly action-packed - in a way, we're having the most eventful period in the country's history now. (Of course, there's tons of other stuff if you want to look closer, including migrations, minor rebellions, the various schemes the British tried to thwart American expansion, constant flirtation with splitting apart again and Newfoundland joining)
Edit: Oh shit, I forgot the vikings. Yeah, they came and did viking stuff, and left some house foundations. Then all died out. And I should mention it had stuff happening the whole time before Europeans arrived, just no literate cultures to record it, so it's prehistory.
The Commonwealth of Nations, often simply referred to as the Commonwealth is an international association of 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former territories of the British Empire from which it developed. They are connected through their use of the English language and historical-cultural ties. The chief institutions of the organisation are the Commonwealth Secretariat, which focuses on intergovernmental relations, and the Commonwealth Foundation, which focuses on non-governmental relations between member nations. Numerous organisations are associated with and operate within the Commonwealth. It is known colloquially as the British Commonwealth.
That's because most Americans are ignorant to anything that isn't about them. I am an American, and I would definitely leave if I could. My passport ran out, and I will try to get another one, but I'm not hopeful anymore. I am eligible for a UK passport through ancestral means, but since I'm on disability, I can't afford the immigration fees. I have always felt like a second citizen in the US. My mother was from England, as well as half of my family. I have been there several times and I absolutely loved my time there. My ex-wife is from there as well. Not everyone in the US is a far-right cultist, some of us are just as pissed about the threats to you guys as you are. By the way, go Blue Jays, keep Vladdy in blue.
I mean, they don't. Their country is self-contained enough they don't have to bother. I hear Chinese are the same way, if you can understand their language.