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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 82
Why don't some people never gain any weight no matter how much they eat?
  • As usual, weight is driven by Calorie in - Calorie out. If it's positive you gain weight, if it's negative you loose weigt.

    Your brother is a tall, young male, all of that would point toward a relatively high calorie out also without knowing him in details it's hard to evaluate. There is always that person taking desert twice when out, but skipping lunch on regular day while doing a lot of sport.

  • Poland wants all civilian airports to be adapted for military use
  • What do military need that the civilian airport do not have ? True question. Sure the grass trip airfield where hobbyist fly may not be suited for military use, but I would believe that in larger airport, most of the facilites are at least existing.

  • How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game?
  • Then comes the part LOL is a popular and well known brand, so doing something even remotely linked to it will drag an audience. Remember how the World war Z movie ignored the books but paid licencing fee for the title (and the associated _brand recognition)

  • How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game?
  • You can make a movie/serie out of any content, and LOL was (is ?) pretty popular. Yes OK may-be a farming simulator the serie won't be that great. But if you have some basic setting, and some factions competing for power you can develop in any direction

  • Why are people of mixed ethnicity disproportionately underrepresented in positions of power and influence within society?
  • Social reproduction of the elites. Which is the advanced version of kids do the same job as their parents

    Getting with parents with money and connection is a huge cheat code. While some people have to work to pay their rent at university, some other have their parents buying them an appartement. Guess who can afford to volunteer in a political party, do art or develop software on the side ? Some people do have family with connection which means they'll be able to meet the right person to finance their project while many other stop at this step. It's why it's hard to join the elite when your family isn't part of the elite for multiple generations.

    And many immigrant end-up at the lower-level of the social pyramid, their kids grow up with parents who have no money, no connection, and sometimes don't even know the language. which make them harder for them to climb the "social ladder" a generation latter their kids don't have nay kickstart, so it's not surprising that very few are represented in position in power, even if their family has been around for over 100 years. And without any surprise the one who do often have been part of the elite before immigrating.

  • ‘US will no longer protect Europe’: Pan-EU movement Volt pushes for EU army
  • On this regards, I think that the french doctrine since De Gaulle is right. US never protected Europe but their own interest (in Europe) (and to be fair, you could say the same about any country).

    And indeed, I've been hearing all my life about the need for an European army, and nothing as really moved, and it's a pitty.

  • Would you prefer to stay at a job you hate for a short period of time (2-3 mo) or be unemployed for the same period of time?
  • 2-3 month unemployed, is the opportunity to take a break, move with some personal projects and take the time to find a nice job. Also it's typically covered by both severance pay you got from your previous job and unemployment insurance. So it's not big deal financially speaking (while resigning from a job you hate would make you loose your unemployement rights)

  • USA vill stoppa Gripenaffär - Saab dyker på börsen / The US wants to stop Gripen deal - Saab stocks going down
  • In civil aviation the 737 Max is just a 737 with a newer engine. Still requested a lot of re-design on Boeing side, and ended-up with the whole MCAS scandal.

    I really doubt that you can just mount a M88 on a Grippen without a huge retrofit project. Is that possible ? May-be. Is it gonna be cheap ? Nope

  • Career Path Advice
  • Focus on university course over "private certication" which are often full of bullshit and paid by companies anyway. The foundation you learn is what stays valid no matter what's the technique you use.

    To give a word on agile, it's about having shorter development cycles and more intermediate release which are used by actual users. It works well in prototyping phase (when you have proper tools) and in software. However, many PM end-up making agile heavier more complicated/heavy than regular cycle with daily stand-up meeting and boards full of post-it. I would advise going in these type of projects without some technical background.

    Also note that while project management looks cool (and is a way to grow your carrer quickly) it's a field where you deal with a lot of bullshit out of your control. A person is sick for the week ? How do your re-organize the project ? A truck delivering a critical part has an accident ? How do you deal with it The certification lab asks finds that your cable at the European fire safety norm but not the US ones (or the other way around ? ) adding two month delay to change everything ? How do you announce the customer that the final delivery is postponed due to some paperwork ? You often end-up sitting between the engineer knowing what needs to be done, the upper management cutting down the budget and the customer wanting more. So not a job for everyone

  • Tesla sales crash 45% in Europe as rivals surge, Musk’s politics spark backlash
  • I still don't get how is Telsa 20 times bigger than Toyota.

    It's great thanks to Musk, Telsa could become a viable auto maker which in the current industrial context is already amazing, especially with production in place with expensive labour (Which is a great thing too)

    However, it's not like other auto manufacturer would disappear from the market and it seems easier to add an electric system over an existing basis than to build a new car from scratch, let alone Chinese trying to enter the global market (and BYD is growing quickly in Europe) and Indian which will do the same at the point.

    So not really a surprise that Tesla sales start to drop, especially when adding that nazi did good car isn't a reason to support nazi

  • [ Community Challenge 71 ] Depopulation
  • Using Flux Schnell

    In a post apocalyptic future, nature took over a large city, tree grows among few empty wrecked car. A magnificent deer crosses the street in the middle of ruined building. The street pavement is almost covered by mosh and grass. The picture somehow feels like part of the Chernobyl zone.

    The scene occurs under a nice summer sky

    Photorealistic image, Canon EOS 9D

  • What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too.
  • Define "server"...

    Every PC can be a server, it used to be common with earlier online gaming and VoIP apps like teamspeak to have someone using their PC as the server. Nowadays, with the cloud and light device like Chromebooks it feels like back in the 80's where there was a couple of server, and people would use cheap low tech terminal to display the console where they work from while all the computing power was located on the servers.

  • How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.?
  • Main criteria is Has walk-in slots or relatively quick availabilities and is either close from home or close from work. This usually drastically reduce the option. While I am lucky enough to be able to afford "Extra-costs"and "private doctor" I would prefer to see doctor applying the legal cost and public hospital over private clinics, but sometimes going private means seing a specialist tomorrow rather than next week. (Or in 3 month for rare specialities)

    Nowadays, most countries, have some form of centralized medical record, so if you consent to it, and if your doctor use-it (Public hospital most likely, private hospital sometimes, old 80 year old doctor nope)

  • Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups?
  • Which looks like a bug rather than a feature, the level of deflation bitcoin has make it an usable as a money.

    I am rather having regular raise while my mortgage stay the same thanks to inflation than seeing my pay diminish thanks to deflation while my mortgage stays the same

  • If mind uploading was successfully achieved, would the virtual "you" truly still be you?
  • Not video gaming, but the Eclipse phase Rpg went pretty far in that theme, with cortical stack, clones, people living in Virtual spaces and more.

    I would recommend the official Fate port, as the main system is way too heavy

  • Peugeot 208, C3, Opel Corsa... Stellantis rappelle 68 000 voitures pour un défaut mécanique pouvant provoquer des incendies Peugeot 208, C3, Opel Corsa... Stellantis rappelle 68 000 voitures pour un défaut mécanique pouvant provoquer des incendies

    Il concerne des buses de refroidissement de jet d'huile sur ses moteurs PureTech, précise le groupe, déjà en délicatesse après le rappel de centaines de milliers de véhicules pour des airbags défectueux.

    Peugeot 208, C3, Opel Corsa... Stellantis rappelle 68 000 voitures pour un défaut mécanique pouvant provoquer des incendies

    Il concerne des buses de refroidissement de jet d'huile sur les moteurs PureTech, précise le groupe, déjà en délicatesse après le rappel de centaines de milliers de véhicules pour des airbags défectueux.

    0 Arrestation de Mohamed Amra : comment la police judiciaire a pu retrouver la trace du fugitif en Roumanie

    Ce n'est qu'au début du mois de février que les policiers ont localisé le narcotrafiquant le plus recherché de France, selon les informations de franceinfo. En tout, 25 personnes sont en garde à vue après son arrestation.

    Arrestation de Mohamed Amra : comment la police judiciaire a pu retrouver la trace du fugitif en Roumanie

    Ce n'est qu'au début du mois de février que les policiers ont pu retrouver la trace du narcotrafiquant le plus recherché de France grâce à un important travail sur la téléphonie, selon les informations de franceinfo.


    L'agence du médicament confirme la grande toxicité d'antibiotiques très prescrits en France L'Agence du médicament confirme la grande toxicité d'antibiotiques très prescrits en France

    L'ANSM publie, jeudi, deux expertises qui confirment la grande toxicité des fluoroquinolones. Il y a deux ans, franceinfo révélait que des patients victimes de ces antibiotiques avaient décidé de porter plainte au pénal pour blessures involontaires et tromperie.

    L'Agence du médicament confirme la grande toxicité d'antibiotiques très prescrits en France

    L'ANSM publie, jeudi, deux expertises qui confirment la grande toxicité des fluoroquinolones. Il y a deux ans, franceinfo révélait que des patients victimes de ces antibiotiques avaient décidé de porter plainte au pénal pour blessures involontaires et tromperie.


    « Nos commerces font peur » : une vague de départs se prépare dans les agences Stéphane Plaza immobilier « Nos commerces font peur » : une vague de départs se prépare dans les agences Stéphane Plaza immobilier

    La condamnation de l’animateur de M6 est un coup très dur pour les centaines de professionnels de l’immobilier dont les commerces portent son nom. Malgré les refus du réseau et les consignes de discr…

    « Nos commerces font peur » : une vague de départs se prépare dans les agences Stéphane Plaza immobilier

    La condamnation de l’animateur de M6 est un coup très dur pour les centaines de professionnels de l’immobilier dont les commerces portent son nom.

    > > > Rejoindre l’enseigne coûte en effet cher. Le droit d’entrée est à 32 000 euros par boutique et le contrat d’une durée de cinq ans prévoit le versement de 8 % du chiffre d’affaires annuel (jusqu’à 580 000 euros, de 6 %, puis de 4 % ensuite), ainsi qu’une redevance de 2 200 euros par mois. > >


    Procès des geôliers d'ex-otages français : comment des journalistes, dont Nicolas Hénin, ont identifié le jihadiste Mehdi Nemmouche comme leur tortionnaire Procès des geôliers d'ex-otages français : comment des journalistes, dont Nicolas Hénin, ont identifié le jihadiste Mehdi Nemmouche comme leur tortionnaire

    Cinq hommes, dont l'auteur de l'attentat contre le Musée juif de Bruxelles en 2014, sont jugés à partir de lundi devant la cour d'assises spéciale de Paris. Ils sont accusés d'avoir retenu en otages quatre journalistes français en Syrie de 2013 à 2014.

    Procès des geôliers d'ex-otages français : comment des journalistes, dont Nicolas Hénin, ont identifié le jihadiste Mehdi Nemmouche comme leur tortionnaire

    "Tout ça a fini en queue de poisson" : que contiennent les milliers de cahiers de doléances que François Bayrou veut rouvrir ? "Tout ça a fini en queue de poisson" : que contiennent les milliers de cahiers de doléances que François Bayrou veut rouvrir ?

    Nés sur les ronds-points durant la crise des "gilets jaunes", les cahiers de doléances se sont multipliés dès décembre 2018 à l'initiative des maires, puis de l'Elysée avec le grand débat national. Six ans plus tard, le Premier ministre assure qu'il faut en utiliser le contenu, sans dévoiler de méth...

    "Tout ça a fini en queue de poisson" : que contiennent les milliers de cahiers de doléances que François Bayrou veut rouvrir ?
    0 "Il faut intervenir le plus rapidement possible" : après le meurtre de Louise, un psychiatre explique comment les cellules psychologiques travaillent

    Pour tenter d'apaiser les angoisses des parents et de leurs enfants, deux cellules d'urgence ont été mises en place à Epinay-sur-Orge. L'une coordonnée par le Samu, l'autre sous tutelle du rectorat. Le psychiatre référent, Thierry François, nous explique leur rôle.

    "Il faut intervenir le plus rapidement possible" : après le meurtre de Louise, un psychiatre explique comment les cellules psychologiques travaillent

    How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ?

    Let's take the Rhine Which goes from Switzerland to Netherlands. When and how did people start agreeing on giving-it the same name ? What about the alps going from southern France to Austria ? When did people agreed that it was the same mountain range ? And obviously what about the Gulf of Mexico ?


    Why is Tesla market cap so high ?

    Tesla market cap is US$ 1.3 Trillion in comparison to regular car manufacturer it's ridiculously high

    The world leader Toyota has like market cap of 45 billions and other big manufacturer reach similar value. The only exception being the other leading brand on electric car "BYD" with a market cap of 750 billions.

    However, even assuming that Tesla stays the leader of electric car, how would it make it more valuable that let's say Toyota. Especially now that "many of the person who can invest the price of an appartment in a fancy car" did switch to electric, and that the electric market needs to develop the cheap and compact urban car for middle-class person who can't afford a car above 20 thousands euros (Because to be realistic the era of 10 000 EUR car is over)

    I simply can't understand how Tesla market valuation is so high
