First of all, good riddance, glad we won't have to see this old ghoul anymore. I hope whatever neurological condition he has kills him before he can enjoy his retirement.
Second of all, a lot Democrats should follow suit. Congress is ancient, but the Democrats are, on average, even older than the Republicans, and that's one of the main reasons they keep getting their asses kicked. If we're going to stop the fascists that have seized our government, we need people with fresh ideas and the energy to fight. Schumer has demonstrated over the last month that his is in no way capable of meeting this moment, and he should set an example for his fellow geriatrics by stepping down from leadership and not seeking reelection, just like McConnell did.
Jefferies was hand-picked by Pelosi, and I have to assume, given how much power she still exerts over the House (for example, blocking AOC from the Oversight Committee) that he is simply her figurehead. He is also a truly terrible public speaker, which is not an ideal trait for someone who wants to be Speaker of the House.
Mitch is, frankly speaking, one of the most talented statesmen of our time, and he reliably used his powers to the detriment of all but a few of the wealthiest. Imagine if a moldy, watered-down Talleyrand was just a cynical jerk off that continually fucked everything up for everyone else in order to get a little microslice of the profits he made for a handful of people, and you've Mitch McConnell. He could have really achieved some great things for everyone if he hadn't been doing them just for the ultra-wealthy.
Once upon a time this news would have made me happy. McConnell is responsible for so many terrible things, but honestly he pales in comparison with Trump and the MAGA folks. He's like Dr. Evil, who was the big baddie in his day, but is nothing compared to today's evils.