Cyberpunk 2077's sequel will boast "the most realistic and reactive crowd system in any game to date" if CD Projekt hits its goals, so no pressure then
With PC reviews pretty much lying about the game's performance and CDPR not allowing console reviews prior to launch, i was misled into buying it on PC day 1.
IGN gave it a 9/10 and most other big reviewers werent far off.
It was pretty much a coordinated false advertisement until CDPR could get their hype money...
I mean yeah they fixed it but it did take 4 years and i did already get burnt out on an inferior version of the game.
I learned my lesson then that i can only trust community reviews and that any media outlet always has an agenda.
Yeah I don't believe a single thing CDPR says anymore. I'm still waiting for them to release the patch that makes your decisions in Cyberpunk actually matter. Fool me once.
they didn't really boast it as the title would imply. it's a job posting so my take is that it's more aspirational or setting a target.
patch that makes your decisions in Cyberpunk actually matter
I would like more consequences like the pickup mission where you have to think of actual factions but the game offers a lot of choice.
Most choice is gameplay and build related where you have multiple methods of completing an objective and many times you can go out of order. This is in stark contrast to gta which has better sandboxes but much less gameplay choice is missions.
Even still there are things like taking out Jotaro in the one gig affects the dialog with Woodman later, playing as corpo allows you to skip the infiltration for the arasaka float, judy or maiko for clouds, and the endings are all as powerful as they are varied. I would still say your choices matter as even your chosen sex affects romance options. Phantom liberty expansion elevate the gigs and choices a bit more. For example the sphere hunter gig where you infiltrate the ncpd headquarters adds a check at the end if you went lethal or not. If the main boss can't detect their biomonitors then you can't leave without a fight (though i also encountered a bug here).
For the sequel i definitely want more reacting NPCs more dynamic open world behavior vs map icon hunting, and more consequences that are also faction-based like maelstrom vs militech
Lol, go on, yell me how decisions in the game do not matter. Before you start, be aware I have complete like seven or more full playthroughs just to explore all the things I could do, were it all real (so, excluding things like killing everyone or being a complete shit just for giggles)
But what I do want from them is an actual damn city. Walking through a megapolis chromed to the teeth and not being able to break into random house or apartment is damn frustrating
Seriously, why so much hate for this game. The game at the moment is pretty good.
It looks gorgeous, has an awesome story and a fun and versatile combat system. I am not too much into first person shooting games, but I am playing it right now and I am hooked. I think this game is easily in my top 5 if not 3 games of all time.
Cyberpunk is a fun game, but for me it is very shallow and I don't like Johnny Silverhand, every second where he is on screen is pure annoyance. And yes, I know that he is supposed to be like that, but for me it just killed the fun.
I finished maybe 25% and then just stopped playing.
I actually enjoyed the game too, I was just taking the piss because it was infamously underpolished at launch and the crowd system was part of it.
The development time really shows with the map; the city is phenomenal and super detailed. I don't know if they had to rewrite the engine 7 times or what, because everything else was laughably buggy at launch. I played right when it launched but still had fun. I'm sure it's way better now - i still need to finish the DLC
The PC Parts industry basically stopped making new hardware for games so we should pretty much give up on the notion of things improving substantially past this point.
Always wait until release. I love CDPR games, but I'll always wait until release. Especially with digital being the default moving forward, the days of scarcity are over.
I assumed we wouldn’t be getting a sequel. I hope they are able to get one out there eventually. 2077 is has the coolest aesthetics I’ve ever seen in a game.
Because we all know how well their promises played out for the first one...
It did get finished, eventually. Hope they stop hyping their games up like this. Just release a trailer like Witcher 4 and keep your heads down and work on it.
Cyberpunk was the last game I preordered preordered and it was because of the blatant lies they told about the game before the release and still have not (and will not) deliver on.
I loved the world they artistically manifested and expanded in some ways (thanks Pondsmith!), loved the music, loved the start of the game. I have yet to finish it because it's still a buggy mess at times.
I'll finish it one day, everyone says the DLC is great. But it will be several solid and honest game releases before I trust cdpr again with any sales pitch. Until third parties have their hands on it, we can't even trust the footage.
The base game was great, but the DLC was probably the best DLC I've ever played, finally knocking the Shivering Isles off the top spot in my book. I can't say much more without spoilers, so
The choice you have to make at the end was the most conflicted I've been in a video game. I really liked both characters, they're both so well fleshed out and you can't help but sympathize with them. In the end, I chose So Mi, but being forced by Reed to shoot him was hard. He's not even real, and I'm mad he made me make that choice.
This goal is laid out in one of the job descriptions the publisher's just put out as it seeks to recruit folks to beef up the team working on the Cyberpunk sequel - codenamed Project Orion - at the CD Projekt's relatively new Boston studio.
It's not like they said that in a marketing context; they set it as a goal. Scraping job postings seems a little disingenuous. Job postings always sound like that.
I'm gonna just assume it won't be any different than the crowd system of Assassin's Creed; which wasn't even all that impressive back when that first came out.
They said CP2077 would do things no other game did. That was a lie. They are also claiming a new IP they are working on will do the same. I don't really trust them when they say they will be doing something that's never been done before because they can barely make things that have been done to death work properly. And honestly, even the best designers have made that promise and failed to deliver, so whenever I hear the phrase "never seen in a game before" I usually just check out because it's never been true.
They are amazing at the artistic side of things (the visuals, the audio, the story-telling); but when it comes to the technical side? They are pretty bad.
They had a rough start for console players, or so I've been told, but I strictly play on PC and never had any issues whatsoever, so I'm looking forward to the next game for sure. There's no doubt that the game was a great one, and Phantom Liberty was the DLC that finally knocked the Shivering Isles out of the top spot for me.
I think this is the one thing open world games never seem to make much progress on, so I hope it's not just hyperbole and they actually have something crazy in mind.
But unless they've fired all of their executive-tier staff since the launch of the first CP2077, I'll refrain from holding my breath.
The fact that GTA V's crowd system still stands out for feeling relatively "real" -- a 12-year-old game -- suggests to me that it's more about design and execution than actually needing a lot of technological advancement.
That sounds like a massive waste of time and money for something that people will only ever notice when it goes wrong. How about making a good game instead of spending millions of dollars on fancy window dressing?
I believe them and will definitely get the game eventually, cyberpunk 2077 is one of my favorite games and I'm excited for a sequel.
However I will wait a few weeks after it comes out before buying it lol
Yes, there were big claims before and yes, everyone should be extremely cautious. Never preorder games. It will likely suck, and even then just from the general trend in AAA gaming.
BUT there is a big difference this time around, specifically: they're no longer using their own engine. That does change the equation.
I mean, I can believe they can do it, but it will probably be totally missing on launch, then utterly broken, and after 2 years of patches will finally work correctly.