Putin probably wishes they were the west. He's not dumb enough to side with them now, I don't think. Given I feel he's learned thats never going to play out in his favor, but I also think that if he didn't have to contend with another global capitalist power, he definitely wouldn't be so buddy buddy with China and NK. It will be interesting so see what happens when the west falls. How will Russia react to being completely overshadowed by China? Will they start interfering with China's work in building up "3rd world" countries? Will they start to attempt their own imperialism? A capitalist nation simply will not be able to compete with China. When the new world power comes about and it's a socialist nation, more and more will follow suit. Assuming the world survived the next few decades, and China takes reigns as the global communist superpower, I feel the fall of the west will be like the world developing an immunity to the resurgence of global capitalism.
I imagine being closer to China geopolitically and economically will only make these views stronger. A lot of people have to be wondering if Russia could be like China today if different decisions were made in the 90s. It's also worth noting that economic structure in Russia isn't actually dramatically different from China either. Russia never fully embraced liberal policies and the state remains at the commanding heights of the economy. A 2023 World Bank study gives a pretty good overview of this. In particular, it distinguishes between businesses of the state (BOS), that are at least 10% government owned by some government, and state owned enterprises (SOE), which are majority owned or more, and controlled, by the government. And another study has a chart showing SOE in Russia compared with China.
If KPRF continues to gain traction, it's plausible they could take power at some point. It's not a terribly principled party right now, but at least they are genuinely socialist.
The age discrepancy is a bit annoying. In that the younger people (around my age) prefer a “Western model” (if the translation is correct in the second article). But that Western model is trying to subjugate them, I do wonder where this perspective comes from. Maybe the current government is just not doing enough to court the younger generations, maybe it also has to do with the education system (depends on how the curriculum is created and taught) and interactions with the west (social media, NGOs, etc.). I am genuinely curious, I know Russia is definitely not a perfect country nor is it socialist, but I have to wonder where this perspective from younger people comes from.
I remain doubtful on that front considering the result of forcing a war with China... doesn't really matter because we're just all dead then. Like the entire world.
Yeah, "proxy wars" and such. China isn't taking that bait though. The US keeps whining on about Taiwan, but I see zero evidence of an "aggressive, forced" takeover of the island. (And yes, takeover is loosely used there. If the idea of states and sovereignty is "real" then China "invading Taiwan" is impossible. Yes, I understand... everyone knows what I mean. "Liberals in the walls" moment)
Putin tried to be an ally of the West after 9/11. I'd have to try and remember which book I read it in, or maybe it was an interview, but he approached Bush and said something to the effect of, we both have an issue with Islamic terrorism ( The Russian invasion of chechnya and resulting blowback, and the United States' support of wahhabism to combat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan).
The problem is is that America couldn't get past the concept of Russia still being the adversary. Even after the end of the Cold War and Russia's transformation into a capitalist hellscape.
There was a great deal of time where there could have been an opportunity to normalize relations with Russia, but groups within the American security apparatus were vehemently opposed to that.
I'd argue that having Russia as an adversary war essential for maintaining Atlanticist policy. If Russia was integrated with the west then the economic gravity in Europe would shift east, making the US less relevant globally.