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footfaults footfaults

ipsc shooter, shitposter

Posts 1
Comments 33
Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows
  • I think blocking the instance that Dessalines is on would just be considered too gauche. It's easier for them to just ignore them or maybe they just block the communities with the new features that lemmy implemented instead of defederating

  • What are your opinions on building, let's say, left wing 'militias'?
  • Have you ever seen a leftist in the imperial core handle a firearm.

    I have. It's very depressing

  • What are your opinions on building, let's say, left wing 'militias'?
  • The ban against militias is selectively enforced against left wing groups. The SRA, with all of its flaws, correctly avoided anything that would appear to encourage or condone militia formation and they still got infiltrated by wreckers, leftist infighting, sectarianism, incompetence, and feds.

    So I dunno. It's very hard to organize anything without getting infiltrated.

  • Former Ukrainian official confirms Trump's statement that Zelensky is a dictator
  • He outlawed opposition parties and cancelled elections that he was going to lose.

    The fact that it's Trump of all people calling it out is just hilarious.

  • Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords
  • I know that Hacker News is a self selected sample of the most deranged tech bro sociopaths, but still it is a representative sample of Silicon Valley.

    I don't think the workers in Silicon Valley are going to stop this. They don't want to. I've spent 15 years on that site and have a pretty good sense of what their attitudes and priorities are. This ain't it.

  • What do you think about the west?
  • I think that is absolutely their calculation. I strongly disagree with their conclusion but it is what it is

  • What do you think about the west?
  • Putin tried to be an ally of the West after 9/11. I'd have to try and remember which book I read it in, or maybe it was an interview, but he approached Bush and said something to the effect of, we both have an issue with Islamic terrorism ( The Russian invasion of chechnya and resulting blowback, and the United States' support of wahhabism to combat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan).

    The problem is is that America couldn't get past the concept of Russia still being the adversary. Even after the end of the Cold War and Russia's transformation into a capitalist hellscape.

    There was a great deal of time where there could have been an opportunity to normalize relations with Russia, but groups within the American security apparatus were vehemently opposed to that.


  • 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Trump: "Zelensky is a little dictator"
  • Trump won an election 4 months ago. How long has it been for you, Zelensky? Oh and quick follow-up, when's your next one?

  • Time to make C the COBOL of this century
  • I mean it's never going to go away, because there has to be something to bootstrap all these newer languages from.

    I absolutely agree that most normal programmers need to move away from C but it's not going to go away anytime soon

  • Ukraine will be at the table, just not sitting on it
  • Europeans going absolutely apeshit, realizing that they were just a client state the whole time.

  • What's up with Trump's posturing in countries/territories that the US doesn't control?
  • America has nukes. This is America's world and everyone just lives in it.

    (Deeper context, America's nuclear doctrine is madman theory where we will absolutely use nuclear weapons if pushed, to get our way, so the rest of the world is our hostage)

  • Richard Medhurst, Leading Gaza Reporter, Arrested and Charged with "Terrorism" in European Crackdown
  • In $BAD_COUNTRY reporters who don't toe the party line get arrested

  • Do be evil
  • It's a good point though. It's all calvinball.

  • Hashtag Resist
  • 2 and 3 are not really viable and Google already had a policy in place for disputed territories. For example look at Kashmir, it gets rendered differently if you are in India vs Pakistan, so I mean Google employees just shrug and implement the same thing. If America wants to have a temper tantrum and call it the Gulf of America, like fine whatever, it's stupid, just mark it in the system as such and move on.

    Google has far more serious topics that its employees should strike, and have struck over.

  • Do be evil
  • It's like being in India and looking at Kashmir. Google just draws shit for each group so they all stop crying

  • Hexbear down?
  • Until someone does a BGP hijack and steals the IP too

  • Hashtag Resist
  • Google is full of lanyard wearing freaks that are only doing the rename in Maps because Trump's people filled out all the proper forms.

    In the U.S., the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) has officially updated “Gulf of Mexico” to “Gulf of America.”

    So this is just lanyard on lanyard violence

  • Hexbear down?
  • I mean yes from the outside you'd think "it's just a forum" but I mean if you spend multiple hours a day on it and connect with tons of people that share your world view, yeah it means a lot.

    Wild. Anyway, glad to see you here comrade