Because she's still a bourgeois Venezuelan ex-pat who wants the US to rescue her country from the nasty socialists. Back home, she's one of the whites but she's about to learn the hard way: Caracas white != Connecticut white.
This happens so much in Rio de la Plata "Somos blancos y europeos , somos italianos" which basically means "We're white and european, we're italian" ... but the thing they're actually saying is "I'm not native or black, fuck those people, I'm better than them".
When my in laws visited texas to see my brother in law though... in some rural parts, the advice was not to speak spanish.
If only there was an abundance of evidence that Don fucks over people when they’re no longer useful to him. This poor woman. Where did I put my tiny violin?
How is it possible to be so ignorant? If you had just paid attention to him for more than 10 seconds the past 10 years, you would have known he’s against you. It’s not that he’s shy about it or something.
Most people don't actually think. Most people have feelings that they justify.
Thinking is actually incredibly hard. It requires that you admit you're wrong sometimes. Justifying your existing feelings doesn't require that of you.
Anything against Trump is seen as political to these people. She knows she is going against the narrative and knows people are going to give her shit for it.
I have two friends that said they used to listen to NPR but not as much "since they got all political" - meaning calling Trump's lies what they are, lies. In fact they're pretty soft on Trump compared to some outlets. It's frustrating.
Wouldn't it stand to argue that almost anything to do with Trump is political considering he's the president and the context here is Trump breaking promises made during a political campaign to persuade people to vote for him in a political election?
I'm being a bit pedantic here. It's clear what she meant was closer to, "Here's my controversial take, don't come after me". But suggesting that you're not being political in an inherently political matter just goes to show how little these people actually think critically.
edit; sorry didn't mean to be rude. it doesn't matter what's "political" or whatever. we just have to keep a laser focus on literally evrything, as much as possible, first real real big "political" chance to fight in Congress is 2026
It’s a built in CapCut captioning effect widely used by video editors on TikTok.
Speed reader applications have demonstrably proven that people can process word sequences MUCH quicker when you show sentences to them this way.
You can be annoyed by the style and how obtuse it looks in scale relation to the actual video content, but utility-wise, it’s objectively the “easiest to digest” way to display subtitles / captions.
As someone with a hearing disability, it really irks me every time I see this comment. This style of captioning helps me understand the pacing of the dialog, something that normal subtitles cannot do, forcing me to attempt to read lips and the captions at the same time. I much prefer to just have my subtitles pop up one word at a time like this.
I'm afraid that if people keep complaining about them, they will eventually go away. Please stop with your crusade against something that legitimately helps people with disabilities. It's incredibly selfish.
I'm not going to argue with you. If this genuinely helps you, cool. I will say I'm not on a "crusade". I initially watched the clip without audio and simply couldn't keep up, where I would have easily done so with more traditional subtitles.
Out of curiosity, would you want to watch a longer form video like this? It doesn't really seem to leave much opportunity to look at anything other than the flashing words.
As someone with a hearing disability and dyslexia... These captions are a fucking nightmare and need to go away. Maybe add a bouncing ball to the standard captions but this method is not the way imo.
This is the better way to caption things, actually. It improves both your reading speed and comprehension, especially when it's something like this where the person is talking quickly. Something about how your brain recognizes words.
Veering slightly off topic, but I wanted to rant about it. I absolutely loathe the trend of putting each and every word on screen, one-by-one, as they're spoken.
As someone with ADHD it's possibly the most distracting thing with this vertical video trash format. Even worse when it's in the center of the screen, and worse yet when it's moving, as in this one with the huge bounce animation. Captions are useful, and vital for some people, but this...
And it seems they use "AI" for it, because it frequently gets homophones and other subtleties wrong, so now the kids who are raised by this stuff are going to have some awful spelling skills.
Nah its still worth talking about, because it was the swing voters that won the election for Trump.
Comparing 2020 to 2024:
White voters swung 1% increasing their vote to 56%
Black voters doubled their vote (wtf) from 8% to 16%.
Latino voters also increased their vote 8% (wtf) from 35% to 43%
Even 'all other races' increased their vote from 39% to 41%.
So 'wtf were these people thinking, voting for the leopard that says their particular faces are the most delicious?' is a completely fair question to raise.
that was the max they felt they could get away with from hacking voting machines….
remember when trump couldn’t find a group of black people that supported him anywhere, so they used AI generated pictures… but somehow millions of black people voted for him?
the voting machines were hacked, the “stop the steal” shit was all about getting recon on the voting machines
I wish we could see actual number of votes cast by each at m demographic... These stats could also be explained by the lower turnout, not necessarily more people voting for Trump in each demographic.
2020: 8 Trump, 12 Biden=60% for Biden...
2024: 8 Trump, 4 Kamala= 33% Kamala
Trump still got the same number of votes but it looks like he "doubled" his support
The fact that she was woke colored, DEI dressed and spoke with an heavily tariffed accent should've clued her in, but many won't believe anything until it happens to them and then it's too late
Seriously there were a lot of Latinos that voted even for this election because of a misguided sense of loyalty to the conservatives and their alignment with Christianity and toxic positivity. Brainwashed, like other folks, except they're the ones who are going to pay for it.
I hope they finally get it after making it through the persecution we're going to receive at the hands of emboldened and empowered racism.
Does "getting it" even matter when they're on the other side of the border or in a Texas internment camp for an indefinite period with no further voting opportunities?
You shouldn't have to, I totally agree there. "Papers please" sounds very facist, in the real non-exaggerated sense.
Coincidentally, I do carry my US passport card with me everywhere. It's only good for overland travel to Mexico and Canada (you still need the full passport for international flights) but it's a "Real ID" and proves my citizenship.
Or did somebody just hang about outside the conference centre offering $50 to any foreign looking people to get up on stage and spout a load of bullshit?
It's also possible she's talking about family members who are documented immigrants but not citizens.