I wholeheartedly agree all of the people listed in the thread as "needs hugs", but, hear me out, maybe if all the MAGA and conservatives and hateful people had gotten more hugs in their childhood, then they wouldn't be such giant assholes now.
John 13:34. If Jesus really is the holy prophet for the West, and his last commandment before being betrayed is “Love everyone,” then that seems pretty important to Christ’s message.
I believe in that sentiment strongly. If they believe that sentiment, then we can exchange hugs. It has to start from that place, or they are lost.
not fan of the Jesus fandom (most of them at least) but Jesus was a pretty epic character when you actually read that book about him. indeed responding to hate and violence with kindness instead of retribution is important in stopping the cycle of violence, though i must note - he did die in that story, and none of us are currently divine children walking the earth knowing what comes after, sometimes stopping the cycle is impossible if you want to survive.
i will always accept with an open heart the people who were once bigots and changed, or those who are having doubts about their bigoted beliefs - both mean they've learnt and grown, and their past mistakes shouldn't define their whole life
I'm not a minority, LGBTQ+, or disabled but I'm also not MAGA, a conservative, and have less than 0.002% of the wealth listed. Can I be put on the hug? I'm willing to give the in return at a rate of 1 to 1.
This is what makes me so sad. I have a friend, got married, had a kid, looked at the world and said, "This has to change." He bought solar. Bought a Tesla. Started growing food in his back yard. Joined a farm co-op. Did all the right things. Frankly, I admire his willingness to actually be the change he wanted in the world.
Then, the owner of the car company turned into a Nazi. Not exactly his fault.
Some Tesla drivers need hugs.
CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - need hugs, but only if they're exploring how to undermine extractive, exploitative, fascist-leaning capitalism. Otherwise, no hugs
Cartoonists - need hugs
Union leads - need hugs
Weapons manufacturers - need the cold embrace of obsolescence.
My dentist is lovely. Last visit I told him how much I appreciated his care and advice, and he blushed and said no-one ever thanked him. He needs a hug!
I can't help but think some groups must have no good people just by virtue of what the group is. Good people don't join the Proud Boys or the KKK, nor can good people be billionaires.
I guess it would depend on what is considered a prerequisite. Those groups are best avoided whenever possible, but they know how to find themselves with people who join because they have to feed their families or something, and some join internally denouncing its worst aspects. By the same token, most people today (myself included) wouldn't automatically consider Muslims to be a "bad group" even though the Quran is still pretty intolerant.
This made me wonder-
How do you know who's the hug giver and who's the hug recipient? Is it based on who initiated it or is there some hug position or etiquette that i don't know?