This one simple chart explains why Trump's tariffs are doomed to fail.
This one simple chart explains why Trump's tariffs are doomed to fail.

China is the bigger trade partner for majority of the world. All the trade war will accomplish is to further isolate the US and its remaining vassals.
smb EUR doesn't "swing" between usd and bri.
was that map made by a us voting "analyst"?
2 0 Replydavel [he/him]
- Célestin Coquidé & José Lages, Équipe de Physique Théorique, Institut UTINAM, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon
- Dima L. Shepelyansky, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse
4 0 Replysmb okay, i still diagree with that "swing" label (not with the contents though)
pretty good visualized, just the label seems misleading to me.
2 0 Reply
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