Okay, just back of the envelope math. Assuming the car is truly 550nm, so the blue car is 400nm, and the red car is 700nm... How fast is the car going?
Napkin math says 0.27c.
Now someone else can figure out the kinetic energy of the car and why the whole continent just exploded...
Okay, napkin math... his nose is about 20cm long, and assuming it rotated about a perfect circle. The car moved say 10m. At the speed the car is moving, it covers that distance in ~120ns. So he has to move the end of his nose around a quarter circle of radius 20cm in 120ns. Let's say 30cm total movement, for easy math. 0.25cm/ns or 0.00025m/ns. The speed of light is 0.300m/ns, so we're talking about ~0.001c at the tip of his nose. Which is incidentally very close to the speed of sound in air.
So, probably not quite a sonic boom off the end of his nose. Assuming my math is correct. Very strong neck muscles. Also, he's been vapourized.
Even ignoring the tires interacting with the road, you have air molecules. I don't think that would be enough to destroy a continent, but it would be very destructive.
Here is a cool What If? from xkcd about throwing a baseball at 0.9c.
For the same reason this baseball causes an expanding plasma-ball disintegrating everything. Fusion with air molecules that can't get out of the way fast enough https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/
Here's the original image. It was originally posted in 2017 and has been shared so many times it was difficult to find a good copy. I had to use wayback to get this copy.
Maybe it's slightly convoluted but here's how I tackle it in my head: I just think of infrared and ultraviolet, ultraviolet being greater frequencies than violet and infrared being the opposite for red. Blue is on the way from infrared to ultraviolet, so blue has a greater frequency than red.
I know just enough about the light spectrum and the red shift to understand why this is funny (thanks Prof. Brian Cox!), but it underlines how shallow my knowledge is. So much cosmology, so little time...