I feel similarly. Javascript was made to add some functionality to documents and now we're basically running Doom in a word professor. I don't know what a better system would look like, but I'd draw a line between document-type pages and pages that you want to do more on.
Art is more than a job, it's one of those fundamentally human things that we all do. Half the value of any form of art is the fact that a person made it and put their thoughts and feelings into it. I can make some guesses about the person who made this by their artistic choices. I'm a musician and when I listen to a song, I like to listen for the artist's influences, how the guitarist plays a certain note or phrase, etc.
Probably no one is a bank teller for fun. A lot of the hate for generative AI comes from the broader circumstances around it too. The people making money off it haven't shown that they value anything besides money and power, it uses an insane amount of energy, etc.
I'll stay away from political stuff like this in the future, I didn't mean to start a whole conversation about NCLB.
I saw it used to call people dumb on r/nba. I know it's a stretch, though
And their website won't let you order anything on the Sabbath, which drives me insane. I'm not expecting anyone to be working on the weekend, but computers don't need to take breaks!!
Midwest US reporting in!
Open source software isn't the same as generative AI at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if people who put stuff on GitHub pre-ChatGPT don't want their code scraped for Microsoft to profit off of. I took my personal projects off of GitHub a year or two ago for that reason. Aside from that, open source code is put out there with the intention of being used freely and a lot of art isn't. Art floating around the internet pre-2022 was made either with the intention of not getting paid for it, in which case whatever, or the artist wanted to get paid and was presumably paid but their art ended up on the internet anyway (but they still got paid at least).
My main issues with generative AI models are that most if not all of them were created without the artists' or developers' permission, the profits are going entirely to oligarchs, and training the models takes an obscene amount of energy that contributes to global warming. These models devalue actual art even further and have made the internet a worse place by making it easier to make spam and disinformation. It’s too late to fix spam and disinformation, but we can still value art. I think indie game devs would be singing a different tune if Steam was flooded with games made entirely with AI slop.
edit: For what it's worth, I paid for my copy of Reaper and the drum plugin I use. I also paid for all my guitar gear.
I admit that it's not the best comparison because games often take more time to make than music or visual art. But I think the results are similar if you take a game with programmer art (which does have its charms!) or no art vs one that hired an artist for some amount of time, compared to a soundtrack or set of art with a game the artist put together vs hiring a dev to put together a demo in the same amount of time.
What this really comes down to for me is that most if not all of these models were created without the artists' permission and training the models takes an obscene amount of energy that contributes to global warming. These models devalue actual art even further and have made the internet a worse place by making it easier to make spam and disinformation. It's too late to fix spam and disinformation, but we can still value art. I think game devs would be singing a different tune if Steam was flooded with games made entirely with AI slop.
I don't claim this election was in isolation but I agree with everything else you've said. We need people to vote for the harm reduction, and we need people to organize because our system of government is trash. Biden being in office gave us four years to organize with the usual amount of opposition instead of the federal government being ordered to go after anyone the fascists don't like; his response to the Gaza camps last year was fucked up but if/when something like that happens again, Trump's gonna have the military kill people.
I think this was inevitable too, it would have taken the people at the top choosing to fight fascism like the threat it is and I didn't/don't see that happening. I voted for Harris because it gives us breathing room, and if Trump doesn't survive the next four years it would be harder for the fascist movement to retain its power if they didn't have complete control of the government. At the same time I've been involved in activism for the last few years, because we need people to do both.
I think if you voted for Democrats you get to complain, but if you were eligible to vote and didn't have to jump through a ton of hoops to do so you don't get to complain. This could have been avoided.
edit: to be clear, I don't think Democratic leadership really cares that we've got a dictator. But voting for them was harm reduction and too many people couldn't be bothered, whatever the reason.
Writing good music is really freakin' hard, but I do it on my own anyway because the whole point of making something creative is that a person is doing it. It's truly a shame to see people rally for software made by tech bros that takes work away from real artists who could use it.
editing to be less snarky: How would you feel if generative AI could make a game and an artist or musician had it make an entire game for their art/music because it saved them money?
Lots of people enjoy probably-Luigi playing executioner too. When you kill people for profit and you're otherwise untouchable, people are gonna figure out how to get back at you.
I also use it on an LG TV and sometimes it can't run at its normal framerate with subtitles on. I haven't figured out why yet, but it might be embedded files like someone else says in this thread. Other than that it works like a charm.
Claiming that Israel and Netanyahu's government speaks for all Jewish people is exactly what Zionists do, too. Jewish people have been co-leaders of every action for Palestine and against genocide that I've been part of.
I agree, there are tons of bad actors out there. I can't believe how much time and money is invested into brainwashing children into thinking that men and women marrying is normal. I still don't understand straight relationships, which one is the woman and which one is the other woman?
The US has enough money for both universal healthcare and our obscene military budget, we just choose to only have one.
More than that, the numbers I keep seeing thrown around are that Harris got 75m votes, Trump got 77m, and 90m didn't bother voting.
It's not the early internet, but a lot of websites in the 00s (when I started using it) let you customize your profile. We all had horrible CSS and an autoplay song that only we liked on our Myspace profiles and it was great. Flash was both a buggy mess that could introduce viruses to your computer and an amazing outlet for creativity that I don't think has been replaced. It was a lot less centralized and you were only being tracked across the whole internet by the NSA and not every internet company too.
Edit: I should say that I lose a bit of nostalgia every time I see forum posts from that era though, the casual bigotry was everywhere and so obnoxious