Because nobody actually listened to and took seriously what they were saying 30 years ago.
Fun fact: After 9/11, various songs evoking 9/11, such as 'Learning to Fly' by Tom Petty, 'Stairway to Heaven' by Led Zeppelin, 'It's the End of the World as we Know it' by REM ... all banned from airing for about 120 days.
And literally everything from Rage Against the Machine.
Other fun fact about this?
This censorship wasn't done by the FCC.
It was done by ClearChannel, aka iHeartRadio, aka, the corporation that now owns or controls basically all terrestrial radio stations.
It's so disappointing to hear Killer Mike spit revolutionary lyrics like in 'close your eyes' only to find out IRL he's into lame shit like black capitalism.
I saw them in Cleveland on that tour. Zach had hurt his foot so he sat on the monitor speaker the whole time, but the rest of the guys made up for it.
I paid a LOT of money to get good tickets, and it was 10000% worth it. I’d never seen rage live and figured I might not get to again, so spend the money. Also I’m an rtj fan.
I wish they hadn't canceled the show here in Seattle. Zack broke his arm and since they are old, he wanted to take time to let it heal. I waited three years from the initial scheduled show for it to be canceled.
Haha saw that one, too. I haven't ordered from them in a while because shipping was annoying for where I am. "Punk with a camera" is the store/YouTube channel. They have some great stuff. Especially if you like folk-punk.
I'm going to my states senate office on Monday with a megaphone and will not leave until the police are called. I'm going to write out what I want to say because I'm too heated to speak freely. Naysayers need not reply.
Monday is Presidents day, are you sure they'll be open? I know a couple state employees and they have the day off. This could vary by state and office I guess. I'm just saying maybe check the website or something.
From page 20 of the project: "Vought (officially in charge of OMB after being confirmed recently) writes that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should establish a “reputation as the keeper of ‘commander’s intent,’”"
From page 21: " In Chapter 1, former deputy chief of staff to the President Rick Dearborn writes that the White House Counsel “must take seriously the duty to protect the powers and privileges of the President from encroachments by Congress, the judiciary, and the administrative components of departments and agencies.”
Page 28: "When a new President takes office, he will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda"...", the President should hire a counsel with extensive experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President"
Page 32, regarding the office of presidential personnel (DOGE): "Playing “bad cop” in a way that other White House offices cannot (including serving as the office that takes direct responsibility for firings and hirings)."
The Shining Path has been widely condemned for its excessive brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, competing Marxist groups, elected officials and the general public.[2]
The Shining Path's retaliation to this was one of the worst attacks in the entire conflict, with a group of guerrilla members entering the town and going house by house, killing dozens of villagers, including babies, with guns, hatchets, and axes. This action has come to be known as the Lucanamarca massacre.[39] Additional massacres of civilians by the Shining Path would occur throughout the conflict.[26][40][41]
American rock band Rage Against the Machine released a music video for their 1993 song "Bombtrack" as a response to the arrest of Abimael Guzman the previous year. The video expresses support for Guzman and the Shining Path, featuring various clips of the organization's activities, as well as showing the band in a cage to mimic Guzman's imprisonment.[145]
The band is great but sometimes it's sad to see how Morello sells his T-shirts on Instagram. Mostly they're boring shirts (not much effort for the pictures or texts) and selling them so eagerly seems like some pretty capitalist shit.
It just seems pretty ironic that first he posts on Instagram (big corporate social media) stuff like fuck the system and on the next post he says that buy my T-shirts! Where are those shirt made? Probably on some cheap factory with bad working conditions. I also think that he gets pretty much money from the gigs etc. So he can manage without selling shirts.
But yeah I agree that you have to make money to live in a system you are even if you oppose that system. Maybe there's more nuances than I see. But with a quick look it seems pretty ironic as I said.
Honestly. The Israeli government took it farther than what happened to them. And they call it a genocide. Because they are projecting their insecurity they have for performing their own genocide on the GAZA People.
Every life matters, and the reason we cannot make progress is because people who think they are 'good' are shunning and actively casting away people with less than desirable traits.
Nazis suck, racists suck, bigots suck, but they weren't born that way. Their lived experience led them to the place they are in. How do you get them out? Practice what you are preaching: compassion.
No, you're missing an entire level here. Racists suck, bigots suck but Nazis? Nazis round up people and gas them to death and then stack the bodies in the dirt like cord wood. It's a different level.
Hahahaha! No! Not with neo-nazis. Look with racists and bigots I'll agree, try compassion first. I've done that and for most racists and bigots I've confronted it has worked. I didn't change them to be a champion of minorities but usually I can convince someone to behave nicer. Neo-nazis on the other hand are not just regular racists and bigots who say terrible things but don't actually do anything. Neo-nazis are the extreme and if they're an adult regardless of their life experience they know what they're saying is wrong. So no, I have no compassion and will never have compassion for an adult who is a neo-nazi. Period.
I'm glad to see that the strategy of compassion has worked for you in some cases. It's a nuanced topic, but I firmly believe that if we want to be progressive & inclusive we need to adopt a mindset of 'no man left behind'.
Again, it's nuanced and it takes a lot of effort. Perhaps I am oversimplifying things too much, on the other hand, I think that we will not be better off by casting out anyone.