it's a dry cold
53 0 ReplyIs being freeze dried less bad than being encased in ice?
15 0 ReplyBut is it colder than ice cold?
3 0 Reply
It's only -24C, but it FEELS like a physically impossible cold. I'm practically a Bose-Einstein condensate here! Brr!!
45 0 ReplyThat’ll straight shrivel up a Johnson so bad it’ll leave the nuts behind.
6 0 Reply
-367? That’s cold enough to shatter almost everything….
30 0 ReplyRoughly 100 below absolute zero, not sure what happens in that case
18 0 ReplyQuantum superconductivity. People in Winnipeg start to leap around randomly in time.
26 0 ReplyAntiheat…. The wind has dropped Winnipeg into an antimatter universe!
8 0 ReplyTemperature underflow. It feels roughly like (1032 - 100) K.
5 0 Reply
It says with chill, but I see Calgary weather was not chill that day
5 0 ReplyIt just loops back around to being hot
4 0 Reply
whats absolute zero again?
20 0 ReplyAbsolute zero is just zero.
3 16 Reply-273.15 °C
22 0 Reply
We've had worse.
19 0 ReplyBust out the block heater
Or as I call it, your mom
14 0 ReplyI'm in northern Ontario, so with wind speeds like that I should expe .......... YAPOIA;FDKAD;KA;GKA/.A,/1MD/A
13 0 ReplyWow, it's officially colder than:
A motherfucker
9 0 ReplyThis calls for some Venetian snares!!!
9 0 ReplyBased and Funk-pilled
3 0 Reply
Winnipeg just has negative volume and beyond infinite density now
8 0 Replythe front of that building in the center of the image used to be level and even?
7 0 ReplyDon't be picking on our new museum.
She's nice when you get to know her.
1 0 Reply
Climate change really be kicking in rapidly at this point
5 0 ReplyBeen to Winnipeg. That Windchill is pretty much correct if you're hanging around Portage and Main.
5 0 ReplyFroze my dick off waiting for a bus in St. Vital during my master's. Can confirm.
1 0 Reply
Nice knowing you, Winnipeg
Was it, though?
(I kid, <3 The 'Peg)
4 0 ReplyHas to be a typo.
6 2 ReplyOn one hand, it's not physically possible to be that cold. On the other hand, it's Winnipeg. Could go either way.
12 0 ReplyNo, it's actually below absolute zero over there!
11 0 ReplyOh no it doesn’t
8 0 Reply
I stopped going outside when it got to -2 on the island. I know it's not the same kind of cold but I do not understand how y'all can even do it
3 0 ReplyYesterday walked to the bakery 2 blocks away and my face felt like it was on fire. The scones were amazing though.
5 0 Reply
Winnipeg is a dogshit dildo dot flac
5 2 ReplyLovely. We'll be there tomorrow evening.
3 0 Reply