some people are just trolls but afk as well….
just think about how many internet trolls there are… and write anything disagreeing with anything and a troll will find it and try to argue the opposite side.:. but disingenuously and with the sole purpose of pissing you off….
then if you look at their post history, it’s entirely that sort of thing.
then you have to realize that they’re not all just edgey teenagers exploring the dark side, most of them are full grown adults.
i think a lot of loud trumpets are just trolls living the roll. moral outrage is very entertaining for them because they don’t feel real emotions or have moral motivations….
i’ve heard that america has a much larger percentage of psychopaths because of the way the country was founded… a: genocide, and b: people leaving their family and friends behind probably forever, to gamble on a future…
I work with a person like that and it's driving me up a wall.
He starts arguments for the sake of arguments. He is extremely vocal about anything that he knows will cause any sort of disagreement with anyone. Actively looks for ways to pit other people against each other. Endlessly talking shit to and about everyone. Just an annoying, toxic person. Leadership sees him as harmless, but he is a real cause of a lot of drama in the workplace. Usualy not Involving him directly, but often caused or stirred up by him. Motivated entirely by two things, his amusement, and his money. Everyone else just exists in his world to amuse him.
collage educated, smart, reletivly successful. But fucking toxic.
My point is you are absolutly correct. These people exist. They are emotional stunted and live for cause problems for others. It's kinds funny for a little bit but gets realy fucking old realy fast.
Wait, hold on, this person was actually here illegally (not passing judgement) and openly campaigned for someone who was talking about deporting people?
He's an anti-communist who thought he was the right kind of refugee.
Keeping in mind refugees and asylum seekers are not illegal.
Unfortunately for his dumb ass, Trump didn't just not reinstate the Wet Feet, Dry Feet policy, he specifically complained about its existence (despite it ending under Obama)
so this is not an issue of stupidity, just a scammer seeing the opportunity to and trying to board the mother ship by kissing ass (like many other scammers and billionaires) but failing miserably. I am sure when ICE came to get him he was shouting "BUT I SUPPORTED TRUUUUUMP"
The Cubans thought they were safe because they've been staunch Republicans. One of the key demographics in keeping Florida red.
Well, now they learn. And for people thinking oh they'll release him when they find out they can't deport him because there are no flights to Cuba...
ICE asks where you're from but they don't take your word for it. They can easily decide you're from anywhere else, like Haiti or El Salvador. And with quotas they are now incentivized to do so, rather than before where the paperwork incentivized them to accept you were not deportable.
I always thought it was funny Cubans voting Republican. I am told it's because they fear socialism because of Castro, so they vote for fascism. Even though the DNC is still far into the capitalism territory. It makes no sense to me.
The first wave of Cuban immigrants to the US came immediately after the revolution, and it was mostly rich people. Castro was redistributing the land and the wealth, executing former police torturers, and going after crime lords who had been safe under the Batista regime, and every worm that could escape did so. These types were allowed into the US for their propaganda value because of course they wouldn't have any trouble going on TV and talking about how horrible communism was and crying about how their plantations were taken away from them by the government. That group of rich people and cops was already right wing by American standards when they came here, and set the tone for all Cuban migrants who came after.
Yeah, an unsourced screenshot is a little light on detail for me. And I'd like to share the story further, but for that I want more context. Also, I'm interested to learn more about this, just because I find it an interesting story..
Lol the reason is because there are a lot of people who would love for this to be true, you included. Also your false dichotomy is so bad I'm wondering if you are a bot.
From what I understand, Republicans, especially in Florida, put out political ads targeted specifically at Cuban immigrants. They play off the inherent hatred of communism in this demographic to convince them to vote against the "radical Marxist Democrats."
A LOT of Immigrants and Illegals in the US are very pro-Trump. I spoke with a few in my old neighborhood to get their take.
They said that the government didn't worry them because it wasn't that far off from where they came from. They felt elitism created niches where someone knowledgeable could profit. Party of the entrepreneurs and all.
Two said they didn't want any more immigrants here, they felt pressure from the incoming immigrants to take their places and out-compete them for work.
Because this was the last trump presidency, there was less deportation talking. I'm sure that gave some concern, but If I had to guess based on their psyche, I'd say they expected the deportation to lighten the low-hanging fruit and take the pressure off their own jobs at the same time, expecting them would just be ok because they were always ok.
Famed Nixon and Reagan supporter and Cuban nobility exile Desi Arnaz. His pastimes included drinking and prostitutes. He'd be a trump man.
Edit: fun fact, his family went into exile not with the Cuban revolution with Castro, but the one that put Batista in power. His father was part of the corrupt Machado government. People were not happy with the aristocrats being fat and happy during the depression. He liked to portray himself as a rags to riches story but curiously also went to one of the most elite private Catholic high schools in the states with Al Capone's son in the middle of the depression. Give me a break.