I work with a person like that and it's driving me up a wall.
He starts arguments for the sake of arguments. He is extremely vocal about anything that he knows will cause any sort of disagreement with anyone. Actively looks for ways to pit other people against each other. Endlessly talking shit to and about everyone. Just an annoying, toxic person. Leadership sees him as harmless, but he is a real cause of a lot of drama in the workplace. Usualy not Involving him directly, but often caused or stirred up by him. Motivated entirely by two things, his amusement, and his money. Everyone else just exists in his world to amuse him.
collage educated, smart, reletivly successful. But fucking toxic.
My point is you are absolutly correct. These people exist. They are emotional stunted and live for cause problems for others. It's kinds funny for a little bit but gets realy fucking old realy fast.
That's a wild take. Everything is subject to change when you change political leaders. A single person, the president, can't do THAT much on their own. But when they have a large portion of the government in their pocket and a huge number or rabid fans, then yes. Everything can change.