If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose?
I'd say the lack of stimulus is the scarier thing there. The world is a vast thing, and even if you could live long enough to experience everything that exists now... huge amounts of new things to experience would have been created in the mean time.
And that's just our planet. There is a paralyzingly large amount of things to experience in the universe.
Depends. Do I get cheat codes? If so, GTA:V. Get an awesome pad, planes, cars, helicopters. Can go on a rampage if I want or play games (golf, bowling, etc) and then just wipe it all away by dropping my wanted status to zero.
Well yes but if you get to be the protagonist, aka the winner in a world of only winners and losers, that's fine. I'm sure I wouldn't hate capitalism as much if I were filthy rich and a beneficent of the system
You want to live in a universe where the corporations always win and the best you can hope for is going out in an awesome, but ultimately futile blaze of glory?
Some mmo where they keep adding stuff. Because my fucking god would it get boring after doing the same game 24/7 after a few years. If that is not allowed I'll go with one of those 18+ rated sex games. At least I won't be bored and horny.
And you might eventually die, after you have become a fallen empire yourself, and get stomped by some next level crisis, while the AI empires are less than useless. I consider this a plus though. Eternity is a very long time, and boredom is a very strong emotion. No game could keep me entertained for eternity.
I'm imagining that "living in the game" implies something a bit more personal than the game interfaces. So I'd get to attend decadent high-society events, travel around and see the worlds under my domain, meet interesting aliens, have an affair with the fungoid president of planet AZ-12-69 (...)
I mean sure, you're right, I would eventually get my shit wrecked by an endgame crisis and things would go very tits up for my space empire. I'm not that good at Stellaris, just sorta okay, and something tells me that not having the birds' eye view that the game gives you would make the strategising even harder.
... But it is also worth taking into account that we can go beyond the interactions the game allows, so boredom would take quite a bit longer to set in.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. It has its downsides, such as Ganon and monsters existing, but then there are beautifully desolate environments like Akkala and Tabantha Frontier. Magic exists, and if the going gets tough we always have Link to rely on! I'd like to be a Rito so I could fly around...
Magic, dragons, numerous animal mounts plus a few flying ones, air ships (think blimps), multiple climates.
Continuous resurrecting.
Lots of gold.
Several types of sentient creatures.
Edit: I would assume that since it would last forever, that means the gaming servers would run forever. I would also assume that would mean we would more and more expansion packs more maps, more creatures more things to do, improved graphics. It would take you a really, really long time to walk from one side of the map to the other. Can you imagine how much stuff there would be to do inside that game.? And since NPC’s can talk to player characters (and player characters can talk to other players) that means I could talk to people outside the game. This would be kind of cool.
Probably something like RuneScape, not because I particularly like playing it, but more so because that game is one of the least likely to ever be shut down. The idea of living out my afterlife all alone in an abandoned or offline game is terrifying.
As much as I love New Vegas, I think I'm going to have to pick 4. I read this as having to live in the game engine as-is, and 4 let's me build my own house. So, if I'm stuck in a game for eternity, I want to be able to have my own space.
You can't die, so it's just a post-apocalyptic zone, and really not even that with the different states moving in. There's AC and plenty of clean water, too.
I posted in the other thread - Elite Dangerous, but the version with all the options the players have asked for for a decade. Sandbox play where I can fly wherever, do some exploring and trading, maybe a bit of combat (because players don't die as long as they have an account balance).
Unbelievably, no one ITT has opted for one of The Elder Scrolls games. So, let me break that seal.
I’ll go with Oblivion, for several reasons. For one, Cyrodiil is my favorite locale. You’ve got elements of most of the other regions incorporated into it and it’s one of (if not the?) biggest in Tamriel.
Second, the world-ending calamity is largely resolved by doing a relatively simple mission, repeatedly, and then letting this other dude (Martin) make the ultimate sacrifice.
Third, custom spell-crafting. I had so much fun with that shit while playing the game, I could easily dive back into it, and it’s essential to be able to custom-craft spells if you live in a world with magic.
Fourth, damn good side quests. ‘Nuff said.
Fifth, as other people have mentioned, mods. This makes my eternal paradise infinitely expandable.
Downsides are that there are mostly only eight different voices in the game, so that would get real fuckin’ boring. Also, the graphics are dated and due to the character creation system, I’d assuredly be some form of fugly. Also, due to the backwards-ass leveling system, without mods I’d have to spend a lot of time doing pointless shit to ensure I acquire god-tier stats. Finally, scaled leveling means that even with my system-abusing spells, I’d wind up fighting monsters that have obnoxious amounts of HP (although, realistically, this isn’t too much of an issue when your spells’ damage increases exponentially with each short-term casting).
TES was literally my first thought, and I just entered the thread and yours is the first comment I've seen.
So, you're not alone :)
However, Oblivion features a pretty small map - if Cyrodiil would be expanded proportionately to Skyrim or Morrowind and some content added, that would be great.
However, Oblivion features a pretty small map - if Cyrodiil would be expanded proportionately to Skyrim or Morrowind and some content added, that would be great.
I guess I was thinking of the geographical map of Tamriel and not accounting for the technical limitations of the game compared to Skyrim. Good point.
A heavily modded Skyrim, nice open world plus all the extras from the mods also it would be easy to raise levels until you were a bsast just by blocking with a shield.
Doom. I'd make an adorable Cacodaemon and by the nature of Doom, I will be everywhere, blasted across the universe as programmers port me to anything that can oscillate between a high and low signal level.
Assuming that to me the game world becomes real and isn't limited to the same path that the video game forces the player to go through, I would probably pick one of the Dungeons & Dragons games like Planescape or at worst something like Curse of the Azure bonds.
Considering the deaths the average Dwarf in my last fortress suffered. I ain't touching DF with a ten-foot pole.
A deadly dust forgotton beast broke into the fort through a forgotten cavern access. My military quickly killed it; but before they could step into the Dwarven Bath to rinse off the dust 2/3rds of my fortress was dying of a total body necrotic rot.
I don't know if I would take that as the only option, but if I had to choose a game, roaming around beautiful landscapes with great music and helping recently departed spirits conclude their journeys on my farm boat sounds like a pretty good way to spend the next era until the next consciousness transference method comes along.
Source engine. I know it isn't a game but they can share maps resources and etc. So you have pretty much a world to explore and possibly scans of the real world.
This brings up some questions. Like how realistic does the game look to the person trapped inside? Are censors that the game normally has still active? What about live service games or MMOs? Do you die if they go out of business and they take down the servers?
Please do not misunderstand my question, I’m not judging whatsoever but I’m genuinely curious what the appeal is of this game. I bought it when I came out, I recently redownloaded it, I played for probably 20 hours total and I just don’t get it. Is it the absurdity? I want to love it I just don’t understand it. I’ve been meaning to ask in the Discords but I’m a bit of a coward.
I mostly play JRPGs so I was in the same boat as you a while ago, I got to like the game after my girlfriend fell in love with it, making versions of the people you know and then overseeing their actions and the whackiness that ensues is pretty fun.
Minecraft, I guess. You’re gonna run out of things to do in any game, so if you’re gonna be stuck in one, might as well be one that’s got a ton of mods.
Assuming I don't die, I think it'd be fun to travel throughout the World of Twelve in the MMORPG Dofus. It wouldn't be nearly as fun as visiting the world as seen in the animated Wakfu show or the spin-off, but at least I could meet Kerubin and be an Ecaflip.
Otherwise, I have absolutely no idea what game I'd wanna be stuck in because after a long time I'd get bored of just about every game, Dofus included. Though, I assume by the time I start getting real bored of living in Dofus that the servers would be totally gone.
Sarcastic Response - one of the GTA Games. Preferably GTA4 for my own 2000s nostalgia reasons. Why? Because its the closest thing to life as we knew it before real life started surpassing the absurdity of the GTA Universe
Serious Response - I cant think of any one game I'd want to spend an eternity in right now, so I'll cop out with an "MMO". Probably Second Life. Yeah its full of freaks but you can create stuff and interact with people. Excuse me while I retire into my doom fortress on the original "metaverse"