I'm normally good at separating art from the artist but I just can't do it anymore. I used to be such a huge fan of his music but the lows he's been hitting the last few years are just too much. I can't even read his name without thinking "pathetic Nazi loser".
He needs help. I get that, and genuinely wish he gets it. I don't have faith that he will though. The brain rot runs too deep. It's very sad but he's also responsible for his actions and I'm just done with him. People must stop giving him attention.
Watching Jeen-Yuhs, as someone who works in mental health, I saw a story play out I've seen time and again. Dude had a serious break with reality after his mother passed away. I don't know enough to tell whether it's schizophrenia, bipolar I, or schizoaffective disorder, but he's almost certainly dealing with one of these and not receiving any treatment for it because his money and status protects him from the consequences that would land the rest of us in a psych hospital involuntarily.
As an average person in the U.S. who feels like they’re also struggling a bit after losing their mother, do you have any recommendations on where someone like me can start to seek support / methods for getting better?
I don't really want to live in a world of vigilante violence, but I wouldn't be that mad if someone was like "I'm a nazi I love hitler", sincerely, or even just trolling, and someone shot them dead. Putting up with hate is a mistake.