I'm glad journalists are starting to ask, but I'd rather they'd get to the point.
Surely it's very bad for British interests for us to send an ambassador to a country where said ambassador is almost certainly blackmailable by said country's intelligence agencies.
You mistakenly think (understandably, because that's what we're taught, but that doesn't make it true) that those are your interests, or even society's interests, but they are neither. They are the interests of the owners of this country, the royals, the other gentry and land owners, and otherwise filthy rich. Theirs are the only interests the state serves.
Well my cynical side thinks that the government have thought about this and are absolutely fine with it because they actively want Britain to be servile little piggies to the US. My theory on Trump not bringing us into his stupid trade war is because we just give them so much already that inspiring the British public to get angry about it would cost the US far more than they could possibly gain.
Nobody who hung out with Epstein should be in important jobs because a) they were abusing underage girls and b) Epstein was producing kompromat by filming/photographing it, turning all these people into Russian assets. That goes for Trump too btw.
Also I kinda love how the Wikipedia article describes his Brazilian partner with the title "dom"... like, sure, it's a formal Portuguese honorific but it's also, well, y'know...
Any minute now a labour centrist type will be along to tell us that criticising Mandelson for his friendship with Epstein and all that implies is not pragmatic and is in fact unreasonable purity politics.
I wonder if the DA who finally arrested Epstein was genuine and thought they were going to bring down the whole house of cards only to realize there are "contingencies" for these kinds of things when he was found dead
One of those guys was Epstein’s best friend whereas Gates/Chomsky seemed to have just flown with him like many did. Trump of course had private parties for him and Epstein.
If you really care about stopping people from raping kids then you shouldn’t support Trump.