If oil is excluded the truly boss move on Canada & Mexico's part would just be to introduce a 25% export premium on those products while the tariffs are in effect.
Exactly, clearly they'll still pay for it if it's important enough to exempt. In Canada's case we could give Alberta the extra revenue just so they won't get too cranky.
This would be beautiful. I remember when there were mod-chip stores beside internet cafes, where i could bring my xbox and pay to have a chip and a hard drive installed that let me copy any game i wanted from a rented disk or downloaded off the internet right onto the console. I still have that console and pulled it out during quarantine to make use of the huge library of games on the hard drive. Having this sort of freedom for all types of goods and electronics would be incredible, but i doubt it will ever happen.
This makes no sense. If Canada could make a phone viable without any changes to tariffs, why wouldn't it have already happened? Why would tariffs make that less likely to happen?
A friend of mine works for an electric semi truck company. The vast majority of their parts are manufactured in Canada and Mexico; they're just assembled in the US. His mom voted for Trump and really wants him to move back to Ohio so he can have space and be close to family. He wanted to go back, too, and had a transfer and promotion within the company set up before the election. Now there's a company-wide freeze and his transfer is gone. The company's internal financial projections are not good.
His mom refuses to recognize that she just voted for her son to stay in Seattle indefinitely, even though he wants to move back. She keeps thinking that any day now, the economy will be so booming that his company will be doing great. He can't talk to her about it anymore.
Has the second best CoL/MedianSalary ratio in the US. Ironically, the only state I saw that was consistently better was Michigan.
Plus we have Hocking Hills, which pretty consistently showed up on r/earthporn. If you want flat, we've got flat. If you want hills and mountains, we've got Appalachia.
Part of me thinks this is so they have an easy way to drop prices after people get used to everything costing more, but I'm sure it's mostly just trying to destroy the the US's relationship with it's most important allies.
Part of me thinks this is so they have an easy way to drop prices after people get used to everything costing more
This is a technique commonly employed by Sisi in Egypt so while it'd be surprising that America sunk that low that quickly I can see it happening. And by the way, yes America is now being compared to Egypt out of all countries so... Uh... Good luck.
Not by him, his threats and tariffs are old news. By the people - The People, the royal We - who actively, unironically and with great power of democracy, chose an aggressive, compromised, and stupid fascist with ample evidence that this, hate, and war were a consequence.
Because the hate and apathy was stronger I guess. For electing a woman. For people being bullied by a juvenile government wielding adult violence for who they aren’t - a cis white right male.
They went to the dark side and joined a tri-polar world of evils to bully and rape the rest of us until we all burn to death. So yeah.
Its Americans trying to buy food who will be hit with a 25% tarriff, not Mexico. And Mexican farmers wont see a dime of that revenue, if anything they will see a decline in revenue as people stop buying the products. It all goes to the US treasury.
Canada and Mexico are still part of that North American free trade agreement thing. We (Canada) will just get our food from Mexico and South America like we've always done. We'll just skip America.
back in the first episode, lord diaper whined, and whined and shit on nafta, forcing it to be 'renegotiated' by him. he just had to have his name on everything.
nafta was a long time in the making, from reagan, to bush, to clinton when it finally went into effect. it had bipartisan support in congress, a little stronger from the right.
undone by a single shart from an orange moron that leaked, and then magically 'fixed' by the same..
in the end, what mr. art-of-the-fucking-deal managed to 'negotiate' is almost entirely the same as the nafta he hated so much.
now he's shitting on his own fucking deal. fuck'm.
i fully support your efforts to avoid our products and companies for the next few years. and if anyone up there wants to come renovate the white house again...... i won't be in your way.
I live in Texas, and it's hard to overstate how much of our produce is imported from Mexico. This would be an almost immediate 25% price hike on food that basically can't be grown at scale here because we don't have Mexico's climate. Surely he'd exempt food from whatever he's about to do. Right...?
Will it benefit the average person? If the answer is yes, you can take it off the list.
Even if it benefits the rich, it would have to exponentially hurt the average American more for it to be considered. They've already turned their nose up at studies that have proven better working conditions, pay, and benefits would make them richer in the long run because it takes a little bit of control away from them. These people are sick, and the only thing that is going to correct it at this point is a violent uprising.
it's a 25% import tax paid by the importer. when their margins are added, and then the distributors' on top of their higher costs, at each step of the distribution chain.. it'll be a fair bit more than 'just' +25% once product reaches the store shelves.
If oil imports are taxed, it could raise costs for businesses and consumers, potentially contradicting Trump’s pledge to reduce living expenses.
Does anyone honestly think Trump meant anything he said while he was campaigning? It was obviously all just saying what people wanted to hear. He basically said as much himself. Pretending otherwise is just legitimizing lies and propaganda.
Yes, he meant several things while campaigning. Like destroying trans peoples lives, freeing nazis, and punishing those who deigned to attempt to hold him accountable for his many crimes. Oh also for destroying climate protections, deporting brown people, shall I go on? All the things like lowering prices? No absolutely not. That would benefit regular Americans and not hurt minorities, so it doesn’t make the list
It might not matter weather or not he targets oil. We Canadians understand how important our energy supply is to the US and we're willing to cut that supply of as a bargaining tool. This is where the find out happens following the fucking around.
I really hope you do. I hope everyone does, when Trump starts flexing at them. We (Americans) deserve every bit of hardship we get from this situation.
But he's not, because tariffs are going to come out of the consumers pocket, not the country they're imposed on. They can start to introduce incentives to produce those same things here, but a lot of them are imported for a reason like availability or established industries within those countries or processing capabilities. This will fuck Americans up exponentially worse and create yet another thing for corporations to hide behind when gouging prices long before those countries see any real difference in their own revenue streams.
If they really wanted this to work it should be something like a steadily increasing tariff over time instead of 25% right off the bat. But I don't think they really care about it working as intended.
WAY more. We import a lot of food from Mexico as is, and the immigration and ethnic clensing the Trump goverment is engaging in is already forcing farmers to watch their crops rot on the ground with no one to harvest them. So we're following in the great tradition of Stalin and Pol Pot, we have a dumb fucking asshole with a hard on for ''strong man tactics'' demanding we change how we get food in many extreme ways immediately, you know, instead of gradual change, so we'll all get to see what an artifical famine looks like! Do you think Trump will let other nations send us emergency rations so we won't die? Or will he confiscate them at a dock or border and have them dumped into the ocean so he doesn't look weak? North Korea knows.
We also export a hell of a lot of soybeans, so when retaliatory tariffs kick in I guess our new ultra-masculine conservative government is going to have us all eating lots and lots of soy.
I can't believe some people think that putting tariffs on a country means the country will just give the government 25% of everything and the merchants of that country are not just going to raise the prices to match the new expenses(or maybe even a little bit more since they have a good excuse to change prices).
I guess I can stand to eat a bit less, we can call it the economic collapse of the US diet! Just think of all the profits from the diet books! To bad they are going to cost 30% more now that my Mexican publisher is paying a tarrif to bring the books into the US. That's OK, spending more money on the book just means that you won't be able to afford as much food, making the diet work even better!
I can't believe some people think that putting tariffs on a country means the country will just give the government 25% of everything and the merchants of that country are not just going to raise the prices to match the new expenses(or maybe even a little bit more since they have a good excuse to change prices)
I’m not sure anyone believes that. The point of tariffs is that merchants will have to increase prices to keep the same profit, causing people to purchase less of the product and look for cheaper alternatives (those without tariffs).
If oil imports are taxed, it could raise costs for businesses and consumers, potentially contradicting Trump’s pledge to reduce living expenses.
First time around, with the trade war with China, he had the federal government cut checks to affected farmers. I don't know the form that took, but during COVID-19, he had stimulus checks sent out -- with his name on them -- to the broader public.
So, that's presumably to make sure that they associate him with the check. I understand that sending out gifts to the public with your name attached isn't uncommon around election in some countries with kinda sketchy political systems.
One imagines that he might do a repeat. Most people don't seem to have a great handle on what drives inflation, from polls I've seen. If you figure that you get political points for sending out checks but don't lose as many political points for raising prices because people don't associate you strongly with those costs, that might be an advantageous political move; add tariff, which generates revenue to federal government, then send money to some approximation of impacted people with name attached. It's economically-inefficient, but...
Don't forget his little issue with TSMC holding a virtual monopoly on wafer fabrication.
Don't forget that's HIS FAULT.
GlobalFoundries had working 7nm, but they were a year late and-
Intel's problems appeared to be over (they weren't)
TSMC would have mass production of N7 up within months (they were already in risk production)
Samsung's aggressive posturing and pricing for Samsung Fab would eat into their business, even though it was for a 10nm class product
UMC would have 7nm up within 6 months (they stole TSMC IP and got clapped for it, no UMC 7nm)
SMIC would also be up within a year (Also stolen TSMC IP, they can't sell it in the west but it's used extensively in China)
All those thing would make it hard to make a lot of money when they were a year late (though all of them turned out wrong except TSMC). SF parent company would have allowed all that to happen too, but then Trump started subsidising oil to put pressure on OPEC. ATIC no longer had their 'unlimited money' and GF had to get back in black, so 7nm was cancelled.
This left only TSMC and Poor Quality Samsung (Intel still doesn't really do third party fab work)
Thanks Trump for putting tariffs on for the mess you created.
I'm sad seeing all these "Enjoy the collapse, losers!" comments.
Most people on most Lemmy instances, especially here, probably made it VERY clear we didn't want this pathetic handbag-hobgoblin in charge. Yes, a lot of our countrymen voluntarily gave up their brains for his bullshit, but not all of us, by a long shot.
Policy stopped being directed by the will of the people a long time ago. We aren't levying tariffs. He is. We , human beings just like you, are trying to keep it together as a grotesque parody of the fall of the Roman Empire plays out around us.
Stop falling for that tribalist nonsense. Love has no borders, and hate is too busy drawing them. Support your brothers and sisters on this Earth, because when the evil wealthy masters of this world set their sights on your democracy, it could happen to your home just as easily, don't be fooled.
Edit: I've gone over my comment multiple times...where the heck did I even insinuate I didn't vote? We only get one, and like many others, I said a prayer and ticked the box for Kamala's half-hearted efforts to stopgap and buy us more time to fix this thing. For all the friggin' good it did.
I'm sorry you're getting the thoughts you didn't vote, but I'll admit I'm very much in the "Enjoy the collapse, losers!" territory so at least I'll express mine, hopefully it helps make sense, and honestly, I appreciate your feeling to try to do better. If you figure out a way to move forward, fantastic. I just remember the top post of a comment when Trump won however and it so truly fits, "I'm tired, boss."
I have been fighting to get people to vote for years, trying to keep them involved. Not trying to get to vote every 4 years, but every year, local stuff, this shit is important, people need to stay up on it. I'm considered a news hound amongst people I know... I listen to the morning news on the 30 minute commute to work, that's how much time I put in to the news, that's it. It's not hard. Some days I say fuck it and listen to an audiobook.
People I've known who vote R, lets be honest, they went through the last Trump era and learned nothing. I remember back in the W. era people saying it should be illegal to speak against the president, who turned around and called Obama a muslim who should be deported. End of Trump era I knew republicans who were just starting to get it, maybe healthcare is fucked, maybe a lot of big corpo things are the problem... but immediately turned around and jumped right back in to Trumps circle the moment it came around "I couldn't just vote for Kamala" just like "I just couldn't vote for Hillary" and so on. Hell my state voted to repeal the strictest abortion ban and make abortion legal in the state, but still voted pretty much straight R despite a history of the party overturning ballot initiatives "Because the voters didn't know what they were voting for." So yes... after years of this, there's the tribal "If you're republican, you can go fuck yourself with a pineapple" especially as this collapse is coming.
On the non-voters. I'm sorry, I consider them just as culpable. In 2016 at least Trump was a... well anyone who paid fifteen minutes of attention knew what he was about but fuck it, I'll give the people who said "Fuck it lets try something new" a bit of a pass. This time, there were no surprises on the table. You had Kamala, which yes was about as dead standard democrat as you got, and you got Project 2025 Trump back with a vengeance. Those that say "I didn't vote for Trump" but by doing so stayed home gave their voice to "meh" and whatever happens they agreed to it. People I directly know who were in this, I know of one at least in a gay marriage, a few hispanic workers, and a trans individual, all who were "I'm just not interested in politics." Well, suddenly they're REALLY interested in politics. And many wanting to "rise up", well I'm not going to trust someone who couldn't be faffed to even do the basic fucking minimum to try to prevent things to watch my back when shit hits the fan.
So yes, we're all hosed and anyone who didn't see it coming had their heads so far up their own asses in the past 8 years they've proven they can't be taught. I'm sitting in the fire too, I'm not going to like the collapse. But after years of the fighting and still witnessing the apathy, my empathy is dead. The tribalism is useful, these were the people who were willing to do the basic minimum to resist, so maybe we can actually help each other. I'll help them as I can. The others I expressed about, no, I don't want bad to happen... but at least the schadenfreude can be a little bit of light through some very dark times coming. Don't weep for the stupid, you'll be crying all day.
Plot twist: Trump is just looking to see if the Americans can stand up for themselves. If they remain silent and do nothing, he will continue to tighten the screws.
P.S. Need to take out a loan for Trump passport at 146% APR, lol
I'm not sure what to do though. Pitchforks at city hall? mean letters to white house interns? Protests that the news wont cover? I live in one of the bluest states there is.
We certainly cant count on the Corporatist dems doing much of anything, except if there is any pushback they will try to use it as a photo op while contributing no support to it at all.
Pitchforks at city hall? mean letters to white house interns? Protests that the news wont cover?
I don't promote violence though, and I understand what do you mean. I just said to people it as a fact that he acts like a typical narcissist will do, and it's unhealthy. You may have done the best you could, don't bother.
I'm morbidly fascinated to see how all of this shakes out.
Everyone on the left is saying it's a terrible idea with very predictable and deleterious consequences.
Trump seems to think it's as great as it sounds at face value - tax things that sound bad and get money.
Either way it will be a feature of economics text books for centuries to come.
Obviously I want to see Trump fail spectacularly, but it fucking sucks that would harm those of us who can least afford it.
If you went shopping last week and half value of your purchases originated in Canada or Mexico, then will the same purchases next week cost 12.5% more ? That's pretty staggering inflation
Seems like Trump is trying to get rid of the income tax. He can't just do that with an EO order though, congress has to do it.
He can do all these tariffs though, which will act as a quasi sales tax. And when everything starts to become more expensive, which will be blamed on something else, he will say he's not removing the tariffs and congress should just get rid of the income tax to help people. He will say, look we are making so much money off tariffs and we have reduced government jobs by so much, we don't need an income tax anymore anyways!
I love how old the orange asshole looks in the photos. Hopefully things just work out in our favor soon. It could be a permanent sleep or maybe a nice golf ball to the forehead or choked on a pretzel. I think we should probably place some ...legal... Bets on how it all goes down? It shouldn't that that long. I remember when my Grandma looked like that and we buried her a few months later.
Man have you seen him speak? I don't know what concoction of drugs he is on or if he's just showing his age but he's definitely not the rager he was 5 years ago. Seems tired and much less coherant. Makes me optimistic he might be in mental decline more than I theorized previously. But if we go by the 'asshole' rule he'll outlive most of the Senate just out of stubbornness and hatred. We definitely need a quick solution.
The thing is, I think that might be out of the frying pan and into the fryer at this point.
Vance is cooler under pressure in interviews and generally more coherent sounding. I think he does a far better job of saying ridiculous unreasonable things with a convincing tone of voice and demeanor than does Trump.
If Trump has one too many cheeseburgers tomorrow, then we've got young, clean-cut, smooth talking first-term President Vance to worry about, and I bet he won't be threatened by the attention Musk gets as long he he gets his cut. (Hell, I'm not even sure having to take over for Trump in that circumstance would count as his first term.)
Maybe just hemorrhoids. That would be lovely! .... ESPN:And the president just got up again in another awkward gesture of disrespect! He seems in pain after all the points Bernie made......Trump:oh shit! Here comes the pain again! Fine fine! I'll sign if we can all leave quickly!
Those were the days. We all wished for that pretzel to have been a little bigger, a little dryer. But somehow it didn't work out. But, it could happen again! Lightning can strike twice in the same spot. Or lightning can strike in two or more spots separately non-dependently.
Unfortunately, it's just going to become another massive wealth transfer when those that have the means buy ups heaps of cheap stock after the resulting market downturn.
I read a post on Mastodon from someone in Ontario Canada that was proposing shutting off all export of oil and electricity to the US. The thing that made me doubt this was they were also calling for impeaching 45 (again!). That would leave Vance which scares me even more.
The person who proposed shutting off electricity was Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario who could in fact follow through. It would definitely be the nuclear option but it would disrupt the power grid of several norther states we border.
I don’t think it will come to that. I think the orange idiot just wants some politicians to grovel and pay his tithe at the last minute so he can feel powerful. He’s “warned” of tariffs too many times to make me think he’s serious.
Literally any other politician I could believe would be stupid enough to rile everyone up about tariffs but still be hesitant to pull the trigger on it out of fear of the economic repercussions.
Trump straight up doesn't understand the repercussions, will fire anyone who tries to explain them to him, and has no reservations whatsoever about pulling any triggers that he can get his lil fingies around.
If you are a non-Trump voter in a red state, especially if you work for the flagship company or industry in that state, I would like to apologize on behalf of all Canadians for what our government is about to do. We don't want to do it but it is the only way to deal with a bully.
I do ultimately think tariffs will be good for the US. I feel bad for other countries I guess, but I think the US needs to be more productive.
California, seen as a relatively "progressive" state, has a sales tax on everything, and pretty extreme sin taxes. A tariff is like a sales tax, and a sin tax on specific imports.
The way you increase productivity is via exports, not artificially increasing the cost of goods. A sin tax is when you want to stop people from doing things so you make it more expensive. If you want to increase American cement production, you subsidize production.
Adding a tarrif to Canadian cement imports increases cost for imported cement, and encourages domestic producers to increase costs to match. If the competition just got 15% more expensive, there's no reason for me to not raise my prices 14%.
If the government comes in and says they'll pay me $15/ton of cement I produce, that encourages me to produce more cement and lower the price to sell it. Now I'm producing more, and I need to hire another machine operator and the economy grows because the lowered cost of cement makes people more willing to do things that need cement.
Tariffs are really only good for counteracting other countries subsidies. If Canada were paying manufacturers $20 a ton to produce cement, then applying a $20/ton tarrif makes the prices unbiased.
It's why our agricultural subsidies are viewed poorly by food scarce nations: we lower the overall market cost for food, and they can't afford to subsidize their own production, and returning equilibrium on imports would starve people, so they're trapped in a cycle of being dependent on imported subsidized food while living next to fallow farms.
Canada and Mexico aren't subsidizing their export industries, and a lot of what we're trading is in things we can't or don't want to handle. You can't increase American uranium production, off the top of my head.
We had a position of trade strength, which meant that we could afford to import more than we produced because our intangibles were worth more, and what we exported was worth more. Import steel and export tractors. Now we're saying we want to stop importing steel, making it harder to export tractors, so that we can bring back low paying dangerous jobs.
If you want to see productivity grow trumps way, go get a job as a farmhand picking spinach. Because his policy is basically that we need less engineers and more farm hands.
I'm glad you started your dissertation with "the way you x is via y" because it immediately informed me that I was reading the work of an expert genius and as a smooth brain, when a genius writes, I read.
One question, wouldn't higher prices on imported cements sort of make local cements automatically cheaper, giving them an advantage without asking them to cut corners? In a free market you will often see a "race to the bottom" on goods, whereby manufactures and producers will cut costs so low that they lose money, so long as there is some other incentives that would lead to profit. Video game consoles are a common example. The console is sold at a loss with the expectation that they will make up the difference on the consumables, games and related services.
If local competitors can produce for lower cost than competitors it may drive more people, who generally just want to save money, to local businesses, creating demand, driving growth.
I think the problem is that these tariffs are, for the most part, untargeted. They aren't a "tax" on "specific imports". They're a blanket tax on all imports from many countries.