I know it's not deliberate, but phrases like 'spineless pussies' are why women don't feel welcome on lemmy.
Is lemmy truly a left-leaning platform? Or is it yet another tech-bro circlejerk that cares more about the aesthetics of inclusivity? You all can't have your cake and it eat it too.
Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by the community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware.
This project aims at providing comfortable map viewing and navigation (routing) application for mobile devices. Particular stress lies with complete offline features (via pre-loaded offline map data) or economic internet usage.
Alpi Maps is a map application to help you prepare and enjoy your hike! Get all the info you need before you go, then enjoy all the data offline during your hike.
I used Organic Maps on my CalyxOS phone a few days ago to navigate a 200 mile car drive home to the Scottish Highlands, and it worked flawlessly. The first 50 miles were through parts of Fife that I was not familiar with. I left it on for the rest of the journey just to track my progress and test it out. Very impressed with it. Maps are detailed and downloaded to the device for offline use. I've finally managed to deGoogle my life completely and will never use another Google product or service again.
Hijacking this to plug contributing to OSM. Improving your local area is very rewarding and can pair well with some youtube binging. Take a look at your city and see if there are things you're interested in working on.
Except when it is frustrating and continually tries to send you through tiny "technically paved" service roads so you know anyone unfamiliar to the area would risk car damage because there is no way to mark a road as "low priority" or "only use if you live on that road".
Street complete is very awesome though! Especially for updating local businesses.
Magic Earth is proprietary, though. You can believe their privacy policy, but I have trouble believing any privacy policy if I can't see the source code.
OpenStreetMap also needs to deal with this kind of thing. In this case, several people already tried to add it to the map in some form of other, but generally not as something to actually be shown. There is a looong discussion about it here https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/gulf-of-america-gulf-of-mexico/124571 . General opinion is that it is (or will be) "the official name that the US says it has". In OSM you can invent tags for anything, so an object can have many names. Done like this, anyone using the data can still choose to give precedence to any "official US names that are not in common use yet".
Later it may be upgraded ased on if it becomes a common alternative name, just in the US, or maybe beyond. All those options can have their own special tag. And only very motivated data users will ever show it to map users. But if you do a search for Gulf of America, you will be able to find it.
Why? Google does this everywhere because naming is completely arbitrary and it makes sense to be up to date with current nomenclature. Poland changed name of Kaliningrad (Russian exclave that we border) to Królewiec (what it was called when it was part of Poland) in a similar manner to troll Russians and Google updated our maps as well. Apple didn’t in either case so you have options.
Two reasons. Firstly, it's the principle of the thing - fuck Google for sucking up to Orange Shitler. Secondly, because somebody, somewhere in Google gets to deal with the endless reporting - even if all that reaction is is to have to write a script to auto-ignore that exact thing because it keeps popping up and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
The rest of the world obviously will not follow suit, but foreign companies selling maps in the US will have to comply, so it is just another exception that need to be handled. Naming and boundary disputes between countries have existed for years, and map makers just make enough versions to satisfy every country.
Actually, I'm unclear on that point - do foreign companies actually have to comply, or is it just limited to government communications and government-published maps (e.g. the USGS, etc.)?
Has nothing to do with bending the knee. The executive order literally changed the official name of the Gulf in the U.S. This situation is ridiculous, but it is the new U.S. government that you need to complain about, not the people implementing or deferring to their decisions.
Ultimate pettiness, show of power, or misdirection from other, more concerning news.
Could be all at of those or something entirely different, but it sure is pathetic.
You see, I don't think it would invalidate any laws... I suppose it would be subject to whatever judge is making the call, but I would imagine that any judge that's rational and logical would take into effect the concept behind the law, not just it's specific wording as it currently applies.
I hope that anyone looking at a law, written when that specific body of water was named "the Gulf of Mexico" and determine that, since it was called that at the time of the law being passed, that the law applies to the body of water that is, or was, known as "the Gulf of Mexico" at the time it was written, and the law continues to apply to that physical place, regardless of any changes in name.
But that might be a bit too logical, and I might be expecting a lot from the US Justice system.... Or any Justice system for that matter.
Another day another issue that completely doesn't matter at all to distract from the fact that our politicians are incapable of actually fixing any of our problems.
I think you're overestimating humans. Even if we actually attempted to solve all of our problems I seriously doubt we can. I do wonder how much better things could be though.
There's little point in doing so, other than the feel-good moment. Google, and all other mapping companies, ultimately take their data from official sources. This differs per country, so users of maps from outside of the US will continue to see Gulf of Mexico, but complaining that it is wrong will only be ignored because they're following the data from the official US government source.
Cowards and sycophants. But this is a problem I, as a Chicagoan, am already familiar with. You see we have this building called the Willis Tower. But everyone here knows that Willis is correctly spelled "Sears."
So you see, the correct spelling of the America in the context of the Gulf is "Mexico."
Huh, I didn't know the Sears Tower was renamed to Willis. Though the Sears Tower never comes up in conversations for me, I'll surely only ever know it as Sears. So yeah, that's a great point you make
Oh so it'll become a shibboleth like how the capital of Ohio is pronounced and spelled "central ohio" if you're at the rare intersection of cool and ohioan
But we should probably at least have a conversation with Mexico about it, since something like half of their country borders it.
IDK, I failed geography.
Can't imagine wanting to work for big tech these days lol. These companies had insane reputation in the 2010s. People thought working for Google was like working in willy wonka's chocolate factory. They really squandered their brand.
Sadly though this was never going to be avoided, sure they're leaning hard into conservative cult nonsense, but they were still on a downword optics trajectory. Its impossible not to have this happen in capitalism, it will always be inevitable that enshitifcation happens to milk profit from anywhere it can, and that will always look bad.
OSM unfortunately doesn't seem public transit friendly at all. I did a quick glance over some of the documentation and it mentioned:
Whilst OpenStreetMap is probably not the place for full timetable information, adding information about public transport infrastructure and services to the map means that we can provide basic routing services.
Timetables are a must if you realistically want to use it for public transit. Currently it just tells me to walk to my destination for an hour and a half if I select public transportation. This is the main thing keeping me from using OSM.
I disagree on the Pluto stance because it being classified as a dwarf planet makes sense for various reasons and isn’t about the ego of a racist megalomaniac.
W.r.t Pluto then you're no better than those people denying science. The golf of Mexico's renaming is due to ego and politics, Pluto's classification is not
it's more so emotionally based because it's personified and I feel bad for poor Pluto 😢, not actually thinking that Pluto should in all scientific circumstances be considered a planet.
It's a lot different to vaccine deniers who don't trust meaningful science and evidence that actually effect the lives of people and can do real harm to the lives of others.
What the hell. No one’s going to call it the Gulf of America, except for the magas, the rapist and his useless offspring.
This is 4 years of drivel and it’ll always be knows as the Gulf of Mexico.
The man in charge is the biggest moron to ever be given power to lead.
Electing a rapist seems like a very American thing to do, who also married an immigrant, which is very odd since he’s doing his best to stop immigration.
Only hot and or under aged immigrants are acceptable. Specially if they have big natural boobs because that means new Americans with big natural boobs. I think penis-wise probably they might consider 8" and longer but must be very girthy. What do I know, I'm not a rapist politician. I could be totally wrong.
Yeah, I've been meaning to switch to OpenStreetMaps for a while now and this was the impetus to drop what I was doing and download it immediately. Fuck Google. So sick of this mask off tech plutocracy bullshit.
Edit: I've tried it a few times yesterday and today, and I like it. Works with Android Auto in my car, guidance voice isn't annoying, directions are accurate. Only complaint is I'm not sure how to search up a business and have the app map me to the nearest location. I need to dig deeper and figure out if I just haven't found it yet.
I would 100% drop GMaps if I could hit the directions button on a Google search and have it bring up OSM instead. Google Maps has been bugged for me for years and the maps app never gets the address from a browser search. I have to search for the business or address in the maps app itself for it to work.
The discussion seems to be focused around possibly waiting for one or more governing bodies to rule on the name change, or just going along with it and adding an alternate text for people who would prefer the old one, which I think is way more democratic than anything Trump had in mind when signing this XO.
I certainly prefer this over the blind deference that Google seems to have for an executive order that is functionally just direction to the state department and not legally binding in any way whatsoever.
Yes. The United States Board on Geographic Names is the group within the Department of the Interior which handles these matters. They are a part of the executive branch. I suspect that you can follow a chain of delegated authorities through that board, up the civil service hierarchy, landing on the desk of the President.
This is an example of the system not accounting for, or being ambivalent about, the election of someone to that office with a fascist ideology.
fair enough. i guess the usa never did a great job ar limiting their presidents power. that way he can extend his reach way further down, than he should...
This idea originated as a Stephen Colbert joke in 2010. As always I'm sure some will call this some sort of self-aware troll by Trump, but what are the odds of that.
One of my favorite funfacts about the Colbert Report is that many conservatives couldn't tell it was satire.
So much so that Colbert earlier on was regularly invited to things like White House Dinner with Bush and Conservative Conferences. Even when he ended the show he claimed he had a lot of fan mail from Republicans saying they'd miss "Having a sane voice of reason on an otherwise liberal media network."
Some Conservative Subreddits even had to have guidelines explaining he was satire, some claiming he was a straight up "Left Wing Disinformation Agent!"
New Amsterdam is different, that was hundreds of years ago before there were millions of printed maps, and it's a different thing to rename own landmarks after a conquest versus something which isn't within your country.
Any chance there's a place we could all start submitting bug reports about the incorrectly named body of water? Once the change goes into effect we should post that everywhere and see if we can swamp Google.
Someone was saying they want to rename it to work around the laws preventing drilling in the Gulf. It sounds really stupid, but that is on par for this shit show of an administration.
They're on this stupid renaming kick. Renaming all the "woke" names back to the "original" white slavers and racists these places originally honored. There are few enough brain cells and energy in government and this is what Trump is making them waste it on. Gulf of THE AmericaS would make sense but obviously the intent is to claim it as the US's.
I cannot believe they bent on this at all. This isn't the will of the people or a problem we asked to solve it is the asinine rantings of a fucking baby. Why the fuck am I stuck in this timeline holy shit.
I'm trying to work out who this is for. Presumably his fan club will approve, but I don't think it was something that even they were particularly asking for.
"The Trump administration has passed a resolution saying that Mexico will now be called 'America South' and Canada 'America North'. Google said it will follow the government's lead in changing the names on it's maps app."
So many important issues affecting America right now ..... and the country and its government is fixated and pouring so much energy, manpower, knowledge, education, experience and capability into .... renaming something on a map that no really gives a shit about.
It's my understanding that the executive does not have the authority to unilaterally change official geographic names. As of my writing this, the name “change” has NOT been adopted by the United States government. Congress granted that authority to the US Board of Geographic Names in 1890. Unless accepted by the US BoGN, it changes nothing. I suppose Congress could rename it if they passed a bill that the president signed into law overriding that authority for that specific case, but until they did so, it’s not official.
Google are saying here that they will only change it on maps if it's made official by the US Government, which has not happened yet. That's why they haven't made any change yet, and won't unless Trump gets the US BoGN to do his bidding.
Edit: well that didn't take long. They already made made the change.
Google made an issue of this by officially commenting rather than silently conducting business as usual (which would be changing the name when the govt source does).
They're trying to have their cake and eat it, I guess? Theoretically this would appease X viewers and Trump (who would move onto the next trending controversy), while stating that they are following usual procedure?
So why didn't they change Crimea to be part of Russia, if that's always been the longstanding policy, Google?
(Note; I'm not suggesting it is a part of Russia; just pointing out the hypocrisy of Google since Trump claiming ownership of the Gulf of Mexico is the same thing as Russia claiming ownership of Crimea.)
They did (in Russia). There's no hypocrisy here. Just blanket compliance with local authority.
The maps look different when viewed in different regions, this becomes apparent whenever there's contested territory, like crimea, the China sea, Gaza. We only see the maps that our local government approves.
It's giving big "freedom fries" energy. Makes sense when you think about how much of a wet dream the post-9/11 circle jerk was (is) for conservatives. They're trying to recreate the same 2002 Republican, plastic-patriot distraction machine again.
I don't think it's gonna work as well because people could afford to eat Big Macs everyday back then. No joke, the economic situation is so dire I'm saving up to treat myself and my boyfriend to a fancy dinner date....
For what it's worth, this is how Google maps has always worked. Use Google maps in China and you'll notice that borders are in different places, HK, Tibet Bhutan, the whole China sea, those are within China's borders. It's the same with Russia, crimea is just part of Russia if you use Google maps in Russia. If your country recognizes different borders or different names for places, that's what Google shows you in your country. It's basically either that or they can't operate in that country, so they don't really have a choice if they want to exist in that region.
Well yeah, as of 6 years ago, after China invaded with military force, HK has been recognized as part of China on all maps. But Google showed it as part of China even before then.
And then yeah, I just remembered the wrong name, it was the border of Tibet/Bhutan that are in dispute, so parts of Bhutan display as Chinese territory.
There is absolutely nothing that is too stupid for republicans.
If the US had an actually functional political system they wouldn't get anywhere near power. They're all crazy and they don't care about anything that actually matters to people. But because there's only two parties they just go "biden bad" and everyone votes for them.
Google, or rather Alphabet, is an American company. Trump is the president of America, the most powerful country militarily and economically. Alphabet is also subject to American laws and is currently under an anti-trust lawsuit with America. What makes you think Google can stand up against the US?
They're not required to change it. All the law does is officially change the name for official government purposes it doesn't require everyone in the US to start calling it that.
Because the president should have no say in naming geographic locations that have long agreed upon names. And it’s a waste of money to have to replace all the maps and books with updated names.
There’s also no reason for Google to change anything. The US government has no power to make Google use this new name instead of the widely agreed upon name.
It’s a nod to the fact that if Trump says jump google will say “how high?” And no one with any sense likes that bigot.
Geolocation is done by IP address if nothing else is available. It's not exact, but if, for example, you use a US-based internet provider, all their customer IP exit points will already be marked as US-based, and any access from one of those to a Google service will get the new name.
Türkiye had historical usage and precedent; “the Gulf of America” does not. Admittedly, Erdoğan was probably motivated by the same base nativist urges. But there’s something substantially different in saying “we want our nation to be called this” versus “we want to rename international territory.”
Is this another of those things where someone wrote some mild Substack post about “maybe the phrase black list does imply black = bad” that maybe five people read before conservatives decided that it represents the ideological position of all leftists?