Seems like it hasn't been this bad since when Bush launched Iraq war 2... basically every major city in the US and Europe had huge protests, and it got almost exactly 0 coverage outside of local news covering your local city.
Now all the local news in the US are just Sinclair subsidiaries/franchises.
I don't think it's the propaganda machine (or maybe this is), but in the US, almost nothing is reported from other countries. If 100,000 people died in some wild natural disaster outside the US, we would get almost no real details, but we would get the full life story of the one American that was killed who was from New Jersey. It's just the way our media is. No real information. Just dumb sap stories.
It's the same reason the Republicans haven't been able to identify when they're ingesting blatant Russian propaganda. They've never seen or heard it before outside of their favorite American talking head.
Saving this one for the next time I'm hit with the "the whole world thinks we're a joke with [democrat] in charge. This is why Trump is great. The world respects us with him leading."
When Clinton was president, we were a sex joke. When Bush jr. was president, we were a funny joke. When Obama was president, we were a meme. When Trump was president, we were a sad joke. When Biden was president we were a dad joke. With trump president again, we're now a sick joke.
Buy more Hard Drives, we're gonna need a lot more of those.
(I'm not a datahoarder myself, I only got like 2 1TB external SSDs and so far have like the wikipedia downloaded, idk what to download, honestly just too tired...)
You underestimate my laziness. I'll just rsync to a bigger and bigger drive each time.
For example, my phone's SD card currently stores some 12,754 files totalling 244.5GB. I really want a 1TB card. Storage is magic. The files always adjust to the media size.
I just always rsync everything over to a new card. And also copy the partition UUID because I don't remember which apps use it, plus I likely have a bunch of symlinks in Termux that would break. Oh, yes, Termux I copy over in the same manner of course.
I mean, I probably pointed them to ~/storage/card symlink, but I am not sure.
I did have to delete a bunch of stuff already though, DVD ISO files and baseband satellite signal recordings to replace them with Wikipedia and other zim files.
Preferably, I'd have all files on every device. That's the dream.
Scary part is that the protests within America were not covered, or were barely mentioned.
The 20th was Trump's inauguration + MLK, so a LOT of people marched across the US. That said, most of the coverage is from small local papers and broadcasters. The big new orgs shied away.
Every time someone posts the latest daily poll that shows change is impossible and what they're predicting is inevitable, I need to remember that quote.
Scary part is that the protests within America were not covered, or were barely mentioned.
You can NOT rely on the media to cover the important stuff, or to tell you what is important. This is because (1) the billion owned media wants you do be apathetic so they can get gigantic GOP tax cuts for the rich, and (2) the average journalist does not have any special skill set in letting them know what is important, and (3) journalists and editors are lazy and only cover what other outlets are covering.
You have to work extra hard to understand reality, and things like Lemmy help with that.
Because protests accomplish absolutely nothing in America without violence. The billionaires are nice and comfy in their ivory towers, they have no concern for the peasants on the streets. If they are comfortable then nothing changes.
The violent protests didn't do shit either, they just pissed off the rest of the citizenship. When protests turn to violence, all too often it's against the businesses that the peasants frequent.
This is being presented as a sort of cover-up, but the fact of the matter is that most protests never get much attention unless they are extraordinary in scale or in regards to any violence, or anything else. There will always be some protests, so that begs the question, is this always newsworthy? Trump is inaugurated and quite some people don't like this... well aint that surprising? No. I don't think it's a cover up, I think it's deemed rather irrelevant, obvious, nothing out of the ordinary. Had the protests been more massive in scale perhaps that would be different though. Or had people stormed the capitol,. ouch....
The majority of our media outlets are not covering any dissent about Trump. All major social media companies are censoring negative information about Trump. This is purposeful and blatant. The media is most definitely helping this administration to manufacture consent.
This is nothing new though as the media has helped project bizarre concepts like the US is the defender of democracy for decades. In fact, the US has done more to stop Democracy than any other country.
Not only is US democracy in decline because of concerted efforts to undermine it by the wealthy, but this is also projected around the world with the US attacking and destroying foreign democracies.
So it is a cover up and it has been going on a long time. The US is not the country it portrays itself to be and that takes a universal effort in our media to help project.
Is this newsworthy is not the question. Who determines what is newsworthy is the question.
but also, I did my best to sleep through the inauguration out of spite, and also as political commentary on how the Democratic party’s strategic leadership slept through the entire fucking election cycle, because the only other explanation is that they were playing to loose
Which is totally fair. But at the same time i never even saw these pictures. For me it's just the fact that either nobody was reporting on it or it got drowned out by all the noise. Basically it was censored or the distractions are working.
I wouldn't call it "hidden". It was there. It just got kinda completely overshadowed by the 37,017 articles talking about Elon and his "salute".
If you guys hadn't been circle jerking so hard about that you would have seen the other things going on in the news that day. Unfortunately modern news runs on clicks and y'all were clicking on every single article that had the same softball takes on the same event.
Nobody to blame for that one but yourselves really.
Is that the new hot term fresh off the presses? Hadn't heard that term once in my life and since the Elon thing I've seen it like 12 times.
I know what it means but I find it really funny how you guys keep coming up for new ways of explaining that you're easily distracted by stupid shit while they continue to collect wealth and power.
If the masses are busy bickering amongst themselves they will never realize that it's actually a class issue and not a race or gender issue. They just stoke the fire every few weeks and they let you lot do the rest of the work for them.
I saw signs around Portland for a January 21 protest. From what I've heard, it was a lot smaller than what Portland saw in 2017. It's hard to read the tea leaves on why that is.
It mostly focuses on the US women's march, but it does make brief mention of ongoing worldwide protests, without really discussing them. The Chyron focuses its message on the "worldwide" aspect of it through the whole story, however.
The Women’s March extended beyond the United States, as similar protests cropped up around the world over women’s rights and other issues the marchers fear could be under threat from Donald Trump’s presidency.
Although the focus of the day was the Women’s March on Washington, many people attended the hundreds of “sister marches” that occurred around the US and the globe.
People are checked out my dudes. Women's march was expecting 50k and 5k showed, I think people are broken and losing hope.
Which is fair, these media organizations failed us miserably and continue to fail us miserably for not being able to call a Nazi salute a Nazi salute, which calls into question what little is left of their credibility. So yeah people are checked out while this is happening and being covered.
I'm sorry, do you normally see people protesting leadership in other countries when they get elected? Perhaps I didn't notice that Americans were out in droves protesting the election of Kier Starmer. /s
Starmer is a shitbag, btw. I'm not trying to support him with the above comment.
Havent heard about this either. But I live in Switzerland, so I'am quite confident the newssites and agencies were occupied with covering all the shit that went down during inauguartion and the few days before and after it. Plus our Europe and National and Regional news. So I am not really surprised to missing it.
I heard NPR gloss over it, just mentioning that the number a protesters seem to have been less than the last time.
It didn't really give any estimate as to the number of people where they were at what their issues were. They didn't interview any of them, they gave it like maybe 5 to 10 seconds.
I did see an article about the big blimp making a comeback in UK, not sure when that was though. Around a week ago I think. Ironically it felt like it was trying hard not to say protest.
Yeah, I participated in the one that was a few days before the inauguration. Heard about it from the front page of the New York Times. I'm pretty sure I heard about the other 700 marches planned for inauguration day here on Lemmy since this is the only social media site I use.
BBC Mentioned the one in Washington but it was just as an add on when explaining that it was too cold for trump to have it outside. Doesn't really matter how big the protests were in America as they literally voted for it.
So you're telling me you dont read any actual news, despite there being numerous great news orgs in the intentionally only subscribe to the shitty corporate ones? Huh.
Oh yes, the lie about liberal media. I was very confused during AOTUS's last administration about all the talk in regards to liberal media. There is no mainstream far left outlet. There is not even a popular left leaning news outlet. They often cited CNN and that is a joke.
I don't consume American propaganda and I live in the states. The talking heads never talk about what is really going on, they omit the important details, and they non-stop bootlick corporations.
I dont care if this is unpopular bc it's a commentary on how we fucking got here... Notice the amount of Gaza-support in the photos of US protests vs internationally. The useful idiots aren't even marching for their own country's oxygen mask in the protests about this country.
I honestly wouldn't upvote if I did see it. Sure, the people participating might feel good about it and I'm glad they are there but the whole, march around and protest thing, feels like slipping a note into an unchecked suggestion box.
I saw articles about it on both Reddit and Lemmy. But they were filled with toxic comments from doomers, fascists, or just other overly negative people so I suspect they were downvoted and this might be why people didn’t see them.
Actually working about the issues of the people and actually listening to them in the last 4 years instead of pandering to a minority niche within the in group would have helped like, a lot
Whatever happened to "Trump is making the rest of the world respect America again!"?
Convenient time to suddenly start not caring about what other people think, right when people start telling you exactly how they feel about the felon king.
I've never said trump is making the rest of the world respect America again. I don't think trump is a good person for America, but I sure as shit don't care what non-americans think
Ok, then what about censoring the american protests?
If you search for January 20th March, all of the google results are from small local papers. The big boys didn't pick it up, or if they did, they mentioned it and moved on.
Non Americans think the same thing Americans do. That Traitorapist Trump is a narcisstic buffoon not worth your attention. That he is a notorious Liar who is going to lie 30000+ times in the next 4 years like his average last time. And that he is going to throw food on the wall at the White House an average of 1-2 times per week like his average last time.