Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene took to social media to demand that Congress use "force" in renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is pushing legislation to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, arguing the U.S. military and taxpayers secure the region, making it "our gulf."
Greene shared the proposal text on social media, calling for federal agencies to adopt the name change.
She linked the renaming effort to combatting Mexican cartel activity in the Gulf.
Trump supported the name change in a 2024 executive order, but there has been no indication of international adoption, including by the UK.
You know what? Let her have her little hissy fit. Let the Republicans send an unenforceable bill to Trump's desk so he can sign it with his tiny Sharpie. The more time they spend working on things that are irrelevant, the less time they have to do the really evil shit.
Democrats should take up their full debate time to say "This is stupid" over and over. Nobody is obligated to listen to us, and not even Trump will nuke London over it.
The problem is they are doing the evil shit quietly in parallel to this clown show, so everyone is distracted by the absurdity and not paying attention to the man behind the curtain.
Both Coyolxauhqui and Tecciztecatl are lunar deities.
According to the traditions of Central Mexico Tecciztecatl (also known as Tecuciztecatl) was the son (with breasts) of Tlaloc & Chalchiuhtlicue. Their name translates to "Person from Conch Land (place)" and is depicted with a sea shell on their head in the Codex Borgia. He was chosen to become the new solar deity in Teotihuacán during the creation of the 5th sun, but hesitated at the last moment. Nanahuatzin then threw himself into the sacred pyre created for the ritual thus becoming Tonatiuh the sun. Tecciztecatl shamed then followed becoming the moon (after getting a rabbit thrown at them).
Coyolxauhqui is a lunar deity in the pantheon of the Tonochca who are the Mexica residents of Tenochtitlán. She is the sister of Huitzilopochtli the patron deity of the altepetl (city-state) who was a solar deity and her a lunar counterpart. She was dismembered by Huitzilopochtli and either all her parts or just her head (I can't remember which) was thrown into the sky to become the moon.
The word Aztec was invented in the early 1800's by a German scholar so that's why I pointed out regional differences.
while I get the sentiment, it's common to call Deutchland "Germany," "Allemagne" (or similar sounding) "Tiskland" or "Xīdé" depending on your language. A lot of languages have a variant similar to
If the right-wing is good at one thing, its distraction. All this stuff about the Gulf of Mexico, Canada, and Greenland is just plain noise designed to detract from Trump fucking around with Trans right, pulling out of the Paris Agreement (again), and all the other insidious bullshit he and his cronies are working away at
Also, the transpanic stuff and the climate stuff is ALSO a distraction and that is this - the MAIN agenda is to enrich donvict and all his cronies, and do jack shit about the price of eggs. Oh, which are actually going up.
The dipshits that voted for him because "he do good economy" and the price of eggs need lots of distractions right now. The broligarchs would love to make money like they did under Covid and they would love to see idiots that voted for donvict suffer.
If bird flu is contained then the shortages will stop. Or we could defund everything, let it run wild until it jumps to humans, and make covid look like a wet fart. Which direction are we running in?
No, they have to focus on important stuff first. Like reassigning genders, renaming a body of water. You know, important things that actually help people.
We need to rename the Statue of Liberty to the Statue of America. In its current state it's just woke propaganda with a sign actively promoting illegal immigration. It's downright un-American.
I think the only reason they have it and tried this yet is they simply haven't thought about it. I guarantee you if Trump were to read that comment, first of all he wouldn't understand the sarcasm, and would on ironically try and do that.
It's not deadnaming. It's the name the body of water chose. The Trump administration is forcing it adopt an assigned named that doesn't fit its identity.
The Dutch-from-Holland thing is basically a quirk of the historical relationship between England and the Netherlands. Originally the English referred to all continental Germanic people as Dutch (from Deutsch, of course). Then the Netherlanders started to become a distinct group quite separate from other Germans. However, England had way more contact with the Netherlanders, who were both geographically closer and also a huge naval presence in the seas around England, so the name stuck to them instead of the Germans
Engand had massive textile trade with Flanders, sending wool, undyed and finished cloth to traders there. Originally, the Flemish did almost all the weaving, but the English moved up the value chain over the centuries. Where I live near the southwestern coast of England, there's an estuary town where the cloth merchants lived and kept their showrooms, with houses that look like they'd be more at home in Antwerp or Amsterdam. The presence of Flemish and Dutch merchants in our city are also the reason we have the oldest continuously operating synagogue in England, as well as an ancient Jewish graveyard (the nonconformists soon got a graveyard next to it, since they weren't allowed to be buried within the city walls either). The Low Countries were less antisemitic than most places in northern Europe.
And the later merchants' bloodless coup that installed King Billy (a Dutch speaker who couldn't understand English) further cemented economic and elite ties, as well as persecuting the Irish even more murderously than Oliver Cromwell's mob did.
Apart from Pas de Calais and Brittany, the low countries were also the nearest shipping destinations from England.
The "Gulf of Mexico" was named before the country was officially named Mexico.
The "Gulf of America" was historically a gulf in eastern Russia.
Both Mexico and USA are part of North America, so I suppose the name makes sense, but why do the republicans think it's a patriotic thing for them?
Why is New York named after a town in England? Why don't they rename it to... "America" and change the name of he state to "America"
If you think about it, it actually makes sense. We'd be staking a claim to something we have no right to and we've filled it with garbage and oil. We've done so much damage to it, that it's barely recognizable compared to 100 years ago.
It's pretty much Water USA.
If y'all have any other bodies of water you think should be named after us, go ahead and do it! A puddle with a dead bird in it, your toilet, your uncle's piss-filled pants after he passed out from too many beers. USA! USA! USA!
How did Trump support the name change in a 2024 executive order if he wasn't president during any of 2024? I don't remember Biden signing that order for him.
Why do we still let this woman talk? I can see the instant over night fame if someone smacked her in the mouth the moment she inhaled to say something stupid.
I'm getting real fucking tired of these "why are we paying attention to this person?" comments... Dude, these people are deciding our future. Our lives are literally in their hands. That's why I'm fucking paying attention.
You think I want to have to follow this shit? It has probably taken years off my life.
Fuck it I'm in favour of renaming some of our bodies of water after Mexico just on principal. We've got a lot of lochs up here in Scotland, one of them can be Loch Mexico. Or Loch Meagsago to fit Gaelic spelling
This is a good opportunity for Starmer to show some resolve. He's also been very sound so far on supporting Ukraine while some of the other allies are being fickle.
She linked the renaming effort to combatting Mexican cartel activity in the Gulf.
How in the hell would a name change do anything? Was that the only Mexican-related thing you could come up with when asked why the need for a name change?
This is doing WHAT for the American people? The maps get changed; now fucking what? People now have healthcare, jobs with dignity and good pay? They have clean air, clean water?
This is doing WHAT for the American people? The maps get changed; now fucking what? People now have healthcare, jobs with dignity and good pay? They have clean air, clean water?
This would be a lot more damning if Democrats had something substantive to show on these fronts from their last 4 years.
Democrats Schmemocrats. This has nothing to do with the Democrats. This is about the qons - they own this shit. The dummies voted for this chaos "because mah economy".
Donvict and the qons posture like they are great for the economy and they are going to make everything better for Americans. What are they doing for that supposed goal?
The name "change" hasn't even been adopted by the United States own government, because the president does not have that authority. Congress granted that authority to the US Board of Geographic Names in 1890. I suppose Congress could rename it if they passed a bill that the president signed into law overriding that authority for that specific case, but until they did so, it's not official.
It also sounds like the usual magic trick shennanigans: ooh look at what crazy things I'm saying~ no, don't watch what I'm doing elsewhere, focus on the craaazyyy.
At this point the history books will be filled to the brim with stupidity, so I really want future teachers to have to explain "the war of names."
I'm imagining them just holding their forehead when they get to it and explaining "...Yes. People worshiped a man that made us go to war over the name of a body of water. They even wanted him to have an illegal 3rd term."
Jesus Christ, the Gulf of Mexico is already under our protection and especially our exclusion zones which we've mostly waived for the benefit of business.
Is she having a kiddy tantrum again? I know health care is a problem in the US, but she should be able to afford the psych meds she obviously needs.
And if she is so conservative that she does mot trust pharmaceutical stuff, maybe she could take something natural, like a nice, fresh glass of hemlock juice.
We don't call North Korea the "DPRK" or "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". We don't call Taiwan the "Republic of China". Heck, we call football "soccer".
Sometimes, people have different names for different things, and that's OK. If Trump wants to waste time and effort renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America to stroke his own ego, that's his choice. That doesn't mean everybody else has to play ball. He can't use military might to force other countries to adopt the name change, just like North Korea can't force us to refer to them as the DPRK.
My bigger thought is what kind of geopolitical laughing stock the US is going to look like four years from now. I mean we're 5 days into his term and he's already promising to create an entire branch of government to show the rest of the world he has no fucking idea how tariffs work, he's threatening to take Greenland of all places by force, and now one of his cronies wants to use military might to force other countries to adopt an irrelevant name change.
It's like the country is being run by Kim Jong Un.