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  • Rightist criticism of the Democratic Party 😤✋

    Leftist criticism of the Democratic Party ☺️👉

  • Alright this comment section was fun but reddit liberals will never change their minds on anything (if they did they wouldn't try to make Lemmy into Reddit), so I'm locking this.

    PS: if you support the democrats I hope they drone strike your house like they drone striked a Pakistani wedding since you seem to like them so much :)

  • What's closer (at least domestically) is:

    • Republicans: Have you considered genociding the vulnerable? Here, see, we'll let you kill the libs!
    • Democrats: We're not going to do a whole lot to protect anyone, but we're at least not as cartoonishly evil as those guys, and maybe you can have some scraps/an occasionally decent thing at the state level.

    Dems aren't good by any means, but there's a real difference that produces a material impact on people's lives (again, at least domestically). Dems are not banning abortion and putting bounties on women seeking abortions. Dems are not teaching kids that slavery was actually job training. Dems occasionally do pretty good things at the state level, like marijuana legalization (probably the biggest driver of decarceration) and Minnesota's 2023 legislative session (passing directly pro-worker policies like requiring paid leave, banning noncompete agreements, and universal free school meals).

    Ignoring that is not useful, especially when every possible difference is covered exhaustively and when the borders of "legitimate political activity" are drawn at two-party electoralism for most people.

    • But how much of that is a Democrats vs Republicans thing? I think it's more accurate to describe it as a ruling class granting occasional concessions thing. For example, under Trump federal workers got paid parental leave but I wouldn't say that makes him or his party good.

      Also, Democrats had plenty of opportunities to codify abortion rights, but didn't and still don't. Roe v. Wade got overturned during their rule!! So how compliant does a party need to be before they're complicit?

      That any Americans think highly of Dems speaks more about the sorry state of politics in this country than it does the virtues of Democrats. And I don't mean to go off on you right now, I agree that lots of people think they're great. I also think those people are dead wrong but y'know.