Republicans vs Democrats
Republicans vs Democrats
Republicans vs Democrats
To everyone saying this is "both sides bad" shit: that is an incorrect characterization, as that would imply the parties are on different sides.
Nah, this is some "both sides are bad" bullshit. One side tried to get rid of student loan debt and the other side said no. One side is fighting for equal right for all races/genders/color etc and the other side says no. It goes on and on like this. Give me a break.
Abortion rights were repealed under Democrats, trans rights are being repealed under Democrats, police budgets have increased in response to BLM, and non-stop war is completely bipartisan.
Both sides ARE bad, just because one of them sometimes offers tepid opposition doesn't make them good. Democrats are not on your side either.
In fact Obama campaigned on codifiying abortion rights but when he entered office he admitted its not a priority for his administration.
Abortion rights were repealed because Trump got 3 partisan supreme court justices appointed.
What an absurdly simplistic view of things. All you're doing with this "both sides" bullshit is encouraging more people to sit out the process which is how we got here in the first place. Shame on you, do fucking better.
Oh shut the fuck up man if you're not seeing one hand wash the other on the ruling class shutting that down, you never will. The democrats never intended to pass student loan debt relief, or they wouldn't have softballed something they KNEW the Supreme Court would shut down.
"The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them." -- Julius Nyerere
Exactly and even if the Dems won the student debt relief, it's such a little and temporary measure that no way addresses the root cause of the issue.
But of course, many people only look at Biden's website and think that's all you need to know about politics.
Give ME a break.
Both sides are bad though. They are both neoliberals pieces of shit that care infinitely more about their corporate donors than they do about the people. Heck, they only throw scrums to people to pretend that they care.
You are correct that they are both inadequate for facing the crises of our time, but Republicans are choosing all of the worst options. Don't pretend like an idiot is anywhere near as bad as a literal demon.
Neither side tried to get rid of student loan debt. One side just pretended to try.
They tried metaphysically and still failed.
This is an instance and thread I can get behind.
Ah. How refreshing from the reddit think.
I typically don't downvote but here you are just factually wrong. "to get rid of student loan debt" would mean to abolish and pass legislation that actually ended all student loan debt in present and future. A feeble attempt at a 'one-time only' debt relief with no further policies or plans to eliminate all future educational costs is just a puppet show. I personally would've benefited from the debt relief, but would've preferred them addressing the rising costs and accessibility of higher education (the root of the problem).
Instead we got a repeal of AA and a move that would've benefited loan companies with a side effect that could possibly make getting future loans for under-privileged individuals that much harder (or more dangerous if loan companies decided to give out increasingly worse contracts if they believe the government will step in and pay the horrendous bills). There are better metrics to compare the parties with, "equal rights" is not one of them as they won't ever exist while class disparity is so rampant.
Equal rights isn't a new developing issue, here's a quote from over 60 years ago,
The assistant director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Hyman Bookbinder, in a frank statement on December 29, 1966, declared that the long-range costs of adequately implementing programs to fight poverty, ignorance and slums will reach one trillion dollars. He was not awed or dismayed by this prospect but instead pointed out that the growth of the gross national product during the same period makes this expenditure comfortably possible. It is, he said, as simple as this: “The poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer at a slower rate.” Furthermore, he predicted that unless a “substantial sacrifice is made by the American people,” the nation can expect further deterioration of the cities, increased antagonisms between races and continued disorders in the streets. He asserted that people are not informed enough to give adequate support to anti-poverty programs, and he leveled a share of the blame at the government because it “must do more to get people to understand the size of the problem.” (source, bold by me)
Equal rights "advocates" love to posture and hand-wave historical figures like Dr. King, who rightly pointed out the next step to real equality in his book titled, "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?".
One of the central themes of the book's messages is that of hope. King reflects upon the Civil Rights Movement. He discusses the question of what African-Americans should do with their new freedoms found in laws such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He concludes that all Americans must unite in order to fight poverty and create an equality of opportunity. King emphasizes that he is neither a Marxist nor a doctrinaire socialist; he instead advocates for a united social movement that would act within both the Republican and Democratic parties. (synopsis from wiki)
It goes "on and on" like this because it's all a show, the steps and problems have been laid bare for decades in the U.S. with no meaningful impact for the causes and class disparity is only getting worse. If the democrats in charge actually passed legislation that addressed inequality, then they wouldn't have anything to dangle in front of the donkey.
edit: If you're gonna give a downvote (probably who I was replying to), don't be a coward and at least bring some conversation to the table with your viewpoints. I'm just gonna have to assume your feelings were hurt and that's the only recourse you have if not.
This gets at it beautifully. The point is that Dems show a good effort but don't actually create meaningful change. It's theater.
It's not "both sides bad", it's "they're all on the same side". The majority of Amerikans and non-Amerikans realize this. You are shilling for the bourgeoisie against the proletariat.
US politics is one big WWE show and you've taken the bait that the democrats actually "tried". When you realize just how much isn't being done that could be done, and then look at all the same big donor lobbyist money they take in every year, it starts to make sense why the democrats are always "sooo close" to radical change. It's deliberate and I'm tired of people thinking it isn't
This both sides is bad argument is scary because it can cause people to become indifferent. It's scary for minorities. One side is actively trying to get rid of minorities or marginalize them.
Yeah I get that in the context of the working class they are both bad but that's not the only way people are categorized. People's lives are literally being ruined due to the abortion ban and the regression in trans rights and it's clear one side is pushing for it way more than the other.
Nice copium lib.
One side tried to get rid of student loan debt and the other side said no.
$10,000 or $50,000 is hardly getting rid of student loan debt and there are way more pressing issues like the fact medical debt is still the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US and mainstream dems are still balking at universal health care.
Maybe do a bit more research next time before you comment.
Yeah, one is trying to disarm poor people, the other isn't. One is murdering babies, the other isn't.
This is some real peasant-bullshit
Murdering babies is pretty great though, did you know that humanity has been doing it since ancient Mesopotamia? The ancient Romans used so much silphium as an abortifacient that the plant went extinct.
Don't argue with the tankies. They literally have no moral compass.
We're the ones with no moral compass; when the democrats oversee slavery in the Department of Corrections(while cutting the police fatter and fatter checks), oversee familial separation and rape in the internment camps at the border(while cutting ICE fatter and fatter checks), and gleefully play merchant of death kicking obscenely-priced contract after obscenely-priced contract to the military-industrial complex. Is the F-35 even capable of flying an operational sortie yet? Or was that just a ten year waste of billions and billions of dollars?
Okay, you fuckin hypocrite, okay. Sure. Posture all you like. None of it even fuckin matters anyway when your party will GLEEFULLY torch the earth sucking every last drop of oil out of it while SWEARING we're gonna keep under 2C. Can't wait for all your shit to burn.
because libs like you are sooooo rich in morality, bombing global southern countries to no avail, supporting coups in countries that democratically elected socialists, never actually getting anything done to make peoples' lives less of a hellhole, being racist against russians and chinese people, supporting literal fascists and even outright allying with fascists (spain).
yeah, you guys have suuuuch a rich moral compass. thank you for demonstrating just how morally rich you people are. y'all should look into the mirror and feel fucking ashamed of yourselves.
This is exactly why liberals don't get shit done. You are too focused on optics rather than material reality.
Fisk400 goes to Walmart. On the shelves, a product catches his eye "Wow, I can't believe this AC unit is so cheap! Capitalism is great."
A Congolese child smiles. His job in a rare earth excavation site made that AC unit possible, and cheap.
The child looks at the sky "I hope you're happy, white master", he says before he gets pushed back to work. It is 40C in the mine, he gets no AC. But at least wealthier people get to have it.
Fisk400 buys the cheap AC. "Who cares about climate change anyway, it's hot outside". Then, he sees something else a few aisles down: cheap meat. "Wow, that's a great deal!". He grabs a few packs of beef.
Somewhere in Argentina, a cattle rancher smiles. "I hope you're happy, white master" says the man. He has never tasted beef; it's too expensive for him. But he's glad that someone else gets to enjoy it, at least.
Fisk never even heard the child and man, drowned by his new shiny purchases and the feeling of accomplishment they give him.
Upon leaving the store, Fisk400 pretends to not see the 75 year old greeter who is forced to stand there all day and say hi. "Oh god, I hope he doesn't try to talk to me" he thinks as he darts to the exit, his products in hand. He can't wait to try them out -- it's his god-given right to consume whatever is sold in stores with no further considerations.
Then, cool and cozy, he logs onto Lemmy. "Tankies have no moral compass", he says matter-of-factly.
Don’t you dronies have more hospitals to bomb under the name of “freedom and democracy”?
The Clintons had literal slaves. Like, the still-alive Clintons. Fuck you, devil.
Why must people always misinterpret this?
No, leftists are not trying to appeal to homophobic white people with this.
They’re reminding you that Democrats will still oppress the working class irrespective of your race, gender, or orientation.
Though don’t kid yourself, the Democratic Party still oppresses black and queer folks when they think they don’t need black and queer votes.
No, leftists are not trying to appeal to homophobic white people with this
Is that how people interpret this? Wew
The brain worms are so deep, they're tape worms that have made their way up through the host.
There’s a surprising amount of Republicans that talk about the “Uniparty”
redditors in this thread, go back
no u
fuck all these liberals appealing to “dems make things better for the working class”. the working class does not start and end at the amerikkkan border motherfucker.
the Dems being for the working class is an old folk tale that just won't die
Important point. From the point of view of 95,5% of humanity USA present nearly uniform face regardless of who is in power. And this goes not only for the victims of US but for their vassals too. Barely anyone outside US gives a shit about the US political theatre, even the analysis of the comprador euro think tanks smells with indifference under the flimsy mask of engagement.
Can confirm.
"Man, why would anyone think we're talking about the U.S.?"
Not sure what you're on about. The comment is clearly at liberals in this thread trying to appeal to "benefits" for the "working class" without acknowledging many of these "benefits" come at the cost of the exploited global south. Thinking that the working class struggle starts and ends at one nation's borders and is not part of an international struggle is braindead at best, fascist at worst. Not sure why I'm explaining this to someone named @MarxMadness.
Okay, what is with all the Democrat-defending libs in this thread. Reddit-tier logic.
How were they even admitted to Lemmygrad, I wonder?
They're mostly from federated instances.
USA are a capitalist dystopia with two parties, one is a rightwing neo-liberal and the other are Nazis as is
Which is which?
Normally Democrats a right wing and Republicans Nazis, but the differences are not clear defined.
Meh, only one wants to take away my rights and the other one wants to give me free healthcare and cancel student debt. Not saying that the one that wants to protect my rights doesn't have problems, but the 2 parties sure as shit are not the same.
Incredible how that's not only not what OP of this thread but also somehow totally naïvely buys into Democrat rhetoric about things they're totally going to do, for sure.
the other one
wants togive me free healthcare and cancel student debt.
More like “runs on obviously popular policy proposals and never carries through because they didn’t care in the first place.” Just like how republicans run on ending wars and bringing down gas prices and end up doing the opposite.
Y'all working class libs need to read State and revolution. And reform or revolution.
state and revolution is actually quite short, but still you're asking too much of them
if 1 does look into it, ill be happy
Damn, looks like this post attracted all the liberals.
Rightist criticism of the Democratic Party 😤✋
Leftist criticism of the Democratic Party ☺️👉
Alright this comment section was fun but reddit liberals will never change their minds on anything (if they did they wouldn't try to make Lemmy into Reddit), so I'm locking this.
PS: if you support the democrats I hope they drone strike your house like they drone striked a Pakistani wedding since you seem to like them so much :)
I do wonder about Democrats though. Part of me thinks the “spoilers” that we see like Lieberman, Sinema, and Manchin are there specifically so Democrats can say, “Aww shucks, we tried folks, guess we can’t get that shiny new thing we promised you. Oh well, we’ll just give up on that idea.” Meanwhile Republicans ramming through the most unpopular shit in the world every chance they can get, whereas Dems don’t seem to try hard enough on issues that seem to have plenty of popular support.
That's the Designated Villain playbook. As long as there's just one or two a year, in a field where typically everyone is vetted, double-vetted, and receipt-checked, the pork train trundles on unobstructed.
It's not that Dems don't try hard enough. They're one faction in the organising committee of the ruling class. They're not trying to work for the working class at all.
Just look at the defense budget every year that easily dwarfs that of other countries (and continues to grow!) It passes with no contest from either party.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that tweet before, but I can’t remember where
Most Democrat politicians are neo-liberals, meaning they are conservatives by all global standards.
We need progressives to take over the Dem party. If you are young and progressive, especially if you are in a shitty dead-end job, run for office. Do it. Local or national.
Sign up, go through the process, announce it for fun on social media. If nothing happens, it was a funny, enlightening experience. There is no upper limit to what can be accomplished if you actually start winning races, though.
You cannot fix the Democrat party from the inside. Shit, you cannot fix the USA from the inside. It's not broken, it's working perfectly as designed. You can't vote your way out of this shit. Not if you had 500 years to do it instead of 20.
We had several great progressives running in last years primary and general up near Seattle. All were crushed by incumbents.
Guess folks just like the way things are.
Honestly, once you hit 25 or whatever pick a party and run. Green or libertarian would be easiest. Whatever fits where you live. It gives you a different perspective on elections.
Most Democrat politicians are neo-liberals, meaning they are conservatives by all global standards.
This is the most brain damaged talking point, the Democrats are more left than the vast majority of the globe and Republicans are somewhere in the center. Unless your globe only consists of Canada, Scandinavia, and New Zealand then the Democrats aren't conservative
My friend, you are in the wrong space. This is a space for people who are actually interested in studying political economy, not bad faith morons.
I don't even know what a lot of the stuff means anymore tbh. I just consider myself economically classically liberal and true centrist on social issues
The people focusing hard on the social far left and far right are distracting people from the fact that the government is not helping out the common person economically.
Frankly I think inflation is kind of here to stay for a while as the US painfully weans itself out of China and a world with a bunch of cheap former Soviet raw material inputs, nevermind a global wheat shortage due to the situation in Ukraine.
The fed really does have to slowly jack up rates to create a bigger buffer for the next hard recession. What this means, I my very limited understanding, is that everything just costs more until supply is consolidated back home and nearby places like Canada, Mexico, and some Central American countries
I don’t even know what a lot of the stuff means anymore tbh. I just consider myself economically classically liberal and true centrist on social issues
The economics understander (as per 7th grade social studies) has entered the chat.
The people focusing hard on the social far left and far right are distracting people from the fact that the government is not helping out the common person economically.
If you’re talking about culture war crap, then sure, I agree. It’s manufactured outrage to distract from class issues.
The fed really does have to slowly jack up rates to create a bigger buffer for the next hard recession.
So you acknowledge the government isn’t helping the working class, and then proceed to support the government not helping? Do you believe in Reaganomics by any chance?
Sanders sure seemed to have the right mindset for most important issues. Would have loved to have seen that alternate reality in 2016.
It just shows how much the system is rigged. Less likeable and less popular Hillary sabotaged his campaign allowing trump to win. Even if Bernie did win and started making positive change I wouldn’t be surprised if he got whacked like JFK.
Unfortunately, I don't think that Bernie would have been able to make as much of an impact as he wanted. Congress is more responsible for long term changes than the president and Bernie's ideals are left of most of the Democratic party, so I don't think they would have been as cooperative as he/we would have liked.
Also, if he was elected, we still would have elected the oldest president ever. I'd rather our government wasn't a retirement home.
Unless we get enough legislators that share Sanders' positions, him being president is a waste.
Little Debbie really screwed the party with her hard on towards Clinton.
The problems with that party go a lot deeper than one woman.
This is about the best summation of the parties that I've seen. Made me chuckle and call my partner to have a look. Well done.
Democrats want universal healh care, child care, to cancel student loan debt, don't want to eliminate the LGBTQ community among other things, and are constantly stymied by the right wing. Then dumbfucks go 'hurr duur, both parties are the same, don't vote' and the same shit happens. The last time Dems ran the show we got the ACA and people who never had a shot at insurance got it, medical bankruptcies went down etc. It was a big win, and you forget that. Fuck your all sides are the same.
Is there a non-political version of c/memes?
Not everything here is political, but you know you’re on right?
Ah I see, I wasn't aware, I'm new here. This was the default c/memes I was set up with when I signed up.
No #blm No, but I'll grab your pussy
Republicans only accomplishment since taking the house was to block loan forgiveness taking millions out of the working class economy every month to give to banks. But both sides am i right?
Democrats and Republicans came together in a super rare and bipartisan endeavour to shut down the rights of hard working railroad workers trying to strike for sick days and time off in December 2022. The final senate vote was 85 vs 15.
That should be a pretty clear indication that at least when it comes to helping working class people where it counts (money and basic human rights), both parties are identical.
Did you know the Biden administration continued working behind the scenes to get those workers their sick days without the major financial impacts the strike would've had on Americans already struggling with high inflation, and that they ultimately got them? Do you think a Republican president would've done that?
Straight from the union:
Yes you're right. They're both bad for slightly different reasons.
So Isiah is republican, did I get it guys?
Isaiah is a comrade that calls out neoliberal bipartisan bullshit
I see why everyone has this instance blocked now.
Except your instance doesn't so I don't really know what you're complaining about. Go make an account on one of those instances instead of polluting our database.
Good thing more people are realizing this and doing the best they can do: post on a shitty social media site. Have fun whining til then end!
It's at least as useful as commenting to say that it's whining. Liberal complaints are for liberals. Marxists are interested in radical critique. With that radical critique—leading to the conclusion that electoralism is worse than a dead end—shows the way to something that might work.
What's closer (at least domestically) is:
Dems aren't good by any means, but there's a real difference that produces a material impact on people's lives (again, at least domestically). Dems are not banning abortion and putting bounties on women seeking abortions. Dems are not teaching kids that slavery was actually job training. Dems occasionally do pretty good things at the state level, like marijuana legalization (probably the biggest driver of decarceration) and Minnesota's 2023 legislative session (passing directly pro-worker policies like requiring paid leave, banning noncompete agreements, and universal free school meals).
Ignoring that is not useful, especially when every possible difference is covered exhaustively and when the borders of "legitimate political activity" are drawn at two-party electoralism for most people.
But how much of that is a Democrats vs Republicans thing? I think it's more accurate to describe it as a ruling class granting occasional concessions thing. For example, under Trump federal workers got paid parental leave but I wouldn't say that makes him or his party good.
Also, Democrats had plenty of opportunities to codify abortion rights, but didn't and still don't. Roe v. Wade got overturned during their rule!! So how compliant does a party need to be before they're complicit?
That any Americans think highly of Dems speaks more about the sorry state of politics in this country than it does the virtues of Democrats. And I don't mean to go off on you right now, I agree that lots of people think they're great. I also think those people are dead wrong but y'know.
For example, under Trump federal workers got paid parental leave but I wouldn’t say that makes him or his party good.
And I'm not saying Democrats are good! I'm saying we have to acknowledge that paid parental leave is a material benefit. It's something Americans consider when they look at their political options, and Democrats (for all the horrible things they do) do more of this than Republicans.
Democrats had plenty of opportunities to codify abortion rights, but didn’t and still don’t.
They have in fact done this in multiple states. Again, this does not make Democrats good! But it is a real, material thing that Americans point to when choosing Democrats over Republicans. To say there is no difference at all -- in the eyes of Americans, which is the context of this post -- is bad analysis.
Working Class: Help Us Please
Republicans: Shut up you whiny cucks. Heil Trump!
Democrats: We tried to give you $100 dollars to cover your rent and groceries for the month, but Republicans wouldn't let it pass unless we whittled the number down to $5.
Liberals: We'd love to give you universal healthcare and universal basic income and free you from oppressive medical and student loan debt. Oh and we can do all this well stopping climate change, and strengthening the economy.
Working Class: interesting... We've heard you all, and we've chosen to split our votes between the Republicans and the Democrats. Again.
Liberals: What the actual fuck.
Republicans: Oh good. To celebrate we're going to open-mouth cough on you, then throw a dart at The Constitution to see which right we want to take away from you next.
Oh my sweet summer child, liberals only care about their bank accounts. They just pretend to care knowing that shit won’t happen because Republicans won’t let them. It is all theatre to keep you from seeing that they are all the same.
Oh my sweet summer child
There's reddit in my lemmygrad!
You can't paint with this broad of brush. Clearly some Democratic politicians actually give a shit (especially as you get down to state and local levels) -- total cynicism about politics is reactionary. And of course a ton of lib activists (who are not getting paid, or who are even sacrificing earnings for political purposes) actually give a shit.
The goal is to separate these folks from the opportunists and then convince them that we have a better way to improve things.
What are the 'liberals' in your fanfic? They promised something to the working class, so I'll assume they are another bourgeois political party and got no votes.
Bernie Sanders? AOC? Elizabeth Warren?
Sounds like the democrats are losers if they can't work around the Republicans tbh. This doesn't really make them look like the underdog, it makes them look like losers who cave at the first sign of pushback, which is what they are. Do you really think Biden, with his millions, cares about the Walmart worker making 5$ an hour? He doesn't even go to Walmart, it's too poor for him.