It was a subtle declaration of war the first time he brought it up. After repeating it a dozen more times, we really shouldn't be ignoring this as a country.
The United States under Trump is a foreign threat with hostile intentions.
I've been losing weight all winter so far by fasting. Built a home gym out of used stuff off locals. Next is navigating that whole gun ownership thing I ignored my whole adult life thus far, and signing up for training. My mom's friend teaches at a Canadian Tire that has a gun range.
I'm getting prepared for hard times, whatever they bring. Hopefully not the USA invades Canada scenario. We'd get rolled.
With Trudeau’s resignation lil pp has adopted an election stance.
Oh, it's been going on for a while.
I can't find it right now, but there was a graph posted a few weeks ago showing how much the CPC outspent the other parties on campaign advertising in 2024. It was astounding.
If the US is willing to adopt a Westminster parliamentary system, the Canadian charter of Rights, official bilingualism (or, well, trilingualism, because Spanish) and give up silly ideas like the 2nd Amendment and life tenure of SC justices, something could be worked out. What do you mean no?
(Charter of rights is a sham, nothing in it but removable privileges, it's very obvious the person who wrote it wasn't much for actual rights, and legal scholars back then decried this)
He obviously hasn’t thought it through. As one state, with a proportionate number of congressmen and electoral college votes, Canada would end up as the anti-Texas, dragging the political centre of gravity well into a Democratic majority. A Trumpist annexation would have to split Canada into two states, Alberta and the rest, as to gerrymander the outcome.
canada as a state and voting left, all else the same wrt u.s. presidential election process...
canada would have two senators, increasing the senate to 102 members. and in a reapportioned house, receive 44 seats, 'taking' 5 from california; 4 from tx; 3 from fl; 2 ea from il, ny, nc, pa; 1 ea from al, az, co, ct, ga, in, ks, ky, md, ma, mi, mn, mo, mt, ne, nj, oh, or, ri, sc, tn, va, wa, wi.
using 2024 state results (note: figuring ne and me would basically cancel each other out anyway and to keep my 2-minute spreadsheet simple, i just left those two states all-or-nothing), and assuming the great commonwealth of canada, now a u.s. state, would vote left....
looks like it woulda been 287 for r, 253 for d; with 271 needed to win.
just adding a state doesn't change how electoral college votes are distributed, it's still heavily skewed in favor of low-pop states because states get equal representation in the senate regardless of population. remember each member of congress.. that's house + senate.. gives their state one ec vote. that's why the hypothetical here doesn't change the overall outcome.
if each province became a state instead.. things might get 'interesting', then.
90% of the coutnry would be reorganized into "territories" with no representation, be given the Nestle/American Fruit Company treatment, turned into resource extraction zones ruled by Quisling Governors, and a few select urban areas might be granted something akin to early statehood, but it wouldnt get full rights for decades, after the population has been sufficiently assimilated and dissidents are killed.
, they can dress it up any way they want, but any scenario where two countries join and there is signifigant opposition and discontent within the population. it always ends up with death camps. See Russia's "Filtration camps" in Ukraine.
Make no mistake, America taking over Canada in any way, is something to kill over. because they're certainly gonna kill you or someone you love.
It's getting to the point where I don't think dicking around on internet forums is good enough. Every time trump repeat the phrase "51st state" it gets a little more serious. We need to start organizing irl like, yesterday.
Yeah. We have to start having discussions with our family and relatives. We can't keep politics out of conversations anymore. Anyone who plans to vote conservative needs to be convinced otherwise.
I hate how vague that always is. Specific ideas: Join the military, annoy your MP, volunteer for a political party. If it's America that we're worried about none of the edgelord stuff applies anyway.
I'm thinking more along the lines of we might not be able to trust our government (and therefore military) to do the right thing, independent of who wins the election.
It would be wise to put together some type of organization (reserve militia?) to be prepared for that contingency.
If only anyone had access to guns actually useful in an invasion. I wouldn't even face off against a herd of feral pigs with a legal gun. Have fun with a five shot pinned SKS or an old bolt action 308 facing off a military
This, Greenland... What is Trump's obsession with trying to get more territory? Is he trying to start a war with someone? Does he think if the country is at war he can postpone the next election?
Or is he just copying daddy Putin? Insisting Ukraine Canada wants to be part of Russia the US and that makes it okay to go "Liberate" Canada...
Putin's his master and handler. If the United States throws the high ground away and starts gobbling up neighbouring nations, it becomes that much easier to say "the West does it too".
Even if he's trolling, when you're THE world military and economic superpower and you're making such statements about a country's sovereignty, you have to take this shit seriously. In addition, he's clearly making fun of Canada for not being a military and economic superpower like them. And that's a clear display of his psychopathic personality. Not sociopathic, but psychopathic. He seeks control over others. He thrives for it. He loves to make people run around and sit and beg. And when he can't get what he wants, he lashes out at you.
It's quite simple. Resource extraction, and coloring more of the map in his country's color.
Russia's reasons for invading Ukraine mostly boil down to the same, although their country is so fucked, they actually need to forcefully graft 40 million people onto their population against their will, just so Russia can survive another generation, Russia is a doomed country demographically, America isn't, America is doing it just because. That's Ultranationalism and Fascism for you. Making enemies to distract yourself from internal strife
US deficits/debt are too high to be sustainable. Low taxes come with high health insurance costs. The threat of Russia/China has always been complete BS, but they are not "surrounding us constantly"
The best reply to this asshole would be to openly talk of US states joining Canada as a province. Or to have a constitutional convention with 50 states to decide which 2 countries to form.
We can also offer to trade with China/Russia/others more to lower any trade surpluses we have with US.
I wouldn't trade with Russia since they are involved in the invasion of the Ukraine. And China would simply flood our market with their stuff and ruin us.
I wouldn’t trade with Russia since they are involved in the invasion of the Ukraine.
Believing Russia instigated war is a lie that make Canadians worse than a 51st state. We are a NATO colony. Canadian media discussion of responses to this is that "we need to desperately buy more (3% of gdp) broken F35s to defend the Arctic, and be the front line on war on China" and futher acts of pure sycophancy.
Canadians trusting our CIA allegiant colonial figurehead politicians and media is core to our subservience. Defense pacts with other nuclear powers is best way to have US focus on US-Canada mutual prosperity instead of their destruction and collapse. 51st state, even with the minimal democratic representation that exists in a corrupt US, while less subservient than our current role, also condemns Canada to a worse collapse than US's destiny. We need to be a brake on US empire instead of the willing sacrifice to the last Canadian that the CIA wants us to accept.
Those are meaningless questions to ask someone like Trump. It doesn’t matter and never will matter where he gets the statement. He just needs to never admit that he pulled that out of his ass, and accuse every fact checker of political bias or lying. Those are the rules in his playbook.
And we know exactly what he is about. They're just fueling the facist fire. There is a point where it becomes just more propoganda and that has happened long ago. This article has come up in CBC at least 3 times in the past several weeks.
the world in 2025 is multitudes more dangerous and volatile than the world the last time he was here. thats the issue.
We've seen an outbreak of inter-state war unlike anything since the 40s and 50s. With Russia and Ukraine And the rest of Europe, its the biggest state vs state conflict since Iran-Iraq in the 80s. and there are conflicts flaring up all over the world. Israel is going on a spree of settling every grudge they ever had, Syria as fallen, China is making final preparations for Taiwan, Azerbaijan looks like its going to invade Armenia, War is the hot topic of the 2020s.
Trump is an isolationist, if the world is going down in flames, he thinks it's not unreasonable to suggest consolidating control over North America, just cuz.
Because, believe it or not, we can't just toss these statements like they don't matter. The leader of a world superpower, both military and economically, is threatening our sovereignty.
Trudeau resigned from the most powerful position in the country solely to not have to deal with that orange buffoon's BS one second more than he has to.
Bullshit. I firmly believe that no one in Trudeau's organization cares one whit about that troll, nor would feed it if given a chance.
Trudeau bailed because of internal trolling from the same 'mean girl' opposition which has focused more on his appearance than anything else this entire time, which has been building the misinformation campaign that WILL influence voting.
Essentially, he bailed so the scumbag cons had less to distract us from the issues, like the horribly American platform the cons are offering, as usual. Only by focusing the message on that can we convince the facebook-addicted hillbillies to actually vote IN their own best interests instead of electing conservatives.
That could have played a big part in his decision. But he's also very unpopular across Canada. He's hoping they might choose a new face that the people will love, but I doubt it would solve anything at this point.
I'm 2020 52% of Puerto Ricans who voted said yes to joining the United States as a full fledged state. What about them, they actually want to be a part of this shithole country.
Remember, folks, those “subsidies” he’s talking are simply the result of an idiot looking at his country relying so much on importing our oil and other resources that they spend more to buy our stuff than they get from selling their own shit. He thinks that the U.S. is so perfect and awesome that there’s no way they could possibly be beholden to another country like this so obviously it means that they’re giving away money.
I feel like Canada would be too big as a singular state, we should break it up and have many new states based on provinces. We'll call Quebec New France.
Greenland can be just one state though, we won't have to divy the land up until all the ice melts and that.
Who cares anymore? Federal government destroyed any idea of patriotism west of Ontario and east of the lower mainland a long time ago. Pursuing "post national state" wankery has consequences.