“Merrick Garland wasted a year,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler said ahead of the fourth anniversary of the 2021 Capitol riot.
Democrats blame Attorney General Merrick Garland for delaying prosecution of Donald Trump over the January 6 Capitol attack, allowing him to win reelection before facing trial.
Critics argue Garland wasted critical time before appointing a special prosecutor in late 2022, enabling Trump to evade accountability due to DOJ policy barring prosecution of sitting presidents.
While Trump faces ongoing civil lawsuits, his return to power threatens pardons for convicted rioters and continued revisionism about the attack.
Despite public disapproval of Trump's actions, he successfully leveraged misinformation to regain the presidency.
No shit, we should have prosecuted and jailed him the second that shit happened. Instead, we spent the entire time debating whether a president can be prosecuted, and then concluded, nah bro, presidents can't be prosecuted, lol.
If you all haven't already, I'd like to suggest that you create a PAC for running for president. This is your license to commit federal crimes without any consequences.
i don't know whats worse: that this happened, or that i don't know a single person irl who isn't just pretending like nothing happened and everything is going to be fine--even staunchly liberal antitrumpers
Biden's legacy will be forever known as the man who enabled Trump to take over and ruin the "democracy" that Biden said he would save. Biden is America's Hindenburg, acting like it was the moral and noble duty to appoint someone so corrupt and evil that if they had a devil whispering on their shoulder, that devil is the lesser evil.
Every single day Trump escaped jail is a day Biden should have fast tracked it, making sure his "one term" was going to actually going to do what he aimed to do, attempt to solve the crisis of Trump.
And now Biden will probably retire and/or flee the country as the people who voted for him and Harris are going to be sent to concentration camps. The Democrats will stick around as long as Trump wants them to, and when Trump wants to get rid of them, the higher ups will probably evade arresting, and the voters won't be able to.
Nothing else pisses me off more. I voted for Biden to help take care of Trump. I hated supporting a racist old bastard, but I did it because I wanted the orange fucker gone and behind bars where he rotted away. And then he even failed at that.
I hate Trump, but my vitriol is towards people who can do better but refuse to do anything but sit by and watch the show. Refusing to chose a side as one side openly starts planning a governmental hostage situation to remove the rights of anyone but who is willing to lick Trump's ass clean is choosing a side, and it's not a good one.
Once Nader lost in 2000 it was over and inevitable. It showed republicans you can cry and win. Then the war on terrorism and the Patriot Act and the tea party now here.
Thinking people vote Biden and now bad is what a moron with no historical context believes. Your comment is stupid.
But think of how NOBLY the Dems have lost the Republic! Completely polite and norm-abiding as what remains of our democracy is torn to shreds and pissed on!
They didn't lose the republic ..... they gave it away.
You lose something of you trying to fight to hold onto it. When you weren't fighting to hold onto something, then you just give it away.
At one point looking at all this political stupidity, it makes you think that the US is only run and controlled by one party, a single party united by money and wealth
He could have gone down in history as savior of the Republic. But no. At least he didn't do anything overtly political regarding his criminal predecessor. I'm sure that feels fucking great.
I never understood why Biden picked him. Obama only nominated him for SCOTUS because he thought he could get him past the GOP held senate due to his moderate beliefs (in the pejorative conservative sense).
It wouldn’t have stopped him from winning the election. Trump escaped accountability when the Senate failed to convict him in his second impeachment. That, and the first impeachment, were the only convictions that would have barred him from running. Two impeachments, one coup attempt, one felony conviction, and we still elected him. Pretty sure that’s on us.
DNC tried to get away with as much as shenanigans as they possible could while simultaneously calling this the most important election of our lifetimes. They get a massive share of the blame as well. Biden/Harris's policy choices, when they made any at all, were awful.
I'm also very disappointed in the so-called accomplishments of the Biden/Harris administration, but I firmly believe the DNC's complete unwillingness to run a primary without thumbing the scale is the main reason for how awful the last 12 years have been. If they could just run a normal goddamn primary without the bullshit we may be able to unify behind the nominee a little easier.
It's not too late. The 14th amendment Section 3 specifically prohibits an insurrectionist from holding public office unless a special Congressional vote is held and passes with a 2/3rds majority.
Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
All US citizens should call their representatives and demand they uphold their sworn Constitutional duty to refuse the certification of Donald Trump's victory as he is disqualified from holding office.
Neither of those facts preclude the application of the 14th. The barrier is whether or not someone holding public office, having taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, breaks that oath via insurrection against the same. It does not matter that Trump was not punished. The acquittal does not erase the reality of the past: it is a dismissal of immediate consequences. Nothing more.
The fact that Congress acknowledged the reality of January 6th is more than enough for the 14th to apply.
This is not speculation. Donald Trump was successfully impeached for inciting insurrection.
Did you stop reading your link at the title? Literally the third sentence:
On February 13, 2021, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on the article of impeachment.
If you want to dig into the arguments about what is and isn't legally insurrection and if the 14th Amendment is self executing or not, that is an interesting discussion. But, don't lead with a "pants on head" stupid argument that the House passed Articles of Impeachment, for which the Senate acquitted him, as evidence that the 14th Amendment applies. Just fucking no.
Nope. I read it. The language of the 14th doesn't require an impeachment or other formal conviction to apply. The fact that Trump was successfully impeached for inciting an insurrection is enough. The Senate's failure to execute its duty does not erase reality.
At this time, on this topic, I am not concerned with what makes for interesting conservation. I am interested in bringing attention to the ongoing Constitutional crisis of Trump's tentative second term.
With great sadness I'll remind you that a majority of voters elected Trump.
At this point it just doesn't really matter what the rules are. It hasn't mattered before now. It certainly isn't going to matter just a few weeks after the citizens expressed their desire that he be president.
I take issue with your assertion that the document on which all other US law depends and from which all US public offices are granted their authority does not matter. It must. We ought to insist it does. Especially while it is being violated.
Every article and a majority of the comments keep framing this as "Democrats fail to..." and "Democrats need to .." and even that feels disingenuous. The DNC and the current administration is to blame. The wording tries to spread blame to the voters as well and I have no idea what we as voters could have done with the "campaign" we were given.