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  • I'm impressed!

    I'm in this picture and I like it!

    Gentoo gang represent!

  • 3-in-1 instant coffee packets are installing a distro into WSL from the Microsoft Store

  • I use espresso, pour over, and v60 carafe from this image. But I now pretty much only use Deb and Fedora, and the occasional OpenSuse. Arch was fun, but too constantly "hands on" for use as a daily. Ubuntu used to be good (past tense). I got annoyed with constant manual compiling with Gentoo, but am considering going back to it anyway.

  • Declarative distros like nixos and guix just order from a barista or one of those office machines

  • this is beautiful. I don't drink coffee, but "I don't need anything more" is my life ethos from everything to my IDE to the wooden backed kitchen chair I game on.

  • As an arch user, I need my water tap. That's it, because water is the best liquid ever.