and another, related wild take. you can miss an exit or a turn and keep going straight. it may take longer to get where you're going, and it may be frustrating, but it's safer and better than cutting people off
The only time I've ever said fuck in front of my mother was when she cut across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the exit, and ended up getting stuck in the zebra divider until there was a big gap in traffic.
When she slammed on the brake and jerked the wheel, upon realizing she wanted to make the exit I just yelled "What that FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
Surprisingly even though I was still in high school, she never mentioned it. Either she realized she fucked up and let it slide or she didn't hear me over the honking of cars, a semi, and the yelling of my dad and sister.
My partner backed into a space yesterday and asked me, "are we good?" I said, "not great." She opened her door to check the line, laughed, re-parked. Some people understand.
Similarly, if you're not in an extra long vehicle, you don't need to veer way out to the left to make a right hand turn. A KIA Sonota isn't an extra long vehicle.
Also on this note, if there's a turn lane get fully in it before turning. It may as well not even be there at all if you're gonna sit half out into the driving lane to slow down.
You haven't met my mother's Siamese. The cross eyed bastard will scratch around in the box, line up, and spray all over the wall/floor outside of the box.
My two cats have an odd outside-the-box thing. One likes to leave a back leg hanging out, usually off the edge of whatever he's sleeping on. The other does it with a front leg. They've always been very consistent about it.
maaan, one time i pulled in awkward to the corner of a parking lot at a trail head to wait for my friend. i was pulled forward and at an angle so i could see past the other cars and know if my friend had driven past the lot. the was no cell service so i had to go flag him down when i saw him since the rail head wasn't very well marked. I made sure i wasn't in anyone's way, but it was an ugly ass park job if it had actually been a park job.
as I was sat there with my windows cracked two dudes walked past and spent like 5 minutes shitting on Subaru drivers because of my park job. they didn't see me in the car i guess. like, they were just making incorrect assumptions, but it still kinda hurt...
Sometimes it helps if you remind yourself that criticizing a group they don't belong to fills some peoples need to feel more powerful. For me adjusting my bad parking is just perfectionism or OCD. I even edit most of my comments after posting LOL.
Let's say you turn right to park in a spot but your turning radius sucks so you're at an angle and your rear right is really close to the car sitting in the space to the right.
Crank the wheel right as far as it'll go and crawl forward a handful of inches so the front of your car is equally close to the car on the right and you're parallel with that car but really close.
Straighten your wheels, reverse out all parallel to that car until your front bumper clears that car, then crank the wheel left and crawl in reverse a handful of inches, until the rear of the car is aiming in the other direction.
Straighten the wheel and crawl another couple of inches, until your rear axle is centered in the space, then put it in drive and pull right in now that the rear is centered.
You'll see some people try to straighten out but they just straight up reverse out of the spot and wind up back at square one, you don't want to do that, you want to use a bit excess room in front of and behind the car to essentially guide the offending axle into place, once that's done rest follows
If you're in a situation where you can't get out of the space without bonking the cars next to you, wouldn't you most likely have had to bonk them to get in?
If you're always reparking your car you run a risk of a collision with a distracted driver. If someone sees a car going into a spot its not unreasonable to think they'd assume the car is out of play and can be ignored. When you back out to adjust back between the lines eventually one of those times someone won't be paying attention to you.]
I personally am happy to take a few extra seconds parking, because I see it as spending time to make life easier, faster and safer for my future self when I come to leave.
Zooming in forwards is like "I care about now more than I care about later"
Significantly less turning going in forwards, with the exception of parallel parking where both are pretty even, but some people see you pass a park and go right up your arse even though you wanted to back in.
Also car has great visibility forward and fuck all backwards, rear view mirror is like double the size of the rear window (in the reflection, not side by side).
Maybe a parking bay refers to something I'm not familiar with, but if it's just a parking lot...backing out to leave is easier than some of the failures I often see backing in, when they could have just pulled in straight. Less control? Parking is something on even the US driving test, which is a joke itself. If you can't park a vehicle then you certainly shouldn't be moving it at speed.