It's as if, like, if you are a woman, and also in a disfavoured racial category, like, where they, uh, have overlap? Where they meet? It's not the same as either one individually but its own, I guess nexus? I feel like there's a better word for this
This is also common in the guitar community. Some women can shred like mofos, and here comes Jim-Bob McGraw saying their playing is tracked etc., ad nauseum
Sure there are. But then there are girls like Melle Baby who overshadow them not by only wearing underwear. Seriously, how do I get her out of my recommendations?
The funny thing is that in my experience female programmers usually have above average skills. I suspect it’s exactly because of this bias against women in tech. Where an average or below average dude can easily get by, this is much harder for women. As a result this bias acts as a kind of filter which results in female programmers being on average a little better than male programmers because all the average or below average ones get filtered out early.
"This paper presents the largest study to date on gender bias, where we compare acceptance rates of contributions from men versus women in an open source software community. Surprisingly, our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's. However, women's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless."
I was so glad we had a woman join our dev team some months ago. It's more fun, more relaxed and we are able to get better results as we just cover a wider area of skills. People gatekeeping programming to include only men are idiots.
That poor girl. My gf's only female teammate quit last month and i suggested she start grinding leetcode asap. Could you imagine being the only woman on a team? Pretty strong indicator that something is very wrong there.
Eh, my team is this way, but it's because we're aerospace adjacent which further compounds the problem. The only woman on our team is awesome and everyone gets along great. No one has an inflated ego or feels the need to one up each other though, which tends to be the root of the issue in my experience. Lots of tech bros feel the need to put others down, and see women as an easier target unfortunately.
Pretty strong indicator that something is very wrong there.
Indeed. The gender gap already starts at the educational level, the workspace just reflects that reality. Not sure if you intended to, but it sounded like you were blaming the team/company for it.
I don't think it's necessarily an indicator of something wrong with the team. it's not easy to hire women in this industry, there just aren't that many of them. A team of 10 people with 1 woman isn't a red flag, it's unfortunately average. If we're talking about a bigger team that's a different story.
It's somewhat easier if you hire immigrants. there are definitely more women devs from Eastern cultures than Western cultures.
as someone who works in tech, the number of people who think they know about tech and are actually completely full of shit dramatically outweighs the people who don’t work in tech and do know what they’re talking about. it can take a lot of energy to differentiate the 2 groups
dunning krueger is at play a lot, because most people use a computer every day and think they know everything about the internet because they know what DNS stands for and typed a command to flush the DNS cache this one time and it worked
This mirrors the experience of anyone who has studied linguistics.
Because everyone speaks at least one language fluently, they tend to assume that they understand how languages work, while having zero awareness of the fact that people have spent generations studying language and communication at the PhD level and that almost nothing about what we reflexively intuit about language actually holds true.
And I say this as a purely amateur linguistics nerd who does not claim any real formal expertise in terms of academic credentials.
Yeah, you can't really fake experience either. I recently joined a group of guys who clearly have had plenty of real world experience in the kinds of things I have, and just talking shop is refreshing. Haven't had that ability for a long time.
If someone like her showed up in my team, and she's able to talk the talk, I wouldn't need any further validation and it'd be fun to hear the kinds of things she's worked on.
Funnily enough, a woman is joining this all-guy group soon and I'm told she's really good, so I get to do exactly that.
Don't exhaust yourself, just assume that everyone who thinks they know about tech does. They'll prove themselves wrong very quickly if necessary and you eliminate the risk of getting owned by a VS model.
This is true, but also IT is a huge place there is an insane amount to learn. So really you spend an incredible amount of time in the "valley of despair". Basically anyone who brags about their skills is VERY suspect. This person is an iOS developer, which is a great career, but the title of the article is phrased like she was at least Linus Torvalds. I'm sure she had little say in this, but whilst a reaction like this is never justified I can see why people made fun of it. Also it was clearly written by someone who has no idea what the words mean. Unless I'm mistaken MIPS is a cpu architecture, you can't program in it. You can write machine code "for" it. So yeah I can see why people assumend these claims were lies.
Tech is a weirdly wide term. Does it only include IT? Engineering? Astrophysics?
A lot of work is "tech" as in technology related. It is inevitable to be clueless about a lot of technology, even when being the spearhead of development in one specific field.
Meanwhile you don't need to tell the guys at the car-shop about programming, but they most likely know more about every non computer part of the car you just brought to them for repairs, because you were clueless about where that weird sound comes from.
Yeah, and even more broadly, there are very few single things you can learn about a person that tell you anything else about them. Like "Because you're _____ your must also be _____." I work with a bunch of literal rocket scientists, and I often see people assume that because they have that kind of job, they probably aren't creative. Pushing aside the fact that there are giant amounts of creativity in engineering solutions, I know rocket scientists who are painters or musicians. Some who have written fiction.
I guess there are a few things where maybe it's valid. There probably haven't been many NBA stars who suffer from dwarfism. But generally when you know one thing about a person, you just know that one thing. Finding out that someone is an academy award nominated actress doesn't, in itself, tell much else.
Because that's not what the movie is at all. It actually spends a fair amount of time mocking consumerism and hating on the negative impact barbie has had on women's self image and feminism.
It's actually pretty crass with a lot of offcolor jokes. It's more targeted to adults who had Barbies as kids during on the 80s/90s.
Tbf, the original photo was already discounting her abilities. Saying "can program code" for a lead SWE is saying like "can do calculus" for physicist.
Very much so. Many non-technical people are still very much in awe when someone drops names of programming languages. And it kinda makes sense. If they have no idea, they naturally equate it to spoken languages. And if someone goes like "I speak these 7 languages", most people would be mightily impressed.
But if you know a few programming languages, adding another similar one might be a matter of hours.
Also, once you're moderately good at programming, language doesn't matter much. You can pick up a new high level language relatively easily if needed. Low level languages might be harder for some people though, because it takes a fairly different mindset. Personally, I love low level programming, though it's not very time efficient to write.
Yeah, once you've got a few languages under your belt, it's all about concepts. If you end up learning a new language that follows completely different paradigms, you are back to square one. But most of the time you can go like "Ah, so concept X of the new language works similar to concept Y of that language I already know."
Whenever I see someone taking down these absolute bottom of the barrel incel dork on social media, it just feels like shoo-ing a squirrel off the bird feeder. Just not even worth taking action
IMO, it's always worth it because you dont know who is reading this: I imagine some young or teenage girls might see this-- imagine how they feel when they read the disparaging comments from the incels. Pretty dejected, I'd think. Then imagine how they feel when they read the model/engineer's reply. It also shows boys what shite behaviour is.
It's never a waste to shut the misogynists down-- it's like investing in your future.
I'm with you. We don't argue this stuff to change the original person's mind, we argue it so that other people reading, who might have tendencies to feel that way, or who are the victim of it, get an opposing point of view.
I manage a software engineering organization at an aerospace company and if I had to rank all my folks, the women would be disproportionately high on the list. It boggles my mind that anyone would discount someone's programming ability because of their gender.
"This paper presents the largest study to date on gender bias, where we compare acceptance rates of contributions from men versus women in an open source software community. Surprisingly, our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's. However, women's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists" nonetheless.
Half? How? I work at an aerospace electronics company and the male to female ratio is ridiculously high. I never understood why. It would be refreshing to work at a place with a more even ratio. The few women I work with are really smart and have moved up the management chain quickly.
I'm not in the tech field, but most of the people in my office are women and, as a man, it's so refreshing not having to deal with other guys' loud macho bullshit. I never liked it, it always made me feel uncomfortable.
Where I am? Possibly, but I think it's also possible that we have an environment that appreciates diversity, so talented people who have had to put up with crap other places tend to stick around here. People who don't face any sort of discrimination might be as likely to leave as they would anywhere. Several years ago, we had a few consecutive years of downsizing, so the people who remained were all pretty sharp.
I really love the environment where I work. Brilliant people doing some very cool stuff, and most are really nice to deal with. I would enjoy having dinner with every single one of my employees.
I don't think it's mostly gender... Programmers aren't usually those that have won the genetic lottery, I can count on one hand the amount of drop dead women engineers I've met in my field, they definitely exist, but they are super rare.
If we leave out fields that revolve around beauty and adjust for intelligence required in the specific field of work i am not sure, if beauty is actually negatively correlated with engineering.
I don't see a higher rate of beautiful people on the train to work, than i see at work. I just see more on the train, because there is more people overall.
It may have more to do with her being a model than with her gender. I'm not saying it didn't influence the comments, just that being a model probably had more weight
Basically they're scared and intimidated. Here is a person who is beautiful and intelligent and has made something of herself and that highlights their own inabilities.
I think sexism is only part of the problem, they'd have a similar response to a male model who had a successful tech career.
I'm involved in technology and race mountain bikes on the side. Other than the occasional "it must be nice to be fit" comments from the neckbeard techbros, they're not as openly hostile to me as they are to women who are in tech. There is definitely a strong sexism part of the equation.
I'm sorry to tell yuu this bro, but nobody gives a shit about mountain bike racers. I don't think a bunch of poorly socialized boys who were proficient with computers were ridiculed by mountain bike racers when they were young. Good looking people on the other hand...
That's certainly a part of the problem here, but let's be honest: how often do tabloids or other low effort media publish such "inspirational" stories that turn out to be absolute bullshit. Like the 10 year old who invented some quantum stuff, but actually his father just let him play around with some tools in the lab.
This story here unfortunately fits exactly this pattern, but apparently just happens to be true.
Even when they're not factually bullshit, the rhetorical framing is often ick. I'm disabled, and something that I, and a lot of other disabled people hate is "inspiration porn". It's patronising as hell, and most frustratingly, if you try to call it out, people get extra offended because they refuse to see how otherising and infantilising people isn't the same as advocating for them.
What's the point of your comment? "There's sexism, sure, but it's only 90% sexism!" Why downplay what's going on? How often do you SEE THIS happen with men shitting on men? Come the fuck on.
It's not necessarily being "scared and intimidated".
We're just conditioned that when someone at the top of their field talks about their hobbies / interests / skills outside that field, it's very often a very shallow level of skill. Why? Because being at the top of your field in almost anything takes a lot of focus. You don't really have time to develop other skills / hobbies.
There are countless examples. Actors or athletes who release music albums that are just awful. Celebrities who write really amateurish novels which would sink into obscurity if they didn't have a famous person's name attached.
Making the problem worse, often the entourage of those rich and famous people is filled with sycophants who heap praise on the celebs. That leads them to believe that they really are good at their hobbies.
Then there's the fact that the world is so hungry for celebrity gossip and special interest stories that "journalists" often get a tiny nugget of information and use it for the basis of an entire article. So, if a celebrity mumbles something about liking their backyard barbecue, it will spawn countless articles about how that celeb is an expert at the art of BBQ, they might release their own branded BBQ sauce, their skills were endorsed by some celebrity chef, etc.
So, given all that, it's perfectly reasonable to be skeptical when you hear something like "This [insert celebrity type here] can [insert hobby here] like an expert!"
No, no. The vast majority of people who are interested and good at computer science are men or male. It is the truth. The world is also replete with women who say things like this, but basically can only write hello world to the console.
But exceptions exist and people who don't fit the common stereotype absolutely deserve to be allowed to do what they're good at.
The vast majority of people who are interested and good at computer science are men or male.
It didn't start that way. Women were the backbone of computer engineering. But like everything, men grew terrified of women's ability, and so did everything they could to put women down in order to hold on to their illusion of power.
That is changing. Women are increasingly becoming immune to the opinions of men.
Motherfucker, women used to be the vast majority of programmers. A woman was the one who led the team that wrote the code to get to the moon. She also coined the term 'software engineer.' So don't give us that bullshit that the vast majority that are good at computer science are men. And no, the world is not replete with women who claim they can choose but can only print to the console. Where the fuck have you come across that?
People like you are the main barrier for women getting into programming.
So people keep mentioning downvoting...I'm new to Lemmy but have chosen Reddthat for now. It doesn't not show or allow downvoting I assume? Does this thread truly give you the option to downvote?
What are you talking about? Literally every post with more score than yours is positive and mocking the bigots in the post.
If anything a statement like this reminds me of reddit where <1% has voted and commented but some bad takes are already attributed to the other 99%. (But the good comments are also way older than your post...)
Check out different instances, I feel like it pretty much depends on where you are. certainly feels a bit more like current reddit than other instances.
Yeah there's a surprising amount of 💩 takes in the comments... considering this blew up and the type of community it is, I'd guess the majority of normies are here too
Ah, good lol horse shoe theory. Because wanting people to be treated equally and have Healthcare is totally equivalent to wanting a white ethnostate and calling for the murder of queer people.
Lol ah yes, the eternal clash between left-wing extremists who believe women are people and right-wing extremists who disagree. Maybe someday they will set aside their differences
Considering the guys on the thread don't know MIPS is an assembly language, I think there's some projection involved.
Though I am not sure why an iOS developer would program in MIPS and not ARM. Maybe there's some sort of crazy Apple MIPS hardware I never heard of... Or they had to pick one architecture and they happened to pick the one that had nothing to do with her company.
Yeah, this is the one that got me as well. If you write code for very long, you'll pickup a handful of languages. Modern languages (pretty much all of them in the screenshot) are something entirely different from writing anything near assembly. Even still, it's an uncommon combo.
So if those commenting learn like, 4 more languages including assembly and then turn into a total smokeshow, they can comment.
Programming began as a solely female profession. In the early days of computers mathematics viewed programming as beneath them so it was relegated to women. Before computers they performed complex calculations by hand and those number crunchers were women, so when number crunchers were replaced with computers the best women graduated to programming those instead. If course once it became clear that programming was much more versatile and transformative than just converting math equations into instructions, men just took it and kicked women out of the industry. It's not just the big female names that are being ignored here, it's an entire history and industry that was stolen from women that is being ignored.
Yeah it must suck to be able to travel the world and do photoshoots for a living, while also being a software engineer on the side (probably a better one than those commenters too)
Intelligent and attractive? Out of my league, gotcha. Best to undermine one of those aspects to attempt to bring her down to my level. Well closer anyways.
The whole fastest growing metric is stupid tho. You can be fastest growing straight into bankruptcy, thats what most startups with marketing specialists as CEOs do.
Am I the only one that doesn't think it's a waste if a gorgeous person does modeling/acting? If I had a body people wanted to ogle I would be using that power 24/7 instead of sitting here in a shitty office under fluorescent lights pretending to care about work while they pretend to care about me.
So she's a dev who does modelling. Good for her? But what's the big deal?
If the picture showed some ugly guy with the same list of skills, nobody would bat an eye. The list of languages seem like pretty regular set of languages (with the exception of MIPS, where I guess it means MIPS assembler, but most people who studied computer science pick up the one or the other random weird language by the wayside).
Of course, the comments of these idiots that are attacking her are idiotic, but I think the author of the text on the picture is falling for a similar pitfall, being surprised that someone who does modelling would have an intellectual carreer next to it.
All of them (except of course the dev in question) fall for the same idiotic misconception: They believe a woman can either be intelligent or good looking.
Lead engineer was a (really good) engineer at some point. Also lead engineer still needs to understand a lot about programming and the project they're working with
I always sort of hated this image. The point seems to be that one should jump to the idea the replies are racist and / or sexist. But when you actually look at who the post is from it’s clearly from some “facts” account / company thing. Which honestly should lead to a degree of incredulity. It’s the same kind of thing as “this 22yr old bought just their second house” and then you read two paragraphs and actually their parents gave them a small loan of a million dollars to start their real estate business.
Like, the whole point of the post is to bait people into saying that kind of thing, so when people fall for it it’s kinda understandable.
Don't forget all those articles about teens 'making scientific discoveries' or 'inventing' things, then you find out both their parents are high profiler researchers who have access to multi-million dollar labs and their kid just happened to 'discover' some new thing.
Exactly. It's not about race or gender. If it was a white male in the pic instead, the comments would be the same.
But people want to make everything about race, gender and religion in today's society. It's honestly pathetic.
Too be fair, I'm sure a lot of it just boils down to internalized bias. I'm just saying that skepticism of a clickbaity Instagram image macro probably shouldn't be pointed at as evidence of the downfall of society.
I don't understand why people absolutely need to make everything about man vs woman.
If it was a male model those people would have written exactly the same.
If tomorrow comes out an article saying the same thing about bred pitt everyone would be suspicious about that being fake too
Since the two jobs are so disconnected from each other it sounds unlikely and they assumed it was some clickbait fake post, that's all.
I'm absolutely for equality and against any discrimination against women or any other category, but making this into a gender battle is ridiculous
IMHO you're right! It's not (only!) about sexism, they make it themselves to sexism. It's more about the image that only ugly fat nerds are programmers and someone beautiful just doesn't fit in their little minds. Usually no one fucking cares what people like these think, but because of social media every eye is on those fucking desperate idiots and people feel the whole society thinks like this, what is completely wrong.
To say that this is only coming from sexism is completely bullshit imho. Of course there are some, but it's not the only reason.
Here's some data to demonstrate the existence of gender bias in coding:
"This paper presents the largest study to date on gender bias, where we compare acceptance rates of contributions from men versus women in an open source software community. Surprisingly, our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's. However, women's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists" nonetheless.
If I saw a similar post with a clickbaity headline, where it's a guy who is in a completely different line of work than programming, I'd very well be expecting to see similar comments.
Guess what, if that was some pumped-up muscle-bound male model that was 3/4 naked walking down the runway, people would be saying similar things about him too.
There is the entire term of "dumb jock" and countless videos and memes of muscle bound gym rats who are stereotyped as being stupid just because they lift weights, but sure, pretend that this is some kind of sexist thing.
Tech jobs are absolutely a hostile wotk environment for women. There are way too many guys in the tech community that believe women can't be trusted to understand anything about technology.
Just like you believe that she can't be trusted to know anything about her own work and life experience.
I'm sure she's a programmer. But she's a programmer who drops her Stack Overflow score... let's just say that's a red flag in my book. (For all programmers).
For non programmers, it's like someone dropping their reddit karma score, or the number of their subscribers on Youtube as the first thing they say. Basically "my most important accomplishment is some rather unimportant digits".
(Views matter far more than subscribers on youtube, mostly because subscribers can easily be manipulated)
Stack overflow scores are not solar to reddit scores. Stack overflow scores are merit based. If I'm not a good programmer, I am not going to get a high stack overflow score. I can get a high reddit karma count just by reposting the same meme across a hundred different subs
Not to mention the fact this was literally brought up in response to a credential challenge. She's not going around introducing herself like this a propos of nothing like a blowhard. It's a put up or shut up rebuttal.
They're still voting based, and that's a problem. Are you a programmer? Because it's rather easy to get a high Stack Overflow score if you want it. Actually it might be a bit easier. Upvotes earn you 5x downvotes give you.
I actually just checked, I have 721 rep, with 9 questions asked, and 3 answers given. Heck, just logging in each day gets you 10 points.
It's almost like that was only one metric she gave in the context of other metrics...
Stack Overflow score may not directly correlate to skill, but it does show that she spends time engaging with other programmers and thinking about programming questions, which helps paint a picture in the context of her other qualifications.
It's a programmer thing and the list of the resume,.male/female will get scunity.
Replace the original with a guy who was walking down the runway and the comments would of similar.
C++, python, MIPS objective -c, java...
But yes leading with the stack overflow number... I didn't realize was a thing. Still impressive but instead of typical response would just of been, I'm a lead developer here, or principal engineer here...
And I say all of that yo say, don't imply malicious intent on comments.
Companies hire based on metrics that are even more useless such as Github commit statistics. Stack Overflow score is a much better indicator in comparison.
I agree. I don’t doubt she’s a programmer, at least by schooling but clearly it’s not how she makes her living. To be actually job market proficient in that many languages is not realistic. I took a class in college and learned MIPS but I don’t list it on my resume. I “know” at least 2x as many languages that I have listed on my resume but I am not proficient enough with them to perform real world work with them. Look at any job posting they want 2-5 years experience in any given language to even be considered. It seems she would be a qualified iOS engineer but the rest I’m not so sure.
Are you like, not a very good programmer? I know at least as many languages as listed here, have worked in many of them, and what I find in modern times is that a few weeks in a language is more than enough to do real work. Shit, like half of programming languages are just based on whether the creator of said language likes semi-colons or not.
... No one actually cares if you have 2-5 years of experience in the specific language. I've actually never had prior experience in the primary language of any role I've been hired for. At most I just tell the interviewer that my experience with the language is 1 week of reading an online intro guide, and then show my ability to just code in the interview. If I can't make something compilable yet, most interviews are happy with pseudocode. But it really should only take a few days of prep to be able to make something compilable in any language.
A programmer needs enough base knowledge on what they're doing, but that's mostly universal. Languages you can just pick up based on what seems best suited for the momentary need.