I don't understand why people absolutely need to make everything about man vs woman.
If it was a male model those people would have written exactly the same.
If tomorrow comes out an article saying the same thing about bred pitt everyone would be suspicious about that being fake too
Since the two jobs are so disconnected from each other it sounds unlikely and they assumed it was some clickbait fake post, that's all.
I'm absolutely for equality and against any discrimination against women or any other category, but making this into a gender battle is ridiculous
By saying they would have said that about a man, you’re implying that they’re not sexist, or that they are not sexist comments.
However, for some reason, (but not coincidence) four men have made stereotypical statements that an attractive woman cannot be intelligent enough to know how to be code.
The woman is stating this is a reflection of her lived experience in the male dominated industry.
But she must be lying, just because she has had to face these same comments her whole life, there must be some other reason for these particular comments???
IMHO you're right! It's not (only!) about sexism, they make it themselves to sexism. It's more about the image that only ugly fat nerds are programmers and someone beautiful just doesn't fit in their little minds. Usually no one fucking cares what people like these think, but because of social media every eye is on those fucking desperate idiots and people feel the whole society thinks like this, what is completely wrong.
To say that this is only coming from sexism is completely bullshit imho. Of course there are some, but it's not the only reason.
Here's some data to demonstrate the existence of gender bias in coding:
"This paper presents the largest study to date on gender bias, where we compare acceptance rates of contributions from men versus women in an open source software community. Surprisingly, our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's. However, women's acceptance rates are higher only when they are not identifiable as women. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists" nonetheless.https://peerj.com/preprints/1733/
You're claiming people are finding sexism where none exists. This thread alone shows that the post is a magnet for sexism. It's not crying wolf. Your claim is a denial that it exists in at least one context where it's incredibly clearly a factor.
So yeah, I extrapolated your opinion to other cases like this. Probably because this attitude has been seen since sexism first became a concern in society. This thread, again, is illustrating that quite well.