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  • It's only bad when the game isn't a stealth game and also has shittastic stealth mechanics.

    It's worse when it's the opposite, like Deus Ex: Human Revolution where the game is meant to be played in stealth, but then the boss battles are straight up FPS style shootouts when most players probably didn't put points into combat skills or armor because they're supposed to be a sneaky spy.

    I honestly think the most egregious bullshit that has to do with stealth is Elden Ring and Sekiro. They have decent enough stealth mechanics, but they also have enemies that straight up don't give a fuck that you're in stealth so you're never actually able to sneak around the entire time. It's not that upsetting in ER, given it's not the intended method of play, but in Sekiro you're a literal god damn ninja who relies on being unseen. And iirc, Fromsoft also made Tenchu; one of the best stealth games of all time.

  • There's a danger in any game where it might be largely designed and marketed to be one thing, and then has lengthy mandatory sections where it becomes another.

    Poorly made stealth sections are a prime example. Game designers want to change things up, but if the game isn't made to do stealth, it can easily turn into an annoying mess. There are a few (not a ton, but a few) games where the mandatory stealth sections are well liked, but they were made to carefully take advantage of the game's strengths and knew when to end.