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Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' | Business Insider India

  • Lmg, he'll be exempt from this surveillance along with all his rich ass-hole buddies

    • Subjugating the working class majority is literally the whole point of establishing a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

      • Didn't the French have a solution to this problem? Something about heads, or a lack there of.

  • Dude is crying for a guillotine. Someone tell this asshole movies aren't real life events. lmao

  • "[Stupid rich person shit]"

    --Larry Ellison, soon to be major shareholder of Paramount

  • Thank you all for these comments, they have made another horrible piece of news a bit less horrible (by knowing people are apaled by this shit).

  • Larry "privacy is dead, get over it" Ellison.

  • What behaviors of Larry Ellison is it going to help change? Hoarding wealth to the detriment of society? Attacking the tech sector with their army of lawyers? AI monitoring billionaires sounds strange, but I'm willing to see how it goes.

  • Only the fact that he is able to say shit like that out loud is a sign of a rotting society. People are ok with being their slaves

  • People can rise up at any time and start destroying the machines that guard them.

    It's not bad enough yet but at some point, people won't accept it anymore. Probably when they have almost nothing left to fight for.