Here's a little story that shows how much society has become dystopian:
Back in the 90's, I worked in France for a while. When I was there, a case was brought up against the state that had violated a CNIL rule: some dude was cheating on his taxes by claiming he lived at some address. Tthe French fiscal administration sued him because they obtained a file from the electricity company and another from the water utilty company showing that the consumption of both electricity and water were so low it wasn't consistent with the dude actually living there.
The case was thrown out, the dude walked and the state was fined because it had violated a rule that clearly stipulated cross-referencing files for the purpose of extracting secondary information that wasn't available in each single file was a violation of privacy and civil liberties.
I shit you not. This used to be a thing.
Can you imagine this today? All the Big Data sonsaremoved cross-reference billions of files ALL THE TIME and nobody bats an eyelid anymore.
If you're old enough, you remember sovereign states taking privacy seriously. If you're not, you don't. And that's how Big Data gets away with what they do today because fewer and fewer people remember a time when it was unacceptable.