People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
Guess my favorites..!
"What is this? Did the quadratic formula explode? I see a 'Strong ba' in there, but it's getting eaten, by some... Linux or something."
"No way. You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older..."
63 0 ReplyWe had that light switch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off. Not so you could throw light switch raves!
22 0 ReplyThe system! Is down! The system! Is down! The system! Is down!
9 0 ReplyNow let’s go break open that glow stick into home star runners Mountain Dew. I hear they have to pump your stomach when you drink that stuff.
7 0 ReplyThis is quoted in my house A LOT
1 0 Reply
Computer over. Virus = very yes
Computer over.
Virus = Very Yes.
"Computer over"? "Virus = very yes"!? That's not a good prize!
Dude, sbemail #118 - virus is pure meta brilliance.
13 0 Reply
I said come on fhqwhgads, I said come on fhqwhgads
Everybody to the limit! Everybody to the limit! Everybody come on fhqwhgads!
43 0 Reply23 0 ReplyWhut the hell?
5 0 ReplyIts close, but not an exact match
4 0 Reply
The chief is to the limit
7 1 Replychief
Oh...oh no.
10 0 Reply
34 0 ReplyThe burninator
8 0 ReplyConsummate V's!
8 0 Reply
And I will never ever ever ever ever write a song about the Sibby.
25 0 Reply"Well let me introduce you to my main man Edgar!"
-Edgar antivirus, programmed entirely in mom's basement
25 0 ReplyScan Complete!
Viruses Found
A New Record!!
22 0 ReplyComputer over?!
Virus equals Very Yes?!
19 0 ReplyDid you get a virus? No.. Did you get 400,000 viruses? Yes, very yes.
3 0 Reply
Drop a train on em Edgar
4 0 Reply
Techno. My son does too. He throws light switch raves.
Or Crazy Cartoon. Or Japanese Cartoon.
No, no, it's Virus. Tough to understand the jumping off the screen or popup gags these days, though.
22 0 ReplyAnother vote for "Virus." Lots of 4th wall breaking. Also, the anti-virus report from "Edgar"
"Computer over? Virus = Very Yes?"
20 0 ReplyIt's in a better place now. Actually, it's in the same place, but with a big hole in it!
3 0 ReplyYou murderer! You killed my brother! I mean, computer!
3 0 Reply
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?
That’s not a good prize!
17 0 ReplyHey, I just saw someone post desktop bg of this on a different community.
14 0 Reply5 0 ReplyThat was also me... ;)
4 0 Reply
I put the EdgarWare jingle into 8088 Tetris Attack.
"Very yes" has become an unironic part of my vocabulary.
2 0 Reply
I haven't been able to find it in years, but SB got an email from some chick who wanted to bone him (or whatever PG-13 lingo they used), and accidently deleted it. He panics, then gets another email that's all broken English, but claiming to be the same person. At first excited, he then says:
"You are not [name]! You are not even literate!" And let me tell you, my 10 year old ass laughed until I dang near pissed myself
17 1 Reply"Come back Ali... Come back Ali's sister..."
11 0 ReplyThat was the "sisters" sbemail!
"Well, Ali. There's ONE of me. A-deleted..."
8 0 ReplyHoly crap, I was convinced I'd never get to see it again! That's exactly the one, watched it just now! Thanks!
2 0 Reply
Then he'd dream about who's hotter. Ali or Ali's sister. And you could click on the pictures and they would cycle through women from Leisure Suit Larry.
4 0 ReplyYes! OMG, I'd forgotten about that!
1 0 Reply
We put that second lightswitch in so that you could turn the lights on and off
14 0 ReplyNot so you could throw light switch raves!
10 0 Reply
My daughter's 8th grade French teacher was the writer of one. I felt brushed by fame.
14 0 ReplyCheckin' my email hopin' it's from a female
14 0 ReplyI often quote light switch rave 😁
13 0 ReplyTechno:
I was never a huge fan of the series, only watched a few animations, but this stuck with me.
13 0 ReplyThe system
Is down
The system
Is down
6 0 Reply
Trogdor, Computer Virus.
Also, "A One that is not cold is scarcely a One at all"
12 0 ReplyI little email
Some you and me-mail
Haha that’s about as much as I can remember, aside from Trogdor
11 0 Reply“Hello, my name is Trevor. I am a vampire and…”
I am a vampire and what? I am a vampire and… here’s a million dollars?
11 0 ReplySome of the very first ones were great; Trevor the vampire, and the one that birthed Homsar (possibly the very first one?). Stuck with it for all the classics; lightswitch rave, Trogdor, teen girl squad, 20X6, Sweet Cuppin' Cakes (I still bring up Eh, Steve! to this day).
Eventually they started getting longer and longer and lost a lot of the punchiness and I stopped watching.
I think my favourite is probably Trogdor. The way Strong Mad has just carved 'DAGRON' into the table always makes me chuckle for some reason.
11 0 ReplyTrogdor is definitely my number one sbemail.
7 0 Reply
It is difficult to pick a favorite.
Of course I have a fondness for "Dragon."
"Virus" comes to mind as well as a particularly good showcase of Flash animation. Some of the magic is lost now that Flash is dead and you're probably going to view the cartoon in a video player, but as originally presented they really pulled off some great interface screws like having Homestar pick apart the links at the bottom.
I really miss the Flash era, it felt so much more creative. Hell just having "cartoon or game" as a sliding scale was cool; Homestar Runner cartoons were all at least slightly interactive in ways no one does anymore for lack of a suitable media.
11 1 ReplyIt is difficult to pick a favorite.
All my emails is like my childrens!
5 0 Reply
The only one I really remember is Trogdor, but in order to keep it in my heart, I am a proud owner of Trogdor!!: The Boardgame
9 0 ReplyI had a trogdor polo shirt, with a little trogdor embroidered where the polo guy usually is. I think my ex covertly threw it away at some point while we dating for 7 years.
I will never forgive her.
3 0 Reply
i think this oc is relevant
9 0 ReplyThe intro to #41, Invisibility, has always been a favorite. Don't need this anymore. Don't need THIS anymore 'smacks computer off desk'
8 0 ReplyFor behold, the 386! A spectacle of graphics and sound!
version 1.5
7 0 Reply
"There's a rainbow in my pocket and I think it's starting to melt"
Is a quote from them and I can't remember which? Not i was literally just singing this to myself.
But I really like a lot of them... But if I had to pick one off the top of my head?
TROGDOR or children's book (? Title? - no two kids are not on fire!)
8 0 Replychildren's book (? Title? - no two kids are not on fire!)
Damn near pissed myself laughing the first time I saw it.
4 0 Reply“There’s a rainbow in my pocket and I think it’s starting to melt”
4 0 Reply
I don't really remember them well enough to say. I remember the iconic ones but those weren't necessarily my favorites.
I used to watch Teen Girl Squad Valentimes every Valentine's Day for a long time, but that's not a sbemail.
8 0 ReplyI loved Teen Girl Squad so much
1 0 Reply
"And the dragon comes in the ...NIIIIIIIIIGH"
8 0 ReplyI said consummate Vs. Consummate!!
8 0 ReplyGuy wouldn't know majesty if it bit him in the face!
-that happened once
6 0 Reply
"The Cheat is grounded!"
8 0 Reply"We had that lightswitch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off. Not so you can throw lightswitch raves!
Now let's go break open that glowstick and pour it into Homestar Runner's Mountain Dew."
11 0 ReplyI hear they have to pump your stomach when you drink that stuff
2 0 Reply
When he taped on a bunch of fake "fingers" to get people to stop asking "how do you type with boxing gloves on?"
8 0 ReplyStrongbad email maybe from a female.
My favorite is Kids' Book. "Some people are very tall and merciless, Quincy is destroying San Antonio."
7 0 ReplyStrongbad email maybe from a female.
That was the "sisters" sbemail, where Strong Bad gets a message from Ali asking if he has a girlfriend, and that there's two of them, implying she has a sister. Strong Bad talks in a romantic voice, and ends up accidentally deleting Ali's message.
3 0 ReplyI couldn't remember what one that was, thank you. I knew it wasn't kids book bit thats one of the things I still say all the time
2 0 Reply
Gotta have blue hair
7 0 ReplyMan, "japanese cartoon" really was the birth of a legend. Can't forget the fond memories of playing that Stinkoman video game!
7 0 Reply
Senor Cardgage Mortgage
7 0 ReplyThe one about techno is probably my favorite. I still have that song stuck in my head and I haven't heard it in probably 10+ years. I'll randomly say THE SYSTEM IS DOWN every now and then
6 0 Replythe cheat is grounded
2 0 Replya friend of mine used that song as his on-call ringtone for a while as a sysadmin
2 0 ReplyI quote this ALL. THE. TIME.
1 0 Reply
I caught my kids to throw light switch raves, but they don't know the context. It's spread to their friends, also context-less.
But really, I don't think anything can top that one email where Compy gets Old Yellered.
6 0 ReplyAnd… if you are some sort of robot, do you use your powers for good? Or for awesome?
6 0 Reply"Hey Strongbad - check out my creepy pants!"
6 0 ReplyThere's one where someone asks him how to start a metal band(?). Gotta be ugly or else hot glue cornflakes to your face and use words that start with 'DE' like decrepit or decompose. Except maybe...
DENTIST Jugga jigga wugga DELI-STYLE jugga jigga wugga
5 0 ReplyLil Brudder was always my favorite. He has the heart of a champion!
4 0 Reply"my mouth tastes like.. emails"
whatever the gd one with stinko man is gold
4 0 ReplyI liked the one where he drank a whole bottle of soy sauce and tried to fly Bubs' concession stand.
4 0 ReplyIdk if it was an sbemail or not but I love the news report one where strongmad is throwing the cheat up in there air for a helicopter live update
4 0 ReplyA lot of my favorites have already been mentioned, but I don't see "Caper" yet.
"Thanks for stopping by; thanks for breaking my cow lamp," is still common parlance in our household.
And "The Cheat Is Not Dead" is a classic Strongbad hit.
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyTrogdor
4 0 Reply"The Cheat is one handsome fellow!
That was definitely an ugly bird."
4 0 ReplyCan't remember specifics, but I do remember playing the point and click adventure game on Steam, that was a blast
3 0 ReplyWhats homestar runner? I looked it up but didn't understand very quickly so I figured fans could tell me in a shorter way than a websearch can
4 1 ReplyIt’s a website from the early 2000’s that had absurdist flash animations centered around weird cartoon characters in a fictional small town. It was kind of like a weird interactive TV show for a while.
17 0 ReplyAh nice, that sounds cool. I probably would have enjoyed it if I had been old enough at the time
1 0 Reply
Old animated webcomic
4 1 Reply
Yeah, man. I'll gnaw your face off.
- Teh C.
3 0 ReplyHow do you choose? I always loved Teen Girl Squad.
3 0 ReplyI still refer to energy drinks as caffeinergy sauce.
3 0 ReplyWhat are you? Some kind of tape leg?
2 0 ReplyStrongbad gets a virus...yes...very yes!
2 0 ReplyI see a Strong Ba in there, but it's getting eaten by some Linux or something.
3 0 Reply
"Spring Cleaning" felt like a turning point to me, in a good way! I feel so fresh, so clean!
"Kid's Book" was absolutely my favorite.
2 0 ReplyCheck check, check da emails!!!
2 0 ReplyThe one where he talks about hot gluing corn flakes to your face, singing from the bowels of your lungs, and creeping rusty meat in reference to death metal is good.
2 0 ReplyIs there a Homestar Lemmy? I'm missing this in my life.
1 0 ReplyThe Facts
Fact 2 Garbledina
1 0 ReplyThey used to have a set of drinking glasses. Worth every penny.
1 0 Reply
Some people are squirrel handed! Gregor is a weird name.
1 0 ReplyAll I remember is “Checkin’ da email…”
1 0 Reply