Posts 0
Comments 6
What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember? 12 0
What's your favorite Christmas song? 4 0
White Christmas.
The melody and chords both more complex than the average poppy Christmas song and yet are still musically perfect to me somehow.
Services for removing your data from public databases 1 0
I use it and haven’t had any issues with it.
People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch? 17 0
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?
That’s not a good prize!
There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 1 0
I guess there’s no cultural memory remaining at Intel of
I predict that they will indeed end up eventually doing a recall despite what they told The Verge, but only after their reputation is even more irreversibly damaged than it already has been due to this issue.