Look up "thebootydiaries tumblr sweaty" and give the images that come up a brief scroll. I'm not very creative so I'm just gonna tell you that we can do this all day.
(edit: I've realized you probably already know about this and I'm the one missing the joke but i saw a brief opportunity to contribute and took it so I'm not taking it down.)
I'm sorry that happened. People should be able to have a real discussion about issues without attacking common sense.
So in that case you would be the contrarian that this post is talking about. It's almost as though critical thinking is good. Reactionaries may be the most vocal and abundant people on some posts, but that doesn't mean they are right or willing to take a good look and discuss the topic at hand
you can sense the change in air pressure as several walls of NUH-UH are rapidly approaching your position to explain in excruciating detail why and how the point you made wasn't nearly as reasonable as you believed it had been. or just yell at you a lot >_>;
Any time you point out the DNC is only slightly less evil than the GOP and that voting or otherwise working inside the system isn't the solution to save America and instead just delays the inevitable
What about the exception-makers. They agree…sorta, but always have to carve out a little spot for them to be more right, or you wrong, in an often irrelevant way.